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Everything posted by Rjoyadet

  1. Went to Indy Popcon yesterday with my girlfriend and her daughter. I geeked out when I crossed paths with Joel Hodgson (I know Earth-2 leans towards Mike but I have found downtown indy to be strong Joel territory). I melted again when I met Ron Glass. Listened to John Dimaggio talk on a panel and was about to meet Sylvester McCoy when the people running his booth, Who North America, not only recognized my yucky suit was supposed to be a sixth doctor coat but the penguin I was holding was supposed to be Frobisher. Seven people recognized Frobisher which was six more than I was expecting, one even wanted to pet him (which seemed ironic since his animatronic steampunk ferret was much cooler). And two people said they wished that Frobisher would make it on TV. The best part was when my girlfriend and I bumped into a little boy dressed as the eleventh doctor. Who was yelling and overacting his role as the doctor. At the moment, we were upset that it cost $5 to take a picture in the Tardis. Eleven then took my gf and ran to a lighter colored tardis. He wanted us to stay with him but we wanted to see the booths. Her daughter did not expect to find anything fun but liked one artist so much she bought a print of Graverobber from "Repo the Genetic Opera." I really hope they made enough to make it happen again next year.
  2. Here is an even later wishing of happy birthday and may you have many more.
  3. Rjoyadet


    Started watching Godzilla: the Series. I wish Jeff Kline made the 98 movie.
  4. (sigh) I will put "passing the Bechdel test" in my list of things I want to see in a Transformers movie. Right under Unicron fights Galactus.
  5. I am not going to jump to conclusions just yet, Miyamoto could just be against incest. Also this is not the first time I saw someone bring up Donkey Kong and Homosexuality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gXsGX8MmYI&list=PLcblQRQML9hTtlLYho7b9cH3xU7hXZzDm&feature=share&index=7
  6. I am worried that the daughter is little more than eye candy.
  7. Bioshock. If they make a novelization of it I would love to find it.
  8. One dvd whose cover lied to me was the 2009 movie "Hardwired" which featured Val Kilmer. The box photo had a much younger and fitter Val Kilmer than what was in the movie. I remember in the Spoony Experiment, Noah talks about how the movie cover for "Mazes and Monsters" has a much older Tom Hanks than was in the movie, also the maze, castle and dragon that is on the cover never show up. Are there any ones you have come across?
  9. a car fit for the sixth doctor https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8190257664/h815C1C44/
  10. It seems like everything i have seen has not just orci but Kurtzman attached. From Jack of All Trades to Enders Game It was always "Kurtzman and Orci" I was beginning to suspect that Kurtzman and Orci were joined at the hip.
  11. I hope they don't go to far and have Robin do a cameo. Mostly because I won't be able to tell them apart
  12. I cannot think of a decent movie whose first letters make WOTW.
  13. (listens to the episode) Ohhhhhhhhh.
  14. There are so many incarnations of her that the best could get lost. Hamilton put so much energy into that role that it is no wonder she became a regular in the Addams Family and funhouse movies like William Castles 13 Ghosts.
  15. Elphaba!.... no wait I mean Theodora!...no wait I mean Zelena.......(takes deep breath) This Chick!!!!
  16. Rjoyadet

    Episode 349

    No problem, I do not know where you find the time to put these podcasts together on such a regular basis, and I had a lot of fun listening to this episode. So if anything I want to say thank you.
  17. Would Pearl from MST3K count? Since she was in a movie with a theatrical release?
  18. Rjoyadet

    Episode 349

    Is there a transcript of the first interview? Because I really enjoyed it!
  19. Private Vasquez (Aliens)