Ultimates 3 discussion


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I was very let down by this. As has been said, the artwork was just captivating but it wasn't easy to follow. The story was a major step back from the last set of books... before it was smart, filled with subtle bits of characterization and great dangling plot threads. Now it's like Youngblood. "The heroes were just chilling out at their luxury pad, when suddenly... Venom blew through the wall!" Awful, awful writing. Come on Loeb, what happened to you?

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  • 1 month later...

Wow... just... wow. Ultimates 3 #2 was one of the worst superhero comic books I've ever read. Christ, how does Jeph Loeb go from writing touching stories like Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America #5 to utter crap like this and Onslaught Reborn?

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Bearing in mind that I haven't actually read Ultimates 3 yet...

Ultimates is the epitomie of Big Dumb Action comic. Millar was very good at writing BDA's and still making them kinda charming and fun. (Even he couldn't kep it up forever; Ult 2 was nowhere near as fun as Ult 1.) It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that now that he's gone, the quality is suffering.

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Dan: While Ultimates and Ultimates 2 by Millar and Hitch were akin to action movies, at least the characters had depth and the two series helped build the Ultimate Universe. Ultimates 3, however, has taken those characters and pissed on them. Everything that came before has been shat on by Loeb because he, obviously, has no clue what the Ultimate Universe is about; instead of looking forward, he's turning this into Youngblood circa 1993.

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As hard-edged as the Ultimate universe could be at times it was quite innocent in terms of its comic-book mythology and storytelling. This just reeks of the sort of comics industry cynicism you'd find in Mark Millar's or Warren Ellis's most extreme titles. Its totally wrong for the setting.

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  • 1 year later...

I just picked up the collection. Hawkeye was awesome, but the series itself was a big letdown after 1 and 2. We know what is going on with Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch without smacking us in the face with it and making them into inbred redneck hilljacks. There was no need to redesign Thor, the Ultrons and their motivation came out of nowhere with not nearly enough buildup, and the cliffhanger ending made no sense.

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