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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. Agree with you on both counts. Will be interesting to see how the 2 character thing plays out, would be great it if switches all the time between the 2 mid fight, like if the one I'm controlling gets in a grapple, it switches to the other character for the save.
  3. I've always liked the guy playing Curly, and I'm all for sexy swimsuit nuns but dear lord...
  4. MaxPower


    I was talking to someone who recently took the Australian citizenry test and it was the same thing, they new a lot more about laws and cultural facts than I did. Citizenry tests always remind me of Homer helping Apu - "Now we all know the 13 stripes are for luck, but what do the stars stand for......"
  5. I was watching Home Alone 2 the other day and Rob Schneider isn't too bad and at the very least, he is pretty damn good at facial comedy.
  6. MaxPower


    Ha, I loved Pump Up the Volume as a kid, that movie was awesome. Does it hold up over time? Also he was in this shitty movie called Kuffs, which is a guilty pleasure of mine as well. Of course Milla Jovovich tit's may have something to do with that.
  7. I bought this yesterday and played for a couple of hours. Maybe I went in with high expectations, but it's not as impressive as I thought. I'm sure it will get better, but the voice acting doesn't seem as sharp as the second one and the graphics don't seem to have improved much either. I was disappointed to see that it was only 720p and not full 1080 either.
  8. MaxPower

    Cell phones

    Wow really? I might need to reconsider this whole android thing then? My iPhone is always charged, but my ipod can go flat between uses which is annoying when I want to use it. Plus the whole auto downloading and syncing is extremely time efficient. I am definitely with you though, this whole 'Cloud' thing is great as back up system, but as a primary way to consume media it's just crazy.
  9. MaxPower

    Cell phones

    Sorry I meant what software on your machine do you use to manage subscriptions, automatic downloads of podcasts, etc.
  10. This is a lot more subdued response when compared to your last comment about Harris vs Fields. You haven't gone and got all mature on as have you
  11. MaxPower

    Cell phones

    I think I'm definitely going to get a Samsung Galaxy S2. To those that have an android phone, what do you use as your iTunes replacement, for podcasts, music management, etc?
  12. The toys comments after that were still a flow on from the original Pez comment weren't they? Or maybe my blind rage, well, blinded me, haha.
  13. All of this over the PEZ DISPENSER!!!! Jesus Christ the Internet is amazing sometimes.
  14. Thanks for the advice guys, the babysitting offer was definitely high up on my list of options. KW you have no idea....
  15. That's what I mean though. I still want to see the kids, but how do you do that when you don't have a lot of respect for at least one of the parents. For instance, I like going to the football with the two boys and it's more a dad type activity.
  16. Looking for some advice and it is annoying so I'm posting here. About 18 months ago, two of my best friends split up. I'm the god father to their eldest son, so I'm pretty close to these people. The reason they split up is because he had an affair and left them for the other woman. At the time it happened I tried to stay close to both of them, because he hadn't started a relationship with the new woman and I thought by being supportive to his emotional craziness he may realise it was a mid life crisis thing and try again with his family. Anyway that didn't happen and in some weird twist, the other woman was married and the 2 jilted partners (my female friend) and the other husband have now started dating. Some thing about supporting each other through their ordeals. Normally in a cheating scenario, I write the person off and move on with my life. But I absolutely adore both my godson and his little brother and want to still very much be involved in their lives. What would you guys do?
  17. Seriously? I don't mind paying more to get out of alimony, but to say she deserves more because she has no skills is retarded. And don't even use the marriage is a partnership, he earned while she took care of the home argument.. look at their kids, it's not like either of the parents are up for parenting awards. Sorry, but I'm sick of the talent-less partner making out like a bandit just because they "supported" the person through their success. It's called a marriage, that's what you do. Should I pay my parents, siblings and closest friends half of my earnings because I'm single and rely on them for emotional support?
  18. Much like Star Wars, I don't care what they do nowadays, the original is still a cinema classic and nothing will taint that in my mind.
  19. Just booked flights for my Christmas/New Year holiday to visit Laos and Cambodia. Very exciting!
  20. I can't wait to watch this movie.
  21. See that's why I like Twitter, as I tend to ramble, so it forces me to find fewer words...
  22. Hahaha, now I want to find an Ares twitter feed!
  23. Very nice read. I wonder how many hits the site will get in the future from the search phrase "pro choice vampire baby". Also, I think you should script a pilot for "Charlie Swan: Small Town Cop"
  24. Money Ball - I've read the book and loved it. I love Sorkin and Pitt so went in with really high expectations. I thought it was good but not great. The performances were really good and I think Jonah Hill should do more drama as he is really quite good in this. I want to rate it higher, but something about it left me feeling a little unsatisfied. 3/5
  25. Had this stuck in my head all weekend!