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Everything posted by Davedevil

  1. It's nice that they're breaking out of the trilogy format. It'd be interesting to see what direction they take the series.
  2. They were made back to back with the intention of being one huge story, like what they're doing with The Hobbit now.
  3. Peter Dinklage and James McAvoy are clearly having a contest.
  4. Coincidentally I just watched it last night with a friend of mine. I guess I was in a mood, cause I just didn't enjoy it.
  5. My first e-mail got read! Made my day! I'm pretty sure that the Regeneration boxset is a UK exclusive. It's not on the main site but it is on Amazon UK.
  6. Favorite: Return of the Jedi Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Revenge of Sith Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones Best: Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi Revenge of the Sith Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones
  7. I went to see it in 3D and didn't get too much out of it. The bit in Pepper's office is the only one that sticks out in my mind. As for the movie, I loved it. There were a few times when I was looking at my watch but other than that, I had so much fun.
  8. The thing with Anakin and Obi-Wan swinging their lightsabers, not doing anything was explained on Tumblr. Apparently it's a fencing thing where you're daring the other to strike first. And because this is a post on this forums about Tumblr, "OMG THE FEELS" I think that the pregnancy, the stress from finding out that Anakin did what he did, getting Force Choked and the environment of Mustafar was what led to Padme dying. Of course, I'm not an advanced medical droid so what do I know? Anyways, great episode guys. I need to watch this again; I'm pretty sure I've only seen it once, and that was...8 years ago. Man.
  9. Oh thank God. I heard rumors that Tom Hiddleston was going to be cast and if that ever happened, I'm just straight up quitting Tumblr.
  10. Brian Minchin, who was the script editor for series 5 and a producer on Sarah Jane Adventures, is now the executive producer. Also what do you guys think of this?
  11. WANT. All mine are pretty generic(The TARDIS doors, "Don't Blink" and "The Doctor is in") I have to say, Stolen Earth/Journey's End might be my favorite of the RTD season finales. It's bloated as all hell and the thing with Rose just pisses me off to no end, but I love Davros and the Daleks in it, it's fantastic seeing all of the companions together and the ending is just really powerful.
  12. Speaking of, look at what I found on Tumblr(from Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS) I disagree with the thing of it becoming too complicated. I look at Modern Who like comic books from the 80s; if you're just in it for the fun, you can not really pay attention to the little stuff. If you just tuned in to "The Bells of St John", if you can get past the stuff with the Doctor being all weird and stalker-y with Clara, you can enjoy the adventure. The sexiness, I'm not really bothered by, since that's a generational thing. /shrug The TARDIS gets into their heads and translates for them.
  13. I just watched this and I thought it was okay. It had some nice moments and effects, but I didn't find it that engaging.
  14. I don't really get how that rumor got started,
  15. The Daredevil movie actually made me a fan of the character. I thought Affleck did a great job.
  16. I haven't seen Hide yet, but from the promos, I got a strong Pyramids of Mars vibe from it. Now that you say it, I can see what you mean. Bells of St John and Rings of Akhaten felt like Pertwee stories(at least, from what I know) Okay, just saw it, and I thought it was great. I think it's the second best so far, behind The Snowmen.
  17. I liked it. Had a nice Alien and Predator vibe to it.
  18. I greatly enjoyed it. Smith and Coleman worked well together, it had a nice pace and there were a lot of fun bits.
  19. Apparently, Smith'll be done with the role by the Christmas special. It's the Sun, though, and I know they have a reputation for being inaccurate.
  20. I wish they just went ahead and gotten Drew Struzan to paint that one poster, since that's the vibe they were going for with it.
  21. Has anybody been keeping up with that limited series? How is it so far?