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Everything posted by Professor

  1. I read that too fast and thought it read 'Christoph Waltz as Samuel L. Jackson'. And then I wondered why Tarzan would be hanging out with Samuel L. Jackson.
  2. I have to ask; R-Truth? You said something about him during the Rumble chat as well. So, um, why?
  3. I fail to see how that would not be the greatest thing ever.
  4. Something hit me while watching the ending of RAW. I am bored with Shield 6-man tags. Yeah, they are good to great matches. But I have seen way too many of them by this point. I think all combination of three people has been used except a team of JTG/Sami Zayn/Masato Tanaka. It was great while it lasted, but I am ready to see what they guys can do on their own.
  5. Totally disagree. If Daniel Bryan had at least participated in the Rumble and been eliminated, they would have gotten mega-heel heat on whoever eliminated him, and they could build something off of that. I agree. I guess In my mind, Bryan would have replaced Sheamus in the final three. Thus he is either eliminated by Reigns or Big Dave. Reigns is going to go face in the Shield break-up and Batista just came back. Doubt they want uber-heel heat on either. I normally watch the Rumble PPV live and watch the Rumble again the next day. This year I just have no motivation to do so.
  6. That crowd wanted one thing: Daniel Bryan. WWE did not deliver on that front. Probably for the best, as if he didn't win I think the crowd would have been 'worse'. As far as the Rumble itself: Eliminator: It worked in that they mentioned it as it was going along. Sometimes things can get lost. Glad that this did not. Comedy: Didn't work this year. Surprise Entrants: Lame. All of them. Storylines: Progressed 3 by my count, but only one is new. Kofi spot: Not the best, but still 'the spot' of the Rumble. Overall: Poor rumble. Having only one viable option to win really hurt. Yeah, most have no chance, but give me 4-5 so I am not just waiting until the end. PPV: It sucked. Hard.
  7. Unexpected day off means I can finally watch some movies that have been laying around for weeks. Lucky me. Shock Treatment - This was a mess. While Rocky Horror is not a good film (it just isn't), I love the thing to death. This 'sequel' tries to recreate it, but just fails on every level. The songs suck, the story sucks and the lack of Tim Curry is glaring. Graffiti Bridge - 0/2 on sequels to movies I love. This is just a mess. The plot is weak and the narration just reminds me of The Crow. Purple Rain was straightforward, but had hidden depths if you pay attention. This was not subtle at all. Worst of all, this was not a good time for Prince musically. I was never a fan of the New Power Generation and The Time didn't add anything either. Give me The Revolution, "The Bird" and Prince in puffy shirts.
  8. I waive the time limit. I'll make my pick tomorrow when my brain is not all hurty.
  9. Any episode with Lyle and Tector Gorch is awesome. I will hear nothing to the contrary.
  10. I am in a room surrounded by a bunch of hipster frat boys. I am questioning my life choices that have brought me to this point.
  11. Henry Rowengartner Age: 12 Scouting Report: Mid-to-High 90s MPH fastball. Can be a bit wild. Need to develop a secondary pitch. No speed. No hitting skills. Likes to talk trash. Career Highlights: Won the World Series with the Chicago Cubs. Related, may be a master of the dark arts.
  12. Link I have not seen Hamm in anything, so I have no comment on his theoretical casting. I do find it odd that Dr. Strange would be the focal point of 'Phase Three'.
  13. I was not a fan of the angle, but the crowd made the ending of RAW feel like something. The 'Slow Clap' version of the YES! chant was mighty nifty.
  14. Carlie Conway Charlie is no longer considered one of the most athletically gifted on the team; Adam 'Cake Eater' Banks is clearly better. But one thing that Charlie has that Banks never will is heart. Charlie will willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the team, which is a admirable trait. That said, if push comes to shove (or if a pretty girl is watching), he will rise to meet that challenge head-on. Age: 16 Scouting Report: Average Hockey Skill. Above-Average Intelligence & Leadership. Favorite Move: The Triple-Deke.
  15. Or play deeper strategy and let the time limit expire on your round pick. Don't pick until it wraps around to you in the next round, when you can tag team it.
  16. I'd heard they would be using the MLB infrastructure. The things with that, and I have no numbers (only general gleaned knowledge) to back this up, is that is not exactly a hopping live service. Since blackout rules apply for MLB, most fans of a team cannot watch a game live. Reds play Rockies. Everyone in OH, KY, CO, WY cannot watch it live. And live is the key with WWE PPVs. My concern is for something like Mania and it's nearly 1 million buys. Can any stream handle that many people at once? And while yes, has all the games archived VOD afterwards, I cannot imagine that many people watching a baseball game from yesterday, let alone one from 1985. Yet people are going to be watching the shit out of the WWE back catalog. Don't get me wrong, I think this is a fantastic idea and the best possible network solution.
  17. As much as the back catalog is a huge selling point for the hardcores, I think that most people will buy this for the PPVs. And that worries me a bit. iPPVs in the past year have not gone well. Granted, WWE has the resources that others do not. But so does the NFL/NBC and their live stream of the Sunday Night games were less than excellent (and some weeks downright god awful). On that end, I will wait at least 3-4 months after launch to hear reviews. Also, I wonder how fast they will put the newest RAW/Smackdown episodes in the service. With the Hulu deal and upcoming TV rights fees, I cannot see them doing it with any kind of timeliness.
  18. Professor

    The Music Thread

    Buckethead released 31 albums in 2013. Granted, all of them clock in at around 30 minutes. Still, 31 albums. They are all kinda blending together, but I could say that for his entire catalog for the most part. Seven albums in and only one dud. Not too shabby.
  19. Mega Man: Let The Games Begin - Super quick read and incredibly rushed. Basically this is Mega Man 2 crammed into 4 issues. Had potential if they made battles last longer than two panels. Which brings my totals to Comics - 208 Graphic Novels - 24 Trades - 42 (255) Which is way down from 2012. Hopefully I vastly improve this number in 2014.
  20. Professor


    Just looking at this from a completely football context: He wasn't that good. He ranked in the 18-25 range in yards per punt. His career average is 44.4. The guy they just drafted (Jeff Locke) averaged 44.2 in his first year. And to quote a yahoo article "By going with the rookie over Kluwe, the Vikings will save over $860,000 in cash and $998,952 in cap space." Again, completely in a football context, cutting him was, in my mind, a smart move. Punters are largely ignored and interchangeable. Off the top of my head, I can only name one active punter (because he is on my team). Every team that missed the playoffs cut players this past Monday to make room for younger, cheaper options. Yet somehow, Kluwe is different because he is outspoken? Sometimes there isn't a hidden meaning and sometimes an apple is just an apple.
  21. Absolutely nasty ending to UFC 168. Anderson Silva snapped his leg while throwing a low kick. I'm talking Sid levels of nasty. What is truly sad is this may be the last time we see Silva in the Octagon. You never want to see a guy end his career on an injury. A loss? It happens to the best of them. But this isn't the way you want to see The GOAT end his career. Put a sour ending on a really enjoyable card too.
  22. I really enjoyed Ticket to Ride. Not complicated, very new player friendly and quick enough that it can be played multiple times in an evening. An older game I like is Traffic Jam. It is a long game, and as always resulted in something being tossed, but I find is enjoyable.
  23. Professor


    Stopped by Goodwill on the way home today. And now I own 50 versions of Trivial Pursuit. What amazes me is that I have been able to buy all of them in three thrift stores for roughly a dollar each, and, outside of a handful of pie pieces, I am only missing two cards. I even found the 14kt gold overlay pieces. I never expected this when I started this as a bit of a joke.
  24. Batista is coming back. Anywho, this Mania XXX is shaping up to not interest me much at all. Sure, Taker will probably have a really good match. But, much like XXIX, one match doesn't sell me this show.