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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. 50/50 - Agree with all the critics I heard that were really talking this up. It's a film about cancer, yet it is so full of witty dialogue, heaps of laugh out loud comedy but also keeps the main theme front of mind the whole time. Highly recommend.
  2. God Bless America looks like what I thought Falling Down was going to be. I was always disappointed that Douglas had a history of mental/violence issues, would have been so much better if it was just a guy that went over the edge.
  3. +1 in the agree with Dubs category and I'm glad I didn't post a response yesterday, as Dubs was a lot more eloquent than mine!
  4. MaxPower


    If Manning were happy to take a pay cut and become that mentor, they would have jumped at it. But the Manning family isn't know for it's humility, so I can't see him taking a 30% pay cut and only playing 60% of game time to nurture the next generation. That all being said, I think Manning is doing the right thing for himself looking to get a couple more season out of his career and if that's not full time with the Colts, then all the best to him at Washington (my pick/guess) or wherever he ends up. Wonder if the new administration at the Raiders will do something crazy!
  5. My mind just won't let me be happy. I've started seeing someone recently and all of a sudden I can't get my ex out of my head even dreaming about her a couple of times a week. Might be time for a refresher session with my therapist.
  6. Apologies if this has been posted before, "If it weren't for the breakdown in anti-Bothan security, the DeathStar would have been a good investment"
  7. Edgar Wright cracked me up with this quote "I approve of 'The Artist' winning Best Picture, even if it's the safe choice. Because being B&W, silent, French & with near unknowns = safe."
  8. Open this week here in Australia, so keep an eye on world wide box office numbers as an indicator.
  9. Agree and a bit heart felt Happy Birthday!
  10. MaxPower

    The news thread

    Reminds me of that scene from Casino. "Listen, if you didn't know you were being scammed you're too fuckin' dumb to keep this job, if you did know, you were in on it. Either way, YOU'RE OUT! Get out. Go on, let's go."
  11. MaxPower

    The news thread

    Don't you think it's a journalists responsibility to be across socially accepted forms of language and terminology? On a side note, I was impressed with Lin's press conference after the loss, basically saying if he was given the credit for the past run of wins, then he has to take the fall for the loss as well. Pretty classy.
  12. MaxPower

    The news thread

    It's racist and the fact the sub editor didn't think it was, or thought that it was an amusing pun is more than half the problem. The defence that it's a common term is utterly ridiculous. I agree with the guy on Gawker, they should have gone with "You Lin some, you lose some".
  13. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Was a fantastic movie, but a quick look at the cast list and you know it's going to be awesome. Gary Oldman just keeps getting better and better. Still waiting to see Mark Strong on a bad day. Even Tom Hardy brought something that I hadn't seen from him before. 4.5 / 5
  14. MaxPower


    I still say that is the best bit about Spiderman 3, douche bag Peter is awesome.
  15. Safe House - Wow, I'm really starting to question Denzels career. He really has a lot more misses than hits.
  16. MaxPower

    The Music Thread

    Can't listen to Adele, bad memories of an ex from a couple of years ago. Shame, she seems talented in that hey look I'm the new Norah Jones, kinda way. I finally checked out the Rock Solid podcast and was pleasantly surprised. The new and only one I've listened to was about producers and was really interesting.
  17. Doesn't Han's personality dictate that he fires first? He's not bound by honour or violence as a last resort, so if he thinks Greedo is going to shoot, of course he'll shoot first. I'd be disappointed if he didn't shoot first.
  18. Yep not giving a shit about birthdays was definitely a turning point in the old/maturity line.
  19. Same, when a friend told me that Memnoch the Devil is basically two guys walking, I decided to give up. I would definitely support a reboot though. I would love to be able to forget that they tried to cram Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned in to one movie.
  20. Norton and Weisz? Hell yeah. Good to see Joan Allen there as well to help with continuity.
  21. I found out what this is. It's either called DatabaseFileSystems or FileSystemTags. I haven't found a GUI that is logical, but there is a chance the new Microsoft cloud service could offer something like this. Think of your file system as a blog and every time you save/create/edit a file, you are given the chance to add multiple tags to that file. Then any time you want something for that client, project, time, etc, you just click on that tag and the system displays all the files. I'm pretty excited by this concept, I think it could really increase my productivity.
  22. MaxPower


    As a friend of mine posted on Facebook "I still hate Eli." In fact, I might get that made in to a t-shirt.
  23. MaxPower

    The news thread I recently read 1984, so this article got me a lot angrier than I normally would be about this sort of thing.
  24. Awesome. And, yay for more Loki.
  25. MaxPower


    Pat's for me, the Giants would have to be playing a super team of Hitler, the Devil and Oprah for me to cheer for Eli Manning.