George W.

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Everything posted by George W.

  1. As of tonight, my seasonal employment is at an end. Job search, ho.
  2. I'd definitely agree with the payoffs, and mostly agree with the cliffhangers. But the season finale where Lex became Zod and trapped Clark in the Phantom Zone was a masterpiece.
  3. Kill them all and their children, then sterilize yourself however you see fit. You realize how stupid LtCG is, so you can live, but they must be taken out of the gene pool.
  4. We celebrate a day of peace. A day of harmony. A day of joy we can all share together joyously. A day that takes us through the darkness. A day that leads us into might. A day that makes us want to celebrate the light. A day that brings the promise that one day, we'll be free to live, to laugh, to dream, to grow, to trust, to love, to be. Happy Life Day, Everyone! P.S.: I got a bottle of vodka.
  5. Linkara: Superman at Earth's End
  6. Especially since some of us have the post count per page set to 40.
  7. Great read, Dubs. Love the Naked Zombie Sean Connery shout-out. I'll post the link at the Spoony One's forums and try to get some of their traffic over here.
  8. I went with McGinnis vs. the Joker from Return of the Joker. Just built superbly to the end.
  9. Jaws Chief Brody - Desmond Doomsday Matt Hooper - James Deaux IV Quint - Ian Wilson Mayor Vaughn - Michael Sims Mike Brody - Suavestar Deputy Hendrix - D.W. Ben Gardner - Dan Toland Sean Brody - The Joker's Groupie Ellen Brody - Selina Kyle Chrissy Watkins - Erin B. Alex Kitner - Kellen Scrivens Ms. Kitner - Jenny Seay Tom Cassidy - Stavros Charlie - The Other George W. Harry - Tim Glancy Bruce - Preston Nelson Estuary Victim - Pro Wrestling Fanatic
  10. Not really breaking news, but... Be jealous.
  11. Fuck all y'all d's. Oh, and happy birthday.
  12. Mike (Yoda), I know between a full-time job, 3 podcasts, and moderating the site and forums, you have very little time during the day, but catch up on House, M.D. Even it's worst episodes are better than 90 percent of the rest of any TV show past or present.
  13. Why oh why, when my name badge is as prominent as the proverbial red letter, do people insist on asking if I work at Sears? It's getting to the point where I may very well pull a Bill Engvall and say, "No. I'm just a superhero only known as George who wanders around a department store pointing people towards the bathroom."
  14. Well, their chief weapon is surprise.
  15. Your PC is obviously trying to embed the awesomeness of Studio 60 into your brain for all of time.
  16. The other guys have gone at least a year without getting injured. That's a feat I'm willing to bet Mr. Kennedy...Kennedy isn't able to achieve. As far as Helms goes, the guy just came back from major neck surgery. He's proven he can hold his own on the stick with one of the greatest interviews in the history of wrestling, let him get back into ring shape before you judge him or I'll send Razor Eddie to cut you up but good.
  17. I went to the emergency room about a year ago with almost the same symptoms and they told me it's acid reflux. Still, go. The medicine is good and, if you're lucky, you'll get examined by some hot Asian nurse.
  18. I'm posting mine an hour early so I won't forget.
  19. Top 15 WTF moments in bad comics