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Dave Prowse has said some very negative things about Lucasfilm. (he's still hurting over not being cast as Vader's voice, among other things)

He's also highly egotistical and not terribly gracious towards those he deems to have wronged him in the past. He also seems to think James Earl Jones is completely unimportant. (He signs all his autographs "David Prowse IS Darth Vader.")

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Didn't Lucas specifically not tell Prowse about the big twist in Empire Strikes Back because he simply didn't trust him not to leak it? I don't know enough about the guy to pass judgments (except for the fact a west country accent doesn't convey instil fear) but the guy on the other side of this argument is George Lucas, who is also a bit of a pillock.

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Actually, the only person on set who was told about the Vader reveal was Mark Hamill. It wasn't a matter of "trust;" it's just that things get leaked. The "I am your father" line was one of the best-kept secrets in Hollywood history precisely because of what was done.

No, the guy who screwed over Prowse was Richard Marquand, the director of Return of the Jedi. Apparently, he had Prowse replaced with a different stunt actor in the middle of production because there were a lot of (possibly credible) rumors that Prowse was leaking information about the movie to the press. It became one of those "he said, she said" things, where Prowse denied that he'd ever said anything, while certain press outlets adamantly claimed that he'd told them things firsthand. Marquand just decided that it wasn't worth the trouble, and cut him off.

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It makes me want to try D&D, which will pretty much make my geekification complete.

D&D is awesome. It's not the best table-top RPG out there but it's a good gateway game since most people get the concept of leveling and the such from Final Fantasy. Once you get the hang of things, then it's easy to move onto any of the more awesome games out there like Exalted, Shadowrun, or RIFTS. Most college campuses will have a student org that does RPGs so you should have no problem finding a group plus it's a great way to be social with fellow geeks and meet people.

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You know what. Fuck it, it's midnight, I'm making a pizza.

What kinda are you making and are you making enough for me because I'm hungry dammit!

Just a simple cheese one, but I'm going to put chili sauce on top of it, which may sound awful, but it's actually quite nice.

And if you can make it here in ten minutes, I'll have one ready made :P

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You know what. Fuck it, it's midnight, I'm making a pizza.

What kinda are you making and are you making enough for me because I'm hungry dammit!

Just a simple cheese one, but I'm going to put chili sauce on top of it, which may sound awful, but it's actually quite nice.

And if you can make it here in ten minutes, I'll have one ready made :P

Ehh, never mind. Also, cut up a tomato for the top of the pizza and it becomes awesomeness personified.

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