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Everything posted by SuaveStar

  1. My favourite is the Big Lebowski. The best to me, is No Country for Old Men.
  2. That synopsis really makes Peter look like a dick. Oh, I killed your father, and promised to keep away from you, but still:
  3. I hope at some point Mike does a Jar Jar impression then ends with "Oh just fuck off Jar Jar."
  4. Bruno Sammartino, has finally agreed to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
  5. Fight Club for both. Of the films I've seen: Alien 3 is good, but flawed,The Game and Seven are very good. Panic Room is average at best, and The Curious Case is alright, but very overrated.
  6. They used Bowser, a NES controller and a Mario Mushroom, that's all they really needed for the story.
  7. I watched Wreck It Ralph this afternoon. A touching story, and was so cool to see all the video game character cameos. I really liked it.
  8. I like to think Tim Burton read that script and said "We'll have some Danny "Oohs" choir and some catchy chase music" maybe have the funeral have everyone wear primary colours and it'll be great! Pass the hairgel"
  9. SuaveStar


    What ever happened to Rebecca Black? That girl who sung about how great Friday's are.
  10. It was the final 30 seconds that I loved. That, and Jack's final innovation.
  11. I have to say, the first three series of HIMYM were average at best, with only NPH being an interesting character. I think it's when they broke up Ted and Robin and started teasing Robin and Barney that the show found its feet, and became interesting and funny. As most of those early episodes just contained generic sitcom jokes. I'm not coming out to say the show should have ended years ago, but at the same time, they're really dragging out who the mother is, and it's starting not to make sense why he's telling such an intricate story. I thought the story was of how Barney and Robin got married, and he calls them Uncle Barney and Aunt Robin because he married Barney's half sister, but then they just threw that idea out of the window, just to have a mediocre episode of Ted banging Barney's sister, to almost get revenge for Barney sleeping with his mother. Also, Smash is back for its second series next week, and here's an article on how the first series started off strong, and ended with the show runner, and most of the writers being sacked.
  12. GTA V has been moved from a March 2013 release, to a September 2013 release.
  13. Didn't they start season 8 with that? All of them being happy, and future Ted saying "Three of the relationships wouldn't last till the end of the year." I'm still enjoying the show, but yeah, I don't know what they can do with a ninth season. Except actually make Ted not suck, which would be nice.
  14. Was it just me, or did the guy doing the voice of Superman sound really bored?
  15. Loser:The story of several funny comedic actors, and a dull comedy about a poker tournament. The only person who's actually funny in this was Michael Kean, everyone else is just phoning in dull performances. Also, I just finished re-watching all of Arrested Development, I don't know what was better, Lucille's chicken dance, or Ron Howard ripping into the terrible narrator of a show called "Scandal Makers" that Tobias has a starring role in.
  16. It's funny. If you had listened first then you would have heard me make every other point in your post already, thus removing the need to automatically say you disagree without knowing that you were disagreeing with something you already agreed with.
  17. Birds of Prey: Platinum Flats: I read this in single issues as it came out, and it doesn't hold up here. The trade opens sort of halfway through a story, of the BOP going to Platinum Flats and already dealing with the criminals syndicate there. The story is interesting when the Joker shows up, and has a nice showdown between Barbara and The Joker, which is nice to see. The art was pretty good, and apart from a terrible villain name Killg%re, this was a fun read. Walking Dead Volumes 9-10: Filler volumes. I'm sure something good will happen in volume 11, Rick with the phone, and sharing war stories were both good, and the call back to the first volume, were all interesting, but this just all felt like set up for something bigger to come down the line. The art was enjoyable as always. Trades: 13 Comics: 6
  18. Ryback had the most eliminations at 5. I only know this as someone posted stats on twitter. Last night on Raw, Heyman was about to be fired by Vince McMahon when Lesnar came back to WWE, and even after Heyman begged him not to, he destroyed Vince with an F-5. Guess that's as good enough a reason for Triple H VS Lesnar 2 as we're going to get, and it works for me.
  19. So, Young Justice and Green Lantern are cancelled.
  20. SuaveStar


    You probably knew him on the independent scene as "Galatic Superstar McSpace Guy kicker #3"
  21. Alberto VS Big Show was better than I expected, with a nice finish. There seemed to be issues between Cole and JBL, for some reason, and the tag match wasn't as good as it should have been. Daniel Bryan's elimination from the rumble was the highlight of an ok rumble match, the ending just sort of sucked, and everything the winner did after he won felt overly choreographed, like go here for mania sign, go there for photo for poster, and do this to have cool pose at end. The main event was a letdown, Rock was breathless after ten minutes, and Punk hadn't even started yet. The finish, with McMahon saying "Fuck it, even though the lights were out, you cheated, restart the match" Also, the rumble should always be the last match, having matches after the rumble just seems odd.
  22. Yeah. What Prof said. I'm sure the rumble match will be good, but I'm just not looking forward to it, as much as I have other years.