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Everything posted by SuaveStar

  1. Ever do something to improve your life that costs you a lot of money, only for that thing to basically come back and say "Nope, you're too stupid. Thanks for the money! Prick!"
  2. So, The Simpsons movie, done in live action?
  3. Guessing it's my turn now. Commissioner Gordon is a rough cop, who's had a rough life before coming to Gotham, and then had to deal with the hell that is Gotham, and a vigilante in Batman, and it shows in his face: Clint Eastwood as Commissioner Gordon.
  4. Going from club to club around the US, with his deranged comedy act, never using the same name twice, the only things that stay consistent about him are his act, and the horrors that he brings. Now, settling into Gotham, he may have found a home, a home for his brand of mayhem to truly take shape. Across the country, he has honed his craft, leaving victims in his wake, the horrors he's concocted are enough to make your skin crawl inside out. Sometimes he describes his exploits to the audience, explaining the simultaneous orgasmic joy and horror he receives from his actions. Knowing that a part of him wants to stop, turn himself in to the police, or end his life. But he knows he can never do that, the voices, they won't let him. And maybe a part of him doesn't want it to end, maybe he's enjoying being a part of the act, being a part of this world of pain and torture, as inflicting pain and torture on others, makes sure the monsters don't come after him. Edward Norton will be playing this role. His real name is unknown in this universe. But, he does have a nickname, the few people who have dealt with him in the past, have only known him as "The Ventriloquist"
  5. Last nights 30 Rock was great. Jack's evil plan was brilliant.
  6. I'm using libraries to try and read a different variety of comics for the next few weeks. Spider-Man: Death and Dating: This was alright, mostly filler issues. Mark Waid has a great idea of Spider-Man, in one issue, he showed that the little things matter to Peter, like finding a subway token, and how he has to deal with death every day, and how he has to carry on, for the sake of New York. This trade also explains how Harry Osborne came back from the dead, which was alright. An ok trade, but definitely filler more than anything else. Nemesis: I disliked this, the art was fine, but the story was just Mark Millar doing his usual mean spirited, strange thing. The story is just stupid, and to sum up the series, and twist in one sentence: Good art, and a bad story make this level out to average at best. Trades: 3 Comics: 0
  7. Batman: Heart of Hush: I read this originally as it came out in issues, and enjoyed it, then I read it now, and it's not as good as it once was. The main issue is the story is both long and short. Long in the sense that it's 5 issues, when it could have likely been three, and short in that Hush's plan is only revealed at the end of issue 4, and it falls apart by the end of issue 5, with most of the series being a sort of origin for Hush. The other issue is, the ending was not actually collected in this trade, the final issues were a part of "Faces of evil" event in DC back in 08-09, which were the final chapters of the heart of hush told by Tommy Elliot and Catwoman. In the end this story just sort of ends suddenly, and just really sucks. Which is a shame, because if I remember, those FOE issues were a good ending to the story, and a nice introduction to the mediocre Streets of Gotham, series. The art was good by Nguyen, but I just didn't enjoy his stylised look as much as I did when the book was coming out, the art just seems sort of muddled b a story that's more about Batman standing about talking, then Paul Dini showing he knows, or can google a lot of Aristotle quotes. Trades: 1 Comics: 0
  8. I'm wanting to know this too. Also because, I have two actors that I want for roles, but I'm worried about people picking them before I have a chance. Edit: I have a second choice, who I'm actually liking more now.
  9. Cool. Michael C Hall. He has the build to break a man in two. Yet, in Six Feet Under, he showed he could fade into the background, which is a skill Batman needs in his guise as Bruce Wayne. Plus he looks good in a suit, and has so much going on in his eyes, you know that when he's in a board meeting, he's miles away, pondering what the scum of Gotham are doing.
  10. So, do you want me to name my Batman now, or should I wait for Stavros to pick his team?
  11. SuaveStar

    DC reboot

    Maybe I dropped Earth-2 a bit to soon, when all I'm hearing are good reviews of the book, for what it is (A book about the entire Earth-2) and not a book I thought it was, or was lead to believe (The rebooted JSA) especially, when things [post=Things]http://www.bleedingc...ter']Things like this are revealed. Which at the very least, sound interesting. Maybe I'll pick up that first trade, that's going for pretty cheap pre-order on Amazon. Edit: One day I'll be able to post a proper link. One day.
  12. SuaveStar


    Nothing beats that first bite of a sandwich when you're extremely hungry.
  13. I blame Mr Wilson for this: I was going to do Booster, then JSA, but then I realised, I suck at teams, and I saw something that said "I'd love to see that story." Edit: Fixed logo.
  14. So, who else watched Punks promo last night? I thought it was pretty damn evil, but one of the best villain promos in WWE in years. Edit: Adding video of the event. It's the entire promo, including the aftermath, where Rock confronts Punk.
  15. The new episode of Young Justice aired at the weekend. It's the episode that's been around in some form online for over a month, but it's still a good episode.
  16. Hitman: Absolution: I keep forgetting that I have no level of patience for anything. Other than that, the games fun, but so many enemies are after you at once, and the stupid trigger timing for shots is annoying.
  17. Which one is which? Ultimate= Spider-Man working as an agent of Shield. Spectacular= Spider-Man working as the solo hero of the streets of New York. And what Dan said.
  18. I can't believe Spectacular Spider-Man was only 26 episodes long. They covered so much, and so many great villains (Apart from Kraven, and Venom, who just sort of happens) were used. And they actually had Peter's actions have consequences in future episodes. Comparing this with the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, which I'm also enjoying, it's like night and day. One is the story of a teenager from a poor family gaining super-powers and the other is a Marvel Team Up series.
  19. SuaveStar

    Movie Posters!

    Alien poster: That also has one of my favourite tag lines in films. In Space, no one can hear you scream. Will already hit one of my favourites, in NOES, so here's one that when I saw this in my local cinema, I had to pause and say "Fuck! It's actually happening!" And finally, from one of my other favourite films of all time:
  20. Also, this:
  21. Mines are: Eat healthier: I am not talking about "I won't eat junk food again! It's fruit and healthy things from now on!" No, I mean that it seems for the longest time, I have actually been feeling ill from the foods that I eat, whenever I eat a fast food burger, I always have to sit down for a moment, and just feel off, and unwell. So, I want to try and cut back on unhealthy cheap food, and eat things that I can eat without feeling like I've been kicked in the guy, afterwards. Get a job: Self explanatory, I've been unemployed since fucking up my degree during the summer, and the fun of being able to do fuck all all day wore off after day 2. Get my life in order: This comes down to the first two, but a little bit more, in that I've felt like certain parts of my life have been directionless, and with some interesting life and health issues coming up for me soon, I'd like to at least have a rough idea of where I see myself in the next five years. Save more money: Does what it says on the tin. Try and lose some weight: Right now, I'd prefer to actually be able to feel healthier than try and lose weight. I'd rather be a bit bulky, and feel better, than weight a little less than I do now, but constantly feel terrible.
  22. Mike, that is brilliant. Congratulations. 1: After changing instructors, and sitting my test a few more times, in October of 2012, I finally got my driving license! 2: What was I thinking, My weight fluctuated throughout the year, and life sort of happened, but yeah, failed this one. 3: I was able to save enough money, and sell some of my collections to afford an iMac, So, that was good.