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Everything posted by Rjoyadet

  1. The Whomobile has regenerated! http://youtu.be/d5Fpvm_ezLA
  2. Would you ever consider Clancy Brown? It would be difficult to pick just three films he has been in especially since he appears to have been in almost every cartoon the past 20 years. I guess the biggest difference in roles would be the Kurgan in "Highlander" and the heros friend from "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: across the 8th Dimension."
  3. I remember in high school my physics professor told us that "The Core" had the worst movie physics of all time.
  4. My mother has always been the most anti-gun, anti-violent media person I know. I just recently let her play Portal and she said how much she enjoyed being armed. I am glad I haven't let her play Gears of War.
  5. Now I will have to find the DVD of "Best Worst Movie." I remember she was not in the feature but am glad to hear that she was in the extras.
  6. When I recently watched J.P. with my Aunt she pointed out that the embryos should have either been damaged by the heat of his hands or should have frozen to his fingers. Nedry has superpowers and used them to not damage the embryos.
  7. Welcome to the Jungle. thank you
  8. Could someone please tell me the name of the song that opened up this episode?
  9. Happy late birthday wishes.
  10. I think the reason why so many people love the My Little Pony villain Chrysalis is because she is Maleficent in pony form. Although I think Chrysalis has cuter minions.
  11. This music video played before the feature "Whisper of the Heart" one of the few chick flicks to set my heart a flutter. http://vimeo.com/48043470?close&post_id=27318755_10100976557223564#_=_
  12. I am picturing the tenth doctor looking at Capaldi and Smith wearing a Fez and saying "So you're my replacements: a dandy and a clown."
  13. Yeah, by all means, see all the sequels. Bwahahahaha!!!! lets see director John Boorman who directed Exorcist 2 right after producing ..... oh no!
  14. I was told that James Nguyen passed away. Is that true?
  15. My mom had me watch The Exorcist when I was six or seven. This was exceptionally odd, because just a year or so prior she tried to shield me from First Blood. That said, if I were to guess, I'd say this happened around Halloween, and, knowing my love of horror movies, Mom probably wanted to scare me a little. However, the movie impressed me more than anything else; I was absolutely fascinated with the special effects. Since then, I've come to the conclusion that the real reason The Exorcist didn't scare me is because I'm not Catholic. I've found more Catholics who are terrified of that movie than people of other faiths. Now it makes sense! Most of my extended family is Catholic and I am an Evangelical Christian. The movie never frightened me like it did them.
  16. I cannot remember my first but I do remember my mother not letting me watch our landlords kung fu movie. I also remember having parts of "Dances With Wolves" being fast forwarded. Later I tricked my babysitter into believing I could watch the whole movie.
  17. I sometimes wish that sailor moon played the planets when the sailor scouts fought.
  18. Would Deep Roy in " Oh $#!7 its a Robot: Revenge of the Fallen" be a Ben Kingsley Paycheck or a Eric Roberts Paycheck?
  19. I cannot wait until we get to the beast at the end of the show.
  20. Yes, that is Sir Patrick Stewart as Master Yupa.
  21. I would love to see Paterson Joseph as the Doctor.
  22. That wouldn't have anything to do with the Zardoz theme, would it?