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Everything posted by dc20willsave

  1. dc20willsave


    Holy shit, I checked that out and it does do that. Someone at Google rocks hardcore.
  2. dc20willsave


    What's that from? I kinda wan to track down a copy. It's so absurd it's awesome.
  3. They can do it with greeting cards so why not calenders. I'd buy three.
  4. Holy Crap, really? I mean, I never cared for her as an actress outside of Clueless but still, wow.
  5. dc20willsave


    Pokemon would be so much awesome if they died on occasion like digimon where most characters are dead by the end of the season anyway.
  6. The only bad thing I've heard so far is that the first few hours are incredibly linear. Then again, I really enjoyed ten and the game as pretty much just a striaght line p until you get the airship.
  7. But everyone remembers the year 2000 as the start of the new decade/century/millennium, so facts don't matter. I'm getting tired of that myself. I hate having to point out to people that there was no year zero, so for this to be the end of the decade, the first decade of the AD period had to be nine years long which by definition would be impossible. Like you said Jack, it's like all the idiots who thought we hit the new millennium in 2000 as opposed to 2001. And Black Friday is what again??? Not a recognized holiday. It's just the biggest shopping day of the year. Boxing Day is actually on calendars. Boxing day is like that for us, it's when all the new years sales start. Okay, I've actually been curious as to what Boxing Day is. It's nice to know you guys use an actual holiday for your big shopping day as opposed to us Yanks who just go for the day after one.
  8. I've been told I should read books on tape myself. But yeah, experiment Mike, maybe do an episode of Earth-2 as a radio play or something, I'm sure you would be able to get people willing to help out. If you like it, buy a book here or there on the subject, attend the occasional open casting call for voices.
  9. Ah Brits, you're all so cute with your made-up holidays like Boxing Day. What next, a monarch with no real power? But seriously, that blows. Still, that's extra money in your pocket or the university's. Whichever.
  10. The sucky thing I was just starting to dig Flash Rebirth and the ending is vaguely spoiled due to Blackest Night: The Flash. Brainiac was a pretty good arc as well. Still, the Legion Story does a good job of bring back the pre-crisis Legion. Between it and Final Crisis: Legion of Three Earths, I am definitely picking up back issues of Adventure Comics just for the co-feature.
  11. And Will is officially happy and all is right in the kingdom of heaven.
  12. dc20willsave


    Ummm, sorry but like I said, it's called Facebook. Emphasis on Face. As in your face.
  13. I doubt we'll ever see 8 on Virtual Console since it might be too big. It was for the Playstation and Saturn, had anime clips for many of the cut scenes, and had voice acting a plenty. The sony thing is probably the major hitch. Your best bet is probably to track down a copy of the Anniversery Collection for the gamecube.
  14. dc20willsave


    Just changed my picture on Facebook to Terriermon. Take that Digimon elitist.
  15. Manhunter Vol. 1: Street Justice. It's a good chance to cover a series that got a lot of hype, enough where DC saved it from cancellation, twice if you count Streets of Gotham's Back-up.
  16. dc20willsave


    I've seen that myself and I was thinking the same thing until you said something. I find it as bad as using anything other than a picture of yourself or at least a good graphical representation. It's called Facebook for a reason. Makes me want to use a Digimon for myself just as a finger at all the people using Pokemon. By the way, I find it funny that Pokemon isn't setting off my spellchecker but Facebook and Digimon are.
  17. Wow, that's... wow. To be fair, it is possible to be prejudice against other people of your skin color or nationality but still, wow.
  18. New Trailer over here. It is confirmed the game is also getting released for PS3 and XBox. The trailer kinda looks cool and I like the Proto Man is available from the beginning. For that matter, I find it hilarious that one of the main selling point is the inclusion of an easy mode.
  19. Bryan Singer is a good director who also did Superman Returns but I'll forgive him if he does good on this one. X2 was, up until The Dark Knight, probably my favorite superhero movie. If First Class is half as good, then I think we're set.
  20. Crud, sent an feedback e-mail about Hippolyta and didn't even realize that the hair thing has been said all over on the thread. As for counts, one must also look at the "Batman defies to laws of probability by surviving" count. Seriously, the sheer amount of times that Batman should be dead in Justice League is exponential.
  21. dc20willsave


    Congrats. Now to wear it and the green ring on Christmas.
  22. Cool. Starting with TOS or going to do something nutty and go chronological (start with First Contact, move to EnterpriseN then do TOS)?