Brightest Day


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So, the actual issue:

Firestorm took on the Anti-Monitor and saw the professor from the original team turned into salt, and Ronnie being unable to save him, and the lantern refusing to help.

When Ronnie realised he had to accept Jason as his new Firestorm partner, his mission was complete and he was returned to Earth, and Deathstorm and the other black lanterns were destroyed by the power battery. Jason's father was also sent home by the lantern away from the anti-matter universe. Because....

Fuck it, even the lantern doesn't care. It just says it did it.

We then have the white lantern tell Ronnie that the professor is not important anymore, and won't be brought back from the dead. The issue ends with Deadman asking Firestorm for the white lantern, and the lantern telling Firestorm to do as Deadman says.

So, that's the end of Ronnie Raymond's mission. His mission was to pretty much cause the death of the original Firestorm and accept that Jason is his new partner, and the white lantern telling him to deal with it.

The anti-monitor was working with the black lanterns, and that was never really explained. The situation at the beach from last issue, is not followed up on. This entire issue was devoted to the Firestorm story.

The last of the heroes who still have to complete their missions are Hawk and Captain Boomerang.

The art was mostly average at best, and when the issue ends, I had to say "That's it?"

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Cause there's no War of Green Lanterns thread, and it sort of comes out of Brightest Day, I'll post here:

Green Lantern #64

The new Guardians are still at the book of the Black and meet the Sinestro Corps member who was trapped in the book of the Black by Scar just before Blackest Night started by Scar, and she has now became the keeper of the book.

The Guardians have sent several Green Lanterns to arrest Hal Jordan for working with the new Guardians as they feel he has gone mad. As they discuss this issue, Krona shows up with the entities and tells the entities to choose a Guardian who they will inhabit. Krona comments "Six guardians, six entities" the only one who does not choose a guardian is Parralax who was given the option to go back into the central power battery, thus restoring the yellow impurity to all the Green Lantern's rings. Remember this, it comes back in a minute.

Next the book of the black decides that all the new Guardians have to be a part of the book, and Sinestro tells Jordan that he has to do what is right, and sets off a sort of bomb with both Hal and his rings which implodes the book, sending the book away, and leaving Hal alone, as the book has now absorbed Carol and the other new Guardians.

Hal is just about to pick up Sinestro's ring when the Green Lantern's sent to find Jordan show up and put a barrier around the rings. This might be setting up a red herring where we are meant to believe Hal is the person switching sides to the Sinestro Corps.

The GL's decide to listen to Hal's story, but just as they do this, their rings inform them that impurity has been restored, and all the Green Lanterns now work for Krona and Parralax. The issue ends with Hal running away looking for help from other GL's as Krona says "Now to show the universe what GL's are really made of.." as we see a full page of Krona in front of the original Guardians as the new hosts to the spectral entities.

Green Lantern Corps #58:

We open with Kyle wondering if he was just in the right place at the right time by getting the only Green Lantern ring and saving the universe. This is followed up by an introduction to just who John Stewart is. I'm guessing these are put in to get people picking up GLC for the first time to get an introduction to the main characters, as they'll expect people to come in for the crossover, it deals with fear, which is the main theme of War of the Green Lanterns, so it's interesting.

We are then taken away from this and back to the main story, where someone has turned off all the Alpha Lanterns, and every member of the GLC is turned into slaves of Parralax and his fear powers. This includes John, Kyle and Ganthet. John and Kyle have a fight, in which they take digs at each other. Such as Kyle saying John didn't give a shit when his wife was murdered.

Ganthet has to use all his strength as an Oan to stop the impurity from affecting him, and he uses the last of his strength to get the Green Lantern rings off of Kyle and John. He uses so much of his power, that Ganthet's hand is blown off and John has to make a makeshift bandage for him.

The three land on Oan where Krona has sent some GLC members to search for John, Kyle and Ganthet. Ganthet says he has to stay behind and be a scarificial lamb to save John and Kyle. Kyle says no, and Ganthet lets him know that Kyle was always supposed to be a Green Lantern, and luck had nothing to do with it. "You were the best then. You are the best now." Is what Ganthet says to Kyle. Ganthet then tells the two, who are now stuck on Oa, and powerless that they will have to do what they have to as the GLC closes in on Ganthet.

Two really good issues. Unlike the Green Lantern main title during Brightest Day, this feels like something is actually going on. The stakes are high, and BD feels like a lot of set up for what is sure to be, following these first two awesome parts, a fantastic storyline, where the writers have worked together so's that everything will flow together, and not cover the same information when they don't have to.

GL: Emerald Warriors comes out next week, and I'm really interested in seeing Guy's part in this event.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will point out one huge thing here. Alex was never Swamp Thing. Swamp Thing was a being who had the memories of Alex so this brings up the question of, "Are they bringing Alex back as the White Lantern or is this a retcon? Is Swamp Thing the one in the upcoming mini opposed to the choice of the new white lantern?"

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So, I just read the issue:

Hawk and Dove come to the forest in Star City, as does Captain Boomerang.

The villain is a giant tree monster, which I can't make sense of. Firestorm turns into a literal fire, but that's revealed on the cover, as is the return of Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and the Hawks. They are all used together to bring back Alec Holland, the true saviour of the world, and the issue ends with the return of Swamp Thing as the tag line.

Also, Boomerang starts to create a dark boomerang.

Not a great issue. Fast read, barely anything happens, bar that last page thing.

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DC Source does an article on the end of Brightest Day #23

Warning, this source post linked above spoils BD #23

My theory on the reveal:

The dark black lantern Swamp Thing will be the Swamp thing that Alan Moore and others wrote about, which is a creature from the swamp that thinks it is Alec, but never really was.

The Alec Holland who the white Lantern brought back was the real Alec, who has been dead since the original accident that created The Swamp Thing that we've been reading about for over forty years.

I can't claim credit for the theory, as it is basically laid out in the blog post.

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