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Everything posted by Molly

  1. Molly


    Or I'm on some reality show that I forgot that I'm on. Or something. Because this shit just doesn't happen to normal people.
  2. Molly


    The Sheriffs Department and ASPCA seized 1200 chickens from four farms in my hometown today, as part of a raid on a cockfighting ring. Ben and I drove by during one of the raids, on the way to visit my parents, prompting me to ask, "Do you guys know what's happening south of town at that farm that sells kittens and strawberries?" I'm pretty sure I live in a third world hellhole.
  3. The Ancient One is one of the most powerful shamans in the Marvel U. If he wants to look like Tilda, he's gonna look like Tilda.
  4. Molly

    DC reboot

    If they do this right? I'm so beyond excited.
  5. Molly


    Trust me, it doesn't do wonders for my self esteem either
  6. Molly


    As someone who works in a kitchen, I'm surrounded by some seasoned drinkers. As someone who is a dad and notoriously cheap, I do not often drink with the crew, so many of them, younger guys, assume I can't. There are some early twenties guys who got their minds blown when they saw this old man drink tonight. Boom.
  7. He damn near ran over a pregnant Michelle at C2E2. So, fuck that guy. Also, he writes shitty predictable comics.
  8. Seriously, I can't even believe someone would claim that wasn't rape. That said, I'm okay with the use of the act in context, but trying to deny that it was rape is terrible.
  9. Fun fact: coercion based on the alternative of violence is still rape!
  10. To be fair, that Armin Tamzarian story is probably the worst episode of the show.
  11. I honestly don't think you can do the show without Skinner, Mr. Burns, Smithers, Flanders and Lenny. I mean, Shearer was half the show. God help them if Hank Azaria walks too.
  12. Fuck. Just put a bullet in the show already.
  13. Dr. Ken looks bad, Uncle Buck looks worse. Maybe it's because I never liked Ken Jeong and Uncle Buck is crapping on a classic.
  14. I think if they really keep a strong focus on Cap, this movie could work. It s not about, "Oh hey, there's Hawkeye," it's "Cap has to take out one of his dearest friends."
  15. Age of Ultron Spoiler, but:
  16. Rudd, Cheadle and Betanny are all in.