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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Dread

    Ultimate Origins #1

    Just sounds like bullhonkey that they've retroactively decided to exploit and they're telling everyone it was planned all along. The Ultimate Universe is dead. Warren Ellis killed it. Mike Carey shit on its corpse.
  2. Dread

    Ultimate Origins #1

    So...Professor X is in his fifties? Magneto too? What happened to World War 2?
  3. Ah! You're right. I forgot about his whole six seconds of screeen time :laugh:
  4. Be careful Kellen. I think he...did things...to your birthday wish. You're a sick man Yoda!
  5. Yeah, I always cringe a bit when I hear a wrestler is acting...DDP is alright. You should check out Driftwood to see him act.
  6. NOW, it's time to wish Kellen a happy b-day! Many enjoyable returning feelings to your happy cake belly Kellen-san!
  7. That's what I love about WD: almost every ending is a Holy Shit! moment. Sorry.
  8. My wife saw the trailer and wants to see this despite a hatred of Angelina Jolie...sweet.
  9. Gah! I can't believe Quesada believes his own bullshit...shut up already! "If we kill May, if they get divorced we're admitting we can't come uyp with something new so we decided to make it all like it's old again." Worst. Logic. Ever.
  10. That was actually Diamond Dallas Page in Devil's Rejects. Tyler Man was Zombie's Michael Myers.
  11. It's actually Marvel policy to make all of the Ultimate books suck now. Sorry.
  12. Tying everything in eh? Seems as though Morrison taught him a thing or two when they were cowriting stuff. Kind of cool. This appeals to me. I didn't like his last run on Wolverine (hate mail can be sent to...) due to it suffering from the Hush/Greatest hits syndrome that Millar likes so much (ie: his Spider-Man run). Wolverine + Unforgiven + Mad Max = giving issue 66 a shot. I take it this will be a IIWY book
  13. A student just pointed out how cynical I am today...time to lighten up.
  14. Thanks drq! Beautifully written and maybe the best review of the year. Thanks Dan, for validating my choice to skip Ultimate Origins.
  15. Wow...I read up to Burt Ward being the coolest thing about Robin and then stopped.
  16. Can the English teacher jump in? I may be too late but it's always good advice: read everything outloud and, in general, if you pause naturally more than twice when reading it will be a run-on. One idea per sentence or two conjoined/contrasted ideas only. Don't overthink. If you don't have the chops, faking a sophisticated sentence will out you in a second. But everyone enjoys an easy to read essay (he says, head in hands, two days before all of the marks for English 12 have to be in to the ministry).
  17. Dread

    Episode 40

    You can see why I find this confusing... :happy: Don't be sad...it wasn't meant to be.
  18. I'm looking forward to these this week. I wish the rest of the internet public knew that Mike's recordings are ALWAYS better than those the big two publish as podcasts. Much better quality!
  19. Dread

    Episode 40

    Ha! I appreciate the voicemail Ian but next time you send a 1:38 voicemail, make sure it consists of more than one word. That sounds like it was the closing vocal piece from A Perfect Place? Fucking great soundtrack!
  20. Dread

    Episode 40

    Just bumping this because I chose right after it went live to bump the Poll thread. Dummy. This was a fun episode!
  21. That's a better thread title. Kellen is Canadian and thusly celebrates two birthdays but it isn't on this day. This one is all cv. Enjoy dude. And keep your head down, soldier!
  22. "Why should I read 1984? It was written, like, 10 years before I was born!"
  23. Ian, I simultaneously love you and hate you...
  24. Jeez, those are sharp looking! Especially Coker. I love him. Always thought he was underrated and I'm glad I'm not the only one.