Bruce Wayne to no longer be Batman?


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During the "Year of the Bat" panel at Wizard World Philadelphia Executive Editor Dan DiDio was asked who he thinks would eventually replace Bruce Wayne as Batman: Dick, Tim or someone else? Dan hedged for a moment, grimaced, glanced at the other two members of the panel (Scott Beatty and Bruce Jones) for help and said, "I really shouldn't say this, but we'll find out in Infinite Crisis." The crowd, having heard a major spoiler, erupted with glee.

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Far more likely to be a temporary thing, or a revelation of a failsafe than anything permenant. Since DC apparently were trying to have Jean Paul Valley be the new Batman for real back in the nineties, the last time they tried it, it was a resounding flop. should be Alfred.

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Bruce Wayne... seriously? What the Hell does he do for you? Keep in mind that "Bruce Wayne" is the mask that Batman wears, not the other way around.

Maybe that was an exaggeration considering I like Wolverine so much. But I can't picture Batman without Bruce Wayne being under the mask. Azrael sucked as the ersatz Batman. Hard for me to explain my Wayne fanboyism.

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If it happens, it will be temporary. Batman is too much of a cultural icon (far beyond comic books) to not be Bruce Wayne. Sure, they have changed the character wearing the Robin mask, but Robin is not the central character of the story.

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Bruce Wayne... seriously?  What the Hell does he do for you?  Keep in mind that "Bruce Wayne" is the mask that Batman wears, not the other way around.

Maybe that was an exaggeration considering I like Wolverine so much. But I can't picture Batman without Bruce Wayne being under the mask. Azrael sucked as the ersatz Batman. Hard for me to explain my Wayne fanboyism.

It's your Val Kilmer fetish, isn't it?

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Bruce Wayne... seriously?  What the Hell does he do for you?  Keep in mind that "Bruce Wayne" is the mask that Batman wears, not the other way around.

Maybe that was an exaggeration considering I like Wolverine so much. But I can't picture Batman without Bruce Wayne being under the mask. Azrael sucked as the ersatz Batman. Hard for me to explain my Wayne fanboyism.

It's your Val Kilmer fetish, isn't it?

Must be.

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Since Infinite Crisis is the sequel to Crisis on Infinite Earths, it probably means that Bruce Wayne Batman will meet up with a future Batman when time starts going all screwy. My bet is on Dick Grayson. If there is anyone who SHOULD be Batman after Bruce, it's definitely Dick.

Back in the seventies. that was confirmed. Dick Grayson was Batman, while Bruce Wayne Jr. was Robin (Jr due to Talia).

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Just as part of the meeting a future self angle, I would totally mark out if McGinnis showed up. Considering he wouldn't even be born yet in the main U, it has the ultimate built in failsafe.

I don't really follow Batman though other than that. I seem to read all the books from his family but his.

My friends and I were actually chatting about this a while back so I figured I would thrown in that fantasy scenario.

Also I want to add I would be disappointed if Dick was at this point. He always seems to want to move on now and I feel that if all the signs ended up pointing to him, he would defy everyone and shoot down the offer leaving even Batman stunned.

He wants to be his own man, not a continuation of a legacy.

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Yeah, but the truth of his relationship with Bruce is, and Green Arrow pointed this out during both the "Obsidian Age" JLA storyline and "Identity Crisis", that no matter how much Dick says that he wants to get out from under Bruce's shadow, he really loves, admires, and looks up to Bruce. I don't think he'd turn down the mantle of the Bat, especially if Bruce dies or asks him to do it.

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I don't think he'd turn down the mantle of the Bat, especially if Bruce dies or asks him to do it.

Should Bruce die in battle, I think Dick would assume the mantle to find the killer and preserve the legacy. However, I do not think he'd accept it if Bruce simply asked.

S-T: I don't know. I'm waiting for the collection, so I've yet to read it.

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I don't think he'd turn down the mantle of the Bat, especially if Bruce dies or asks him to do it.

Should Bruce die in battle, I think Dick would assume the mantle to find the killer and preserve the legacy. However, I do not think he'd accept it if Bruce simply asked.

S-T: I don't know. I'm waiting for the collection, so I've yet to read it.

In 'KnightQuest'. Dick made clear that he would do it if Bruce asked, and Bruce makes clear that he'd never ask precisely because Dick is his own man now, and is one that Bruce is very proud of.

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the biggest reason i would want to see Dick turn down the offer is simply because he would become the same batman. The character of Dick would cease to exist and it would be like nothing has changed except that Batman wears a new mask (w/ the whole Bruce is batman's mask thing)

When they tried to give it to Azrael they were on the right track, changing Batman so that the change in character behind the cowl means something. It is why there can be so many cool earth GLs, why Wally West can be accept so easily in fan's hearts, and the same with other successful transitions. The problem with Batman's attempt is that Jean sucked as a character, which is why that part of Batman history flopped and Batman Beyond was such a great show.

I don't actually expect Terry to become Bruce's successor but if DC is going to cop out and leave a backdoor to get out of this "successor" commitment, it would be a nice nod to include BB in such a way.


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It would be interesting if they introduced Terry McGinnis into Batman continuity down the line (as they did Harley Quinn), but I just don't see them doing it. Bruce would have to be in his sixties or seventies (or crippled again) before Terry would ever pop up, and DC isn't all that keen on aging Bruce or removing him from the role of Batman.

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I agree that Terry wouldn't actually exist, but if the cause of the "meeting the successor" is meeting the future Batman instead of a current character potentially taking his place. It would be a much more successful idea than using current character since there is pretty much no way anyone will actually be replacing bruce at this time.

They will need a back door to back out of the "promise" that they would lose if they were to expose someone like Dick to be the next Bat, since, despite his capable to take the mantle at this time, he is simply not going to for the reasons you stated.

So until i'm completely disappointed with how it turns out, i will dare to dream... i'm gonna go watch some beyond eps now.


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