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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. Wow, that HBO film looks very good. Ed Harris looks pretty impressive.
  2. MaxPower


    Sixteen.. man that was a lifetime or two ago! In other news, I hope this is real!
  3. Because he has a 5 o'clock shadow he's showing his age?
  4. MaxPower


    Did and search and manual look and couldn't find a tennis topic. Men's tennis at the moment is insanely good. The top 3 at the moment are in some weird rock - paper - scissors loop where Nadal beats Federer who beats Djokovic who beats Nadal. The last 3 matches of the Australia Open have been some of the most enjoyable tennis I've watch in years. The quality of shots, is amazing, the games are going for a good length and the set's once you get to the end of the tournament are a really close. I feel for Rafa his weeks at #1 to grandslam, ratios would be he lowest in history I think. On an odd side note, it was awesome to see Vlade Divac in Djokovic's box.
  5. Streep is the lock for Thatcher from everything I've heard. I'd love Nolte to get the nod for Warrior, that performance was pitch perfect. I've heard good things about Plummer though. The Best Picture list seems pretty underwhelming.
  6. MaxPower


    Not sure if this is or isn't NSFW, but in tags just in case. It's swearing, but in jpg form, where does that fall?
  7. MaxPower

    The news thread

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  8. MaxPower


    My flat mate is a MASSIVE Bills fan, it's funny to see his two most despised teams have made the superbowl. Can't wait to see him when I get home tonight. I'll be rooting for the Patriots, mainly because I hate Eli that much.
  9. I bought Fallout New Vegas a while ago and only played it for an hour. So I'm going to start playing it again to get my money's worth!
  10. I remember a few years ago when I was excited about the new trend for movies to be more based in reality, without a clearly defined good vs evil, or without wrapping things up in a neat little package. Watching too many of these sort of movies though is kinda tiring.
  11. Ideas of March - One of those movies where everyone in it is really good, but the overall story is a bit disappointing. They teased a couple of big climaxes but then nothing happens.
  12. My gifts to myself just arrived and I'm pretty pumped. The Polish film posters for the following movies - Trading Places - Dirty Rotton Scoundrels - Airplane Now to decide if I mount them on foamcore or mdf, or if I frame them.
  13. True, the first half is more comedy/fun and then the second half tries to be a different movie, going all serious and melodramatic. I liked the premise that is discovered in the second half though.
  14. MaxPower


    The Oatmeal on SOPA
  15. Finally saw this and I thought it was amazing. Agree with all of this, the walk to the deli was a fantastic piece of movie making. For me the movie was almost a commentary on addiction, with Randy having an addiction to the high of being a celebrity and people cheering and knowing him. He had multiple opportunities in the movie to start a normal life and every time he fucked it up by choosing the fans over real people. So yeah he is a dick, but in those glimpses of him trying to be a normal person, he comes across as a nice guy and is even aware of his faults. But when the addiction kicks in, he just fucks up his life. It's not that he's unlike-able it's just that he's past the point of redemption, so for me it was almost a feeling of pity, more than empathy. On the Tomei thing, 44 is still 44, so if you're in a strip club surrounded by 20-25 year old strippers, she's going to look old compared to them no matter how hot she is. The skin is a bit looser, the face is a bit more worn, she's not as bubbly and naive, etc. Her story and Randy's is similar as in they are past their prime, but it's the only thing they know how to do well.
  16. Saw this the other day. Not sure I would say it's better than the first but it was still very good. I thought it was a bit too silly in parts, mainly the camouflage outfit thing griped me.
  17. Someone is remaking the original Leisure Suit Larry for Android. I'll be all over that like shit on a blanket. I also found a company, AGD Interactive that has remade a couple of the Kings Quest games with newer graphics. Will be trying those out some time.
  18. I watched the Lego movie "Star Wars - The Padawan Menace" the other day, it was pretty damn entertaining. Obviously for kids only, but the animations in all the Lego things is really quite good. Not sure I would watch a full 90 minutes of it, but still entertaining.
  19. Awesome. I'm assuming that the % share of profits is on going, not just for the original release? If so, maybe Mark Hamill is a really gifted actor and just decided to retire early
  20. MaxPower


    Pity the next game was such a whitewash. But yeah, the last 3 minutes of your game was intense, everyone sans Saints fans should have enjoyed that.
  21. MaxPower

    The news thread

    Why did Gary Johnson switch from the Republicans? Were his chances that slim that he didn't think he could do better than these guys? I thought anyone could be on the ballot, it's just there are only 2 people at the debates. I love what the UK did last year and finally included a 3rd party in all debates, it was awesome.
  22. The Catcher in the Rye. Had never read this before and while travelling through Laos and Cambodia over the break I had to buy a couple of books for the trip. Really enjoyed it and was travelling with a high school teacher who had just done it with his class the previous year (for probably the 100th time) so was good to discuss it with him. Now on to 1984 in another classics catch-up.