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Everything posted by Delete

  2. It is not like Spider-Man thought to himself "I'm gonna beat me up a widower". If I remember correctly he only attack Doc Ock after he tried to rob a bank/kidnaps Aunt May. To me whatever Spiderman's motivation was did not lessen the fact that the characterization made it easier to get behind Doc Ock. Fixed. Other than that last one the movie did nothing to make me not want him to succeed in pulling off what is in that list.
  3. Not even Spidey II??? I can understand criticism for the first one and even moreso for Part III, but Spiderman 2 is right up there with the classic CBMs IMO. I have major issues with part 2. Whether it be the characterization of Doc Ock, which to me left that portion of the movie to consist of the whiniest man alive trying to beat up a widower who lost his wife the same day his life's dream blew up in his face. I wonder who I feel more sympathy toward here. I am pretty sure I was not supposed to want Doc Ock to kill Spiderman, but damned if that was not what I wanted. The ending. Everything from the Hudson River's magical power to put out an ever expanding mini sun to douche chill inducing left at the alter thing. Then what really annoyed was when he missed the play because a crime just happened to break out right before Spiderman right before he goes to see MJ's play. Convenient to plot, no? So he misses the play and can't be the woman he loves even though he decided not to be with her before this or even after this, but he still gets so upset here he loses his powers since I guess depression can dissipate the Spider Radiation but he wasn't depressed last time he decided to not be with her but he is now just so he can realize his worth or whatever and crowd surf in a train. This is my analysis of Spiderman 2.
  4. Now I haven't liked any of these Spiderman movies, but holy shit this sounds putrid.
  5. There are also the multiple plagiarism claims going on with this. Remember that Cameron lost the Terminator law suit because of that.
  6. You have to be soulless not to love the composite Superman/Batman robot
  7. CM Punk is the greatest heel of all time
  8. I disagree on the Cassandra thing. Her saying fuck it because Bruce was gone made sense to me.
  9. Jeff Hardy has been arrested for Drug Trafficking
  10. Case in point Punk is now fucking Lita
  11. Delete

    Secret Six

    Was that the Tiny Titans in Ragdoll's head version of Catman?
  12. The last page of the new issue of Batman was awesome.
  13. From Variety
  14. Yeah, the Robin/Starfire stuff has to place this at the end of the show.
  15. Wasn't that special where they went to Tokyo the end of the series.
  16. Teaser trailer for Nolan's new movie
  17. I kinda felt like I was watching Alien Nation if casual racism was replaced by Apartheid.
  18. The Siegels now own Superman's origin.
  19. Delete

    Epic Mickey

    Well, it's different
  20. Delete

    Kid Flash Ongoing

    Why bring him back as a kid?
  21. This is an awesome trailer
  22. oof
  23. It'll probably just be sorta kinda somewhat based on another battle from that war.