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Everything posted by dc20willsave

  1. What I'm wondering is if this is a largely second-generation league, will Titans get canceled? If Donna and Dick are on the League, then that's two Titans already. Anymore and we're down to watching an empty building for 32 pages. Also, I think I see Starfire in there behind Dick.
  2. So, who wants to hit the Box Network? I need some Torgo's Executive Powder for my Lasagna and, seeing as how the cast got de-invited from the Futurama panel and people weren't allowed to ask questions about the matter, yeah, I could see some angry mob justice in my future.
  3. I'm watching the G4 Comic-Con coverage right now and I got to say that I really don't care for Megan Fox. I don't see the appeal. However, Olivia Munn is dressed as Harley Quinn so I approve.
  4. I'm waiting for the soundtrack of Commentary!
  5. Playing Super Mario Galaxy after forcing myself to suffer through Sunshine for about a week.
  6. Damnit, the new episode would have to go up on the same day that Boomerang is marathoning JLU. That said, great episode and I echo the disappointment in Mike no longer having opportunities to talk about enjoying Dick. As for the animation on Static, it does get better later on, especially from Season 3 on. It is the first season so animation errors are to be expected. The animators are still trying to get the look down. Look at the first 15 or so episodes of BTAS for example.
  7. dc20willsave


    But it was so awesome so I'm inclined to say no.
  8. This video is currently on the front page of Yahoo. The guy likes KOTOR. He just earned some cool points in my book.
  9. There was an episode of Drawn Together where Hot Topic was running an underground ring where you could torture the cartoon characters you hated. Scrappy Doo's evisceration in that episode will always give me happy thoughts.
  10. dc20willsave


    Don't forget the Tums.
  11. Venneh, you do know that the everything from November on was an April Fool's Joke, right?
  12. You don't need the minis but Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps are suggested.
  13. Not as much as the Red Red Tornado series DC is going to do to compete.
  14. Shipwreck's parrot on GI Joe. Dear god I hate the parrot. For that matter, Chibi-Moon in Sailor Moon could stand to be hit by about about twenty trucks and a semi.
  15. I'm enjoying Sirens. Harley is the main reason I'm not planning on dropping it. I actually remember the point that I was planning to drop Countdown: It was the exact issue that Harley showed up. Yeah, I bought Countdown just for my Harley fix. I feel really sick. Back on Sirens, I also like the dynamic that they're already setting up between the three girls. It felt kind of forced in issue one but by the end of issue two, it seems much more natural. As for Red She-Hulk, really? Red Hulk (I refuse to use Rulk) was bad enough. He seemed like the nineties were trying to regurgitate itself back into existence but it accidentally shit it's pants instead and there's blood in there also. Red She-Hulk is worse. I really, really love the Jennifer Walters She-Hulk. The character is funny, strong, and smart. She's everything that you could want in a super-hero and yet she gets crapped on like there's no tomorrow. She should be one of Marvel's premier female characters, or at least have a rocking mini with Deadpool, but gets relegated to being B-List at most. Then Marvel cancels her series first to make her battle a more edgy She-Hulk then we get this crap. If Red She-Hulk turns out to be Jennifer, then 'm going to be really pissed.
  16. VII and VIII were both iffy games at best. I didn't care for VII at all and I really only play VIII because I liked Triple Triad. VI and X on the other hand, I think I've player 50+ hour blocks of both on multiple occasions and never had a problem with it.
  17. So, here's a theory. It was pretty much said in Final Crisis that Batman didn't die and the body that Clark brought out of Command Bunker D was someone else's. This means that whoever body it is is the owner of the skull that Black Hand is dragging around. Who's skull is this? Now, I hate to invoke Countdown, I loathe myself for invoking Countdown, but when Darkseid was killed in it, his head was pretty much intact. So, let's say that Mokkari and Mr. Simyan grabbed the body and tried to use it to reconstruct a new body for Darkseid. When that didn't work,they went with Dan Turpin. That said, Darkseid's body is excellent genetic material so in their attempt to create Batman Clones, they try to grow one off Darkseid's remains, perhaps dressed in the Batman costume as a mockery. It fails, rots, and Clark finds it, and assumes it's Bruce. Any DNA tests reveal it to be Bruce due to the tampering but it's still Darkseid's skull, filled with potency and death.
  18. I'm more annoyed by the fact that he mentioned there's a big announcement and now, we being the curious people we are, are going to be on the edges of our seats wondering how big it will be. Curse you, Sims! Don't you know your ability to shift our every whim and fancy!
  19. Just watched the commentary on the DVD release which is also a musical. I encourage it for Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion singing about Ninja Ropes. Oh, and Neil gets a song that is pure Sondheim.
  20. dc20willsave


    It's not funny Ha Ha but it's still pretty good. Post-It Note Stories: Man Not Superman.
  21. I have to walk to work but it's raining and I'm still tired from being up too late last night watching GI Joe. I wish I had a sick day to use.
  22. I really wish I had done the same thing Linkara did when I got rid of all of my issues of Countdown. Better than just throwing them in a Hefty bag.
  23. io9 has more pics, some of them VERY spoilerish. Click at your own discretion. For those that did:
  24. Well, I think I'm going to be exclusively drinking Sierra Mist from now on.