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Everything posted by Davedevil

  1. So there is a thread for this show here. Awesome. I finished season two a couple of weeks ago and man what a cliffhanger. Is anyone else following this show?
  2. I just spent the last hour reading through this thread. I think I've laughed enough for the whole rest of the year.
  3. Ehh....I hate the Cybermen and absolutely love Gaiman and his writing. Can't really complain, though.
  4. Plus, Superman Returns was hampered by his love for the first two Superman films. If Singer is returning, I wouldn't have much of an issue.
  5. Ugh, can't wait. That looks kickass.
  6. I wish the distribution of episodes for each show was in way that you get to discuss both Love and Monsters and Fear Her in one awesome, swear-filled,hilarious podcast.
  7. I always thought Neil Patrick Harris could make a good Johnny Storm. That could just be my NPH love clouding my judgement.
  8. Davedevil

    DC reboot

    Keith Giffen and Tom Raney are doing a new book starring the cosmic characters. It's gonna be DC's answer to Annihilation. But then, Blue Beetle's getting cancelled. DAMN IT.
  9. I hated this two-parter. I wanted to never see them again after the finale.(That reminds me, I should watch The Next Doctor some time.)
  10. I thought it was good. Nothing really stood out,(other than Matt Smith being freaking amazing) but I enjoyed it. The ending was a little bit cheesy, though and the narration was awful.
  11. Just watched this. I enjoyed it, but I felt it was lacking some of the spirit of the comics. The Legends of the Dark Knight episode of The New Batman Adventures spoiled me; I know that they're never going to straight up adapt Miller's art style to animation, but some of the raw nature has been lost with how smooth the style was. Other than that, I thought it was fine. The VA was fine, other than some wonky moments with Gordon and Bruce at the beginning but they improved as it went along.
  12. I really enjoyed it. I loved Rory's dad, I think we should see a least five more adventures with him(get to it expanded universe writers!) Fandom is going fucking crazy right now, to the point where Steven Moffat actually deactivated his Twitter account. I don't know what the hell is going on.
  13. I need to look him up. As a massive Joker fan, I'm always wary about new people voicing the character.
  14. I really like Asylum of the Daleks. My only quibble with it is
  15. James Gunn, director of "Super", might direct this. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/james-gunn-marvel-guardians-of-the-galaxy-363928
  16. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/172081-christopher-eccleston-wins-villain-role-in-thor-the-dark-world- Confirmed! Ohhoohooohoohoohoooyesyesyes
  17. Something to make you guys go "holy shit!" What was the most important part of the last act, and where did we see this before?
  18. Out of the two hours and forty minutes, I enjoyed probably the last thirty, and whenever Catwoman or JGL was onscreen. I thought this was pretty dull. I seriously hope this is the last of the uber serious superhero movies.
  19. Yeah, I thought how Peter got his powers is a little bit too convoluted, like how they did the origin in the Ang Lee Hulk film. I was going to do a whole bit comparing both, but I don't really want to remember the 2003 Hulk movie. Plus, it's hard to write about what lead Peter to getting his powers. It's easier to just watch it.