George W.

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Everything posted by George W.

  1. Of all the people to pull a Dennis Condrey, the Boogeyman wasn't near the top of the list.
  2. Everything I'm reading (PWTorch, Lords of Pain, Ring Posts) says Russo still writes the TV.
  3. And Russo still fucking works there. Unbelievable. TNA is like Elmer Fudd. Every time they have that wascally wabbit in their sights, they somehow manage to flip the barrel around and shoot themselves in the face.
  4. George W.


    Dead kittens are not really a deterrent for me, so I'll continue. 1) The only thing good about the 1st movie was James Woods. The rest was bad acting, poor scripting, and proof positive that John Carpenter had lost what little he was pleased to call his "touch". 2) Okay, Los Muertos is not a good film, but it's nowhere near as abysmal as John Carpenter's. And, through the memory augmenting powers of vodka, I realize that neither movie is anything close to the book. I just think Los Muertos is a little bit closer to the spirit.
  5. George W.


    Yup. It's boring as hell, yet amusing. I actually like it Los Muertos. Of course, I fucking loathe the original so I thought this was fresher and closer to the original novel.
  6. Blackest Night: Linkara & Spoony
  7. 1. During my time as a comic book fan, I have completely changed my opinion about the work of Stan Lee. 2. A recent trend in comics that I find most annoying is overhyped, underplanned ret-conning. 3. A recent trend in comics that I love is attracting writers from other mediums to comics. 4. I can't understand why Michael Stackpole doesn't have an ongoing series? 5. I wish that Joss Whedon had been able to give us more Astonishing X-Men. 6. They really need to make The Nightside into a comic book. 7. The next comic book or character adapted into a big budget movie needs to be Green Arrow. 8. Don't tell anyone but I secretly love Sal Buscema. (creator, character or title) 9. My dream job in comics would be to write Deadpool. 10. The character in comics that is closest to my own personality is probably Peter Parker, pre-retcon. Bonus: From question #4 - If you answered a creator, what title or character would you like to see them do? Astonishing X-Men
  8. Just got home to find Guest Booker with Jim Cornette rebooking the InVasion in my mailbox. *squee*
  9. The fact that I still have to wait 3 weeks for the PC version may just drive me batshit insane.
  10. George W.


    Superhero: Summer Shower Villain: Ice Ass
  11. George W.


    This is why you should be concerned, Ava
  12. George W.


    Mr. Vidger, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  13. I truly hope you're joking.
  14. TNA Star Kurt Angle Arrested, May Miss Hard Justice PPV
  15. I don't know whom you might be confusing me with, but I'll take your cheery well wishes none the less. Thank you.
  16. When was this? When he was regularly working with truly funny people, such as Chevy Chase and Martin Short. Who are also not funny anymore. Huh.