George W.

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Everything posted by George W.

  1. George W.

    Awesome Memories

    I wore this shirt out. My first recorded LARPing experience. Not really geek related, but I think the expression on my face says it all. Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
  2. George W.


    10 bucks say they both air on Bravo.
  3. Well, this is Des we are talking about. If the villain of a movie doesn't stalk, torture, or kill at least 10 teenagers, he's not impressed.
  4. I'm not getting my hopes up. It is the sigh-fi channel, after all.
  5. I just finished watching both episodes of Castle. I can now officially kiss my Tuesdays goodbye.
  6. George W.


    Let's see... the first episode of Bigger on the Inside premiered November 23. There were about a month of promos beforehand, but I believe the first one occurred near the end of October, which would mean Episodes 277, 278, and 279. Scanning the forum archives, I see 277 and 278 both had about the same amount of comments, while 279 had 1 comment, eliminating it since the tease of a new podcast would have caused more of a ruckus. Now, 277 is a Waiting for the Trades, a fine segment to be sure, but perhaps not epic enough to announce a new addition to Earth-2. Therefore, it must be 278. Or, the less convoluted way, 278 was the 3-year anniversary of E-2: The Show and the annual Saw bashing. Assume Mike has enough promotional sense to put it there and check the comments for it.
  7. Lana Lang Pro: Um... she's kind hot? Cons: Everything Else. Just a horrible character for 6 1/2 seasons who really became the town bike by the end. Chloe Sullivan Pro: Sweet, loveable, smart, dependable, girl-next-door good looks. Cons: Original creation, which means she is so fucking dead sometime in the next 2 seasons.
  8. I'd say when Millar & Gough stopped being the showrunners the show took an even more angled nose dive, while I fully admit I stood by and supported the current season when it first started it's seriously pissing me off now. And yeah Tess looked like she was high on something. As I said in the previous post I'm sick of the Doomsday thing being held back constanly, if they hadn't done that goddamn time reverse we could have had a few good episodes. And as far as Zatanna goes what else has she been in inside the DCU? because as everyone knows I've only seen her within the DCAU. That's why I thought she was just a BatVerse character. Agree with Cassidy Freeman looking haggard. The Doomsday thing needed to be pushed back, considering we still have 6 episodes to go in the season. Besides, I like the Davis Bloom arc right now (of course, I've always been a Hulk fan). Millar & Gough's last season was so fucking terrible that I nearly quit the show, so this one was a breath of fresh air up until the Lana episodes. Now it's just trying to get it's feet under it again. The Jimmy Olsen arc has me conflicted, as he really did have a point but he should never be that much of an asshole. Zatanna has been around since the 60's and was introduced in Hawkman. More recently, she was a major part of Identity Crisis back in 2004 when it was revealed that she, at the request of most of the Justice League, altered the memories of Doctor Light (making him more docile and removing the memory of raping one of the heroes wives) and Batman (who walked in as it was happening and only lost those few minutes).
  9. The Mechanic holds the lowest score on WFP since Mike realized that the entirety of the plot came from "Batman Returns".
  10. Well, Spike TV can finally pass on the title of stupidest name change ever. Still, what in the blue-balled butt-fuck are they smoking?
  11. At least the slow kid doesn't believe he's a super-genius who is redefining the paradigm.
  12. Go for Marvels first. You don't need a PhD in comic book history to understand it.
  13. I'm so sorry, Doug. Just remember that you are not alone and both of your parents love you. I've been the kid through two divorces, and while it isn't easy, there is an upside. Two birthdays, two Christmases. As for your friend, make sure they give you a call after they move. That way you have their number and can call them anytime, which helps them and you. Them (because they are going to feel disconnected wherever they go) and you (because you need all the friends you are going to meet in this world and you are going to experience a huge disconnect from family and friends).
  14. Linkara rants, Spoony raves. Oh, and my parents liked it. Just in case that mattered to someone other than me.
  15. He's also stated how much of a man-crush he has on Bruce Willis.
  16. The choices are: A)This tastes nothing like chicken! B)And now it's your turn! C)I AM A, BLOB!
  17. So, this was released this week. The public's reaction? A jaw-breaking yawn. For a movie with an estimated $50 million, that's not even close to good. Best of all, it currently has a rating of 0% at Rotten Tomatoes. It is ranked lower than Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead, Disaster Movie, and Meet the Spartans. The original Street Fighter movie is rated at 14%.
  18. "I am the terror that yaps in the night..." Bubba: "D-Von, Close you're eyes! Don't look!" Camera Man: "My God... It's full of stars..." "Unnaturally large chest, unnaturally large shoulders, unnatural muscle formations, no crotch... Liefeld modeled me after Chyna, didn't he?" "Perhapsyouashouldjoinmeforawakeupcall?" "...the fuck did you just say?"
  19. Wil Wheaton got to see Watchmen already and I think he likes it.
  20. God, no. Dubs is right, it's XP. I just prefer faster performance over looks great.
  21. Actually, Cable is Scott and Madeline Pryor's son.
  22. Made of Fail I found it through Linkara's blog (he was a guest in the last episode) and it's pretty good. Pretty much covers anything they think of, but mostly geek related topics.