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Posts posted by Holacik

  1. Though it could be the virus Mohinder was afraid would cross to the general public, I'm leaning towards Sylar and Maya.

    It actually could be both, the Virus mutates in either Sylar or Maya(depending on Sylar getting his powers back) where it makes powers go all wacky(like the Legacy Virus) and it makes the Plague virus in Maya with a larger radius or keeps it airbourn...of course Peter's girl could get infected in the future and bring it back to the present...

  2. Nathan could get his life back together and still wind up in office thanks to the company. And as I said, the future is tweaked; instead of the city going BOOM!, the world is being plagued.

    with 93% of the populace dead. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Hero plauge that the company is messing with. Oh and it looks like the company cure Jessica of Niki instead of the other way around.

  3. The Thing from, you guessed it, The Thing

    How will he kill you?

    By mimicking a person and either fostering a culture of paranoia amongst an isolated group to the point that they turn on each other, or by suddenly growing a new mouth somewhere in its crotch region and biting your face off.

    How can you win?

    If you suspect one of your co-workers or loved ones is The Thing, arm yourself and follow them around for as long as it takes. Given enough time, it will either attack you, attack someone else, or turn around and yell, "YES! OK! I'M THE THING! CONGRATULATIONS! NOW, WILL YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE SO I CAN TAKE A SHIT?" At this point, set it on fire and run away.

    This tactic can equally be applied to the Body Snatchers, creditors and minor inconveniences. Also, if you suspect one of your enemies is The Thing, smile! He or she died a painful death before getting taken over.

    I know this is supposed to be a joke but man, the thing is probably the most impossible monster to escape from. It dosen't ever have to com,e at you directly all it has to do is spit in your drink and once you drink it it will take you over from the inside out.

  4. I'm going out on a limb and guessing that Bob is Elle's(Bell) dad. I don't see any other possibilities.

    I don't think so. I think her Dad is the big bad this season and it sure as hell isn't Bob(aka Midas). He just dosen't have the brains or the stones, it's obvious that Linderman was the brains there and with him gone his faction is getting cut down. I think that Parkman's dad is the man's number two. I think Nakamura(George Takei(sp?)) is still alive. That whole death scene seems really weak.

  5. After watching the first 3 episodes, I have some questions about Livia.

    She doesn't seem to know anything after her "death", because she didn't know Dan had married Katie. Does she only travel backwards from the point she disappeared?

    I've heard the time travel in this show is very much like that in Quantum Leap. Meaning, they can only travel within their own lifetimes. If Livia "died" eight years ago, she can't travel beyond that date, hence not knowing who Dan married.

    She didn't actually die though. Maybe her mission is to help him and she just hasn't returned yet since she isn't done...

  6. Deadpool might work if they brought him in as a merc in Wolverine 2 and he really stood out as a whacky anti-hero. It would be especially fun to see him as a slightly amoral whackjob hired to take down Wolverine. I could see a Deadpool movie working that way but theres no way he could draw on his own. At least tying in his origin with Wolvie makes him memorable to moviegoers.

    Give up the dream people there will never be a deadpool movie...

  7. Plus doesn't Sylar realise that he shouldn't take every power he comes across.

    As we saw last night, he kills because he has a compulsion to do it. He killed a non powered guy when he heard the "clock" ticking in his head. I think taking the powers and his killing are two different things. He kills because he feels a need to, and takes powers because he wants to be the only person with powers. If it was just about powers, then he wouldn't kill regular folks.

    I thought he killed Derek because he was going to call the cops about the twins. Sylar knew something was up with them and he wanted to know what.

    He killed Derek because he was going to do something,either call the cops or ditch the twins, neither of which is prefable to Sylar as he wants thier power. So he made the suggest to Derek to call the cops so he could get him alone. I took the ticking clock as his power was starting to come back. I also think that his power also gives him complete control over a power, or at least to learn to control it faster. As he had no problems with Ted's, and after a few hours had control over his superhearing(the best the chick could do really was to drown it out with music. So if he takes Maya's power, I think he could control it. The new orleans chick should watch Bruce Lee movies fast foreward...