George W.

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Everything posted by George W.

  1. Linkara: Uncanny X-Men #424 I'm not even through the recap and it's beyond awesome.
  2. Forget Seaquest. Go see Jaws. Now! I've seen Jaws already and leave SeaQuest alone damnit it's a good show Allow me to explain the point I think Des is trying to make. In your previous post, you said the only thing you recognized Roy Scheider from is the Punisher. He (and I) took it to mean you haven't seen Jaws. Now, Seaquest was a good show. Jaws is a fucking masterpiece of cinema. Therefore, go watch Jaws. Now that this has hopefully been sorted out, GO WATCH JAWS anyway.
  3. For some strange reason, I look at that picture and hear Daffy singing, "I'm so Blue" in my mind.
  4. It got up to 25 degrees farenheit (-4 for you celsius buffs). Little nippy. Had to break out my larger flannel jacket.
  5. Man, first Morgan Freeman, and now Sam Jackson? Who's next? Sydney Poitier? Denzell Washington? Don Cheadle?
  6. JR most likely. Considering that the next nominee is likely to be Bill Watts (as Watts has been saying on his website), it'll probably be Vince inducting Austin and JR inducting cowboy.
  7. Great read, Dan. I've seen 3 of the 5, and while I wasn't blown away, I do admire the sheer balls necessary to even attempt one of these (let alone an entire series). In addition to your thoughts, here's some of my own: In Harm's Way - "The Doomsday Machine" is one of those old Trek episodes I'll never get out of my head. Every Memorial Day when I was a kid, I'd watch the Trek marathon and it would invariably be on. It's not by any means a bad episode, but for an kid growing up in the mid-to-late 80's, it's really not that engrossing. Still, it was kind of nice to see some sort of resolution to the thing and even get a metric shit ton of fan service (parallel timelines, The Gateway, Captain Pike). And I was extremely giddy when even if it made no sense whatsoever. To Serve All My Days - I'm a Chekov mark, so seeing Walter Koenig going back to the character that made him famous was utter joy for me. Still, most of this episode really had me scratching my head. Was it real, a dream, a parallel timeline? Bad ending to an otherwise decent episode. World Enough and Time - Seeing Excelsior again was a real treat. Other than that, you pretty well nailed my thoughts on this one. I'd also like to point to another professionally made fan film called, "Of Gods and Men". Tim Russ (Tuvok from Voyager) created and directed this. It also co-stars Nichelle Nichols, Walter Koenig, Alan Ruck (Captain Harriman from Generations, Stuart from Spin City, Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off), and James Cawley.
  8. How exactly does a three person revolt work?
  9. I was gonna vote for a career retrospective of Dan Slott, but since there's no Other choice, I went with the 90's.
  10. Just watched the pilot of "Lie to Me", starring Tim Roth. I already want to watch the next episode. This show is gonna rock.
  11. So, I've been going through Facebook stuff, adding friend requests and sending them off to the E-2'ers (I'm George Hatch, by the by), when I get to this in my profile page: I haven't seen my dad in almost 25 years. I don't hate him, but I can't imagine talking to him being anything more than intensely uncomfortable. I mean, I understand why he left (got married and had a kid way too young, plus my mom is not the greatest picture of psychological stability), yet I can't help but feel a little resentful. Still, he's my dad. And that corny little joke is exactly the one I would've made in his place. I haven't felt this conflicted in a long time.
  12. He was a referee until the Y2J/HHH Hell in a Cell, where he suffered a very serious injury and had to retire as a ref. He's just been a road agent since that point forward, although there were those truly tasteless vignettes about him trying to kill himself... Anyway, my next pick for the chopping block: Goldust. He's the Attitude Era's Marty Jannetty.
  13. I'm more shocked about the Pearl Jam hate. I mean, who didn't love Ten or Animal?
  14. So they released F13th 3 in 3-D, but they won't do Jaws 3-D? I mean, it's not like it could hurt the film...
  15. Completely down. Not even a 404. Damn you, Comcast! Damn you to hell!
  16. "Leader of Men" by Nickleback. And that's really the only band I hate.
  17. Nice, Dan. And after a quick conversation about the new guy with two of my friends... Bingo!
  18. So, the WWE, in accordance with their new PG policy, has posted censored photos of a NUDE VICKIE GUERRERO. I'm tempted to look and post the link, out of a morbid sense of curiosity, but then I remembered I want to have an erection ever again.
  19. Holy bearded Moses, that shit still exists? Well, they only released two episodes this year (a third was trashed due to sound quality), but I don't listen to a lot of podcasts outside of Earth-2, so I'm counting it. Did you put on your robe and wizard hat?
  20. Best Video Game (and only new game I played this year): LEGO Batman Best Movie: The Dark Knight, although Iron Man and Tropic Thunder deserve honorable mentions Best TV Show (Drama): House, M.D. Best TV Show (Comedy): How I Met Your Mother Best TV Show (Sci-Fi): Doctor Who, although Eureka deserves some love with an honorable mention Most Surprisingly Good TV Show: Burn Notice Best Album: Whadda ya mean I can't nominate Alice in Chains?! Best Song: Sidekick - Stephen Lynch & David Josefsberg Best Podcast (non-E2): O-Forums Podcast Best Internet Find: (Tie) The Spoony Experiment & That Guy with the Glasses Best Comic Book: Giant Size Astonishing X-Men Best Personal Moment: Not a single fucking thing.