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Posts posted by Holacik

  1. Well that bored me to tears. Everything you said, Holacik, I agree with completely... and more.

    Well at least the Doctor was actually killed. I'm not sure why I bothered watching the second episode, I really dislike the charcater. I don't get why after she found out he had been keeping tabs on her, why she would all of the sudden want to sleep with some guy she didn't even know at bar bathroom. Then the whole 'sure I'll save the world as long as it dosen't conflict with my schedule' crap she said to the boss when she joined, came off really selfish. Honestly the Sarah(the first Bionic woman) seems far more interesting and might be the only reason I keep watching until it gets cancelled.

  2. Hmm. I could have sworn at least one finger was missing. Either way, you're right: regeneration powers do not make one immune to pain. Wolverine feels every cut and bullet wound.

    Exactly, if I had her powers I would be more prone to put myself at risk for getting hurt, but I sure as hell wouldn't be cutting myself for the hell of it. I'm not a big fan of pain...

  3. Something just dawned on me: why was Claire so eager to see if she could regrow appendages? I mean, didn't she regenerate her fingers / hand in the very first episode of Heroes?

    No they were still there just mangled. She's got a crazy threshold for pain though. Just because you can heal dosen't mean you should stick your hand in boiling water if you don't have to. Plus why risk cutting off a toe if your not sure it will grow back? Just seems dumb...

  4. Rodriguez Helming Zombie Pic Fragile

    Eduardo Rodriguez has signed on to direct zombie film Fragile for Rogue Pictures.

    Based on the graphic novel by Stephano Raffaele, the story kicks off after an airborne virus has reduced much of the Earth's population to feral zombies. A recently undead soldier then teams with a female zombie and a human teenager, racing against time to find a cure before being hunted down by the soldier's former military unit.

    Jeff Dixon adapted the screenplay of the Humanoids-published graphic novel.

    John Baldecchi, Justin Connolly, Pierre Spengler and Fabrice Giger are producing. Keith Dinielli is co-producer.

    I've never heard of Fragile. Is it any good?

    Whoa wait two zombies are working with a livivng person to find a cure? It dosen't quite sound like they are normal zombies...

  5. I gasped when the Haitian first appeared, and then laughed with glee when he found his way to the copy shop!

    And I don't think he cancels Maya's power; he seems to absorb it, hence his eyes.

    Yeah Bennett has a nice little group. The Haitian, Parkman, Mohinder and the little girl he's setup pretty well. I'm interested to see where it goes from there. Yea there's something funky with the twins, it's definitely not cut and dry.

  6. The Irish accents are terrible, but Peter's story is the best thing on the show not named Hiro.

    In case anyone cares one of the Irish guys is Dominic Keating from Enterprise(He plays Malcolm the tactical officer) He hasn't had a line yet. Also I am convinced that only one twin has a power. I think she has the power to cause the disease, and she just thinks that her brother can stop it(If his power was just to cancel out her power he wouldn't have to hold her hands and sing to her. As soon as he was close enough it should have cancelled it out. It seems like he just calms her down enough to where she can control it. If you notice at one point his eyes turn black which is one of the symptoms of the disease)

  7. Anyone else watching this? It's totally a modern Quantum Leap, except that Dan doesn't know why he's traveling through time and his companion is an iPhone instead of Al. It's a really fun, emotional show.

    Repeats of the first episode can be found on SciFi and USA.

    Well Sam really didn't know why he was bouncing around either. When's the next replay? I opted watch the last hour of Raw last week after Heroes but that was a bit of a mistake...

  8. Anyone else catch this show? I thought it was great, Really funny. A quick summary on a slacker's 21st birthday he finds out that his parents sold his soul to the Devil(the standard first born deal). All the Devil wants him to do is catch the souls of people who broke out of jail(they have some overcrowding issues). It's mostly a comedy and its really worth a look.

  9. What did you guys make of the part with Nathan seeing the burned face in the mirror? It's obviously Peter, and it looks like he's even wearing the necklace mentioned earlier.

    He's struggling with crazy amounts of grief after killing his brother (he doesn't know Peter's still alive). I just took it as an extension of that.

    I thought this episode was all right. Hiro's story is still far and away the most interesting to me, and I'm getting really bored with Claire. My big hang-up is that they already have so many strong characters that they don't need to be introducing more. They had a tough time keeping tabs on everybody last season, this year's going to feel like a fifteen-ring circus.

    Eh probably not. Iassic and Ted had alot of screen time and both are gone which opens up room for more. I'm really curious to know what happened with the election. Nathan won thanks to Micah rigging the election. Did he just give it up, or is does the general population think he's dead?

  10. The show was okay, but I had a few problems with it. First if the original bionic woman was sent to kill the scientist why didn't she see if he was dead after she rammed his car with a truck? Then when she tried to kill him with the sniper rifle she hit his shoulder? She' cybernetically enhanced that first bullet should have been a killshot. Then when the two bionic women were fighting on the roof it ended basically in a draw. Which dosen't make any sense. The first bionic woman was a solider, has almost all of her body enhanced and has three years experience using it. She should have wrecked the new girl who just started using her abilities and still has one normal arm. Honestly she shouldn't have been able to land a punch.

  11. You really can't expect her to stay away from everyone for the rest of her life. As long as she's with her brother, she's fine. It's not her fault those guys tried to rape her and kicked her brother off the truck. I don't see how you can blame her for that. All those deaths are the fault of the driver and his partner, and nobody else's. From now on she is going to have to be a lot more careful, but she still wants to get to the cure. Whether it exists or not doesn't matter.

    What did you guys make of the part with Nathan seeing the burned face in the mirror?

    It's obviously Peter, and it looks like he's even wearing the necklace mentioned earlier.

    It's not the drivers fault, I mean he is a scumbag, but he had no idea that leaving her brother behind would cause all the deaths. They didn't even say anything to him. They both knew what was going to happen but they didn't warn them. Would they have listen to her? No probably not, but even on the romote chance that they would is better than them staying quiet. Honestly this is one situation that suicide would be for the greater good. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. What happens if she's seperated from her brother again? Would you still defend her position?The worst part is that are going to get a cure that Suresh might have. Their not sure if he has it. To risk the lives of innocent people on an a belief is selfish. How many lives are worth it? This is going to sound bad but is her life more important then ten lives?

  12. It's selfish of her to seek a cure that will save countless lives?

    From this point forward, it wouldn't surprise me if they strap their wrists together.

    A cure that may or may not exist? You know how she could save countless lives? By not putting them at risk to begin with. How many people were on that truck? Ten? How many 'accidental' deaths are acceptable? She drew the short straw at powers, that sucks, but when will enough be enough? At what point should she be accountable for her actions? If there is a chance that you could accidently kill people would you head to a densely populated city where there might be a cure?

  13. Not harsh at all. She is very scared and believes there is a cure. Plus while her brother is around she is safe. When those guys separted them that was their fault. Its no different than taking the safety of gun off. They were going to rape her and got what they deserved. The people in the back I feel sorry for but Its not her fault, she has no understanding of how her or her brother's powers work. Just like Peter at the start. Some powers like Claire's or Nathan's are obivious and don't need instructionsand some do.

    If it was the first time it happened then yea I would say it wasn't her fault but once she knew what she could do but couldn't control then it is very much her fault. It isn't the same as taking a safty off the gun because they had no idea what she was capable of. If she makes it to New York and is seperated from her brother again how many people will die? Innocent people who just could be walking down the street or riding in the back of a truck looking for a better oppurtunity in life. She knows shes dangerous, but she is selfishly looking for a cure(which they don't even know if Suresh has) and putting countless lives at risk.

  14. Knight is in negotiations to play Microchip, the Punisher's armorer and confident — the man who supplies him with his stockpile of weapons and one of the few people who knows the Punisher's true identity.

    He has a secret identity now...? :unsure:

    Ha, That's exactly what I was thinking...

  15. I noticed it, I was like was that nathan? But I wasn't sure untill the showed him in the apartment. As for Peter I'm pretty sure that exploding is quite a tramatic experience to go through so I'm leaning towards that as his memory lose and not the Haitian. I have no sympahty for Maya, In my eyes she is directly responsible for everyone who was on that truck. She knows she has a power that she can't control and yet she is still choses to be around people. She should isolate herself or kill herself.

  16. Speaking of Eccleston, I never rated the guy when the first series aired in the UK as I always thought he was too over the top with his cheesy grins, it wasnt until recently when I rewatched an episode or two that I finally came to like the guy and his over acting really really suited the role for him

    There's a really good reason as to way the Doctor's smile is soo cheesy. It's fake, just a mask that he uses to try and cover the massive amount of guilt that he feels for killing two races. It's the reason why he quickly helps the Gelth when he found out that they were destroyed by the affects of the time war. It's the reason why he had some much anger towards the Dalek in the episode 'Dalek'(Which is the best episode in that season. There's a bunch more examples of it in throughout the season.