The Doctor Who thread

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So they went through the trouble of giving her a love interest, actually having the two get engaged (it's mentioned in "The Sontaran Stratagem"), then they change plans so she can marry Mickey? I understand that happens in real life, but it seems so out of left field. And if she did marry him, why didn't Jack make a joke about it in Children of Earth? Did Russell Davies wed them because his last name is Smith? As in "Smith and Jones," the title of Martha's first episode? So now she's Mrs. Smith, which gives her the same last name The Doctor uses? Ugh! I hope not.

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The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) have cleared the last 2 specials for DVD release next year. It reveals the running times (59 minutes 42 seconds for part 1, and 72 minutes 47 seconds for part 2). Also gives the titles of the DW Confidentials for these 2 parts....I'll put them under spoiler cut because the title of the first one hints at 2 elements that may appear

part 1 - Lords and Masters

part 2 - Allons-y

Also cleared through the BBFC is a 21 minute feature "Doctor Who at Comic Con International 2009"

and also this


Video Feature

Classified 27 November, 2009 .

Run Time 0m 46s





Which are the idents for BBC1 that run throughout Xmas...which is incredibly prestegious (Wallace and Gromit were the stars last year). They'll be running on BBC1 from the 12th December.

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I've just read the results of Doctor Who Magazine's "Mighty 200" poll. Some of the results were pretty interesting (if you're me).

- All (to date) 200 stories were ranked. There are four modern series stories in the top 10 (Parting of the Ways, Human Nature, The Empty Child and Blink). Blink lost out on the top spot to The Caves of Androzani by 0.03 percentage points.

- David Tennant just beat out Tom Baker as Favorite Doctor, with Patrick Troughton pulling in a healthy third place.

- Sarah Jane Smith beat out Donna Noble as Favorite Companion, with Rose Tyler, Jamie McCrimmon and Martha Jones rounding out the top five.

- I also liked the Greatest Contribution category -

10) John Nathan-Turner (producer, 1980-1989)

9) David Tennant (Tenth Doctor, 2005-2010)

8) Sydney Newman (Doctor Who creator)

7) William Hartnell (First Doctor, 1963-1966)

6) Terrance Dicks (writer and script editor, 1969-1983)

5) Terry Nation (Dalek creator)

4) Tom Baker (Fourth Doctor, 1974-1981)

3) Robert Holmes (writer and script editor, 1968-1986)

2) Verity Lambert (producer, 1963-1965)

1) Russell T Davies (writer and executive producer, 2005-2010)

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So apparently in the late 1990s a spin-off trilogy about the Autons was made:


Auton II: Sentinel

Auton III: Awakening

Of all the alien races to make a trilogy about, why them? Why not a series of films about the Mondasians as they slowly transform themselves into Cybermen?

To be fair, the Auton films are actually more about UNIT fighting the Autons. They're not necessarily in continuity and were straight to DVD. No Brigader though since Nicholas Courtney was sick at the time when the first was made.

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John Barrowman has said he expects Torchwood is to return for a fourth series as a full 13 episode run. Speaking on Steve Wright in the Afternoon on BBC Radio 2, Barrowman confirmed he was signed up for the long rumoured return, although a production date has yet to be finalised.

He said there are currently no plans for Captain Jack meet to Matt Smith's Doctor in Doctor Who.

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Of all the alien races to make a trilogy about, why them? Why not a series of films about the Mondasians as they slowly transform themselves into Cybermen?

See, I'd love a Caprica style show telling that story. I've long thought the origins of the Cybermen on Earth's twin planet was one of the most intriguing concepts in Doctor Who. Whilst our planet was covered in savages Mondos was only the distance of the moon away, and their population was recreating itself. The birth of the Cybermen and their subsequent proliferation through the solar system and cosmos is an awesome story, its covered in a lot of detail in my official pre-current series Cybermen guidebook.

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