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Everything posted by KnightWing

  1. KnightWing


    I used to build PCs all the time, but once I got my first Mac and messed around with it for a few days, I literally said, "Well, I guess I'm done with that then. :D"
  2. KnightWing


    That's one of the reasons why I decided to just learn the Mac way of doing things and be okay with fumbling around on the rare occasion I have to use a PC.
  3. He's literally not the same guy she fell in love with. He might have a lot of the same memories, but we already see in the episode that he's willing to make different choices than the Doctor would. The Doctor basically said, "well, hey, you can't have me, but here's my brother. You can date him instead. Good? Good. Cool. Bye." I always wanted that alternate Doctor to show up again later during Eleven's era and turn out to be evil (or at least morally-gray), if only to see David Tennant play an amoral (but still charming) Tenth Doctor.
  4. Well, really Rose gets an inferior clone of the Doctor and is still in the end forced to live in an alternate universe separated from her own world. It's not like she has a wonderful ending. But yeah, Donna essentially died in a certain sense.
  5. KnightWing

    DC reboot

    That's good stuff there. Almost reads like a non-DC book (in a good way), like a more grounded version of Scott Pilgrim.
  6. There were already stormtroopers on Tatooine, and Luke says he hates the Empire even before they show up and roast his parents. So the Empire had to already have a presence there. Actually, one of the great ironies of Anakin is that he becomes the thing he's fought so hard to destroy. As a boy he says he dreams of freeing his fellow slaves, but later on as Vader, in order to preserve "peace," he's a major part of the Empire that actively enslaves wookiees and conscripts/indoctrinates citizens to serve as stormtroopers. He'd probably rather just forget about Shmi and his past as Anakin entirely.
  7. I'm not sure how "referencing a thing from the past" counts as jerking off, especially in a time travel show, but whatever. But I wasn't too fond of the episode overall. It's clever, certainly, but I didn't really find myself enjoying what I was watching for the most part. Almost like the polar opposite of last week.
  8. My parents were obsessed with Ground Force for years. And since we only had one TV when I was younger, I saw more episodes of Ground Force than any human being should. Sometimes when I fall asleep I hear English accents speaking of landscaping.
  9. I'd say Arrow is always more fun than compelling, though it does get better as it goes along, hitting a high point at the season 1 finale. So season 1 on the whole is somewhat... lackluster, I guess, but it's mildly enjoyable, which is a far sight better than SHIELD was at the same point. Season 2 is tons of fun.
  10. Actually, they're doing what they can to make it succeed. One of the major theories as to why Books 2 and 3 sunk so low in the ratings was the big gap between air dates.
  11. Loved it! Goofy grin-inducing fun from end to end.
  12. My answer is and always will be Robert Picardo's Doctor from Star Trek Voyager.
  13. I approve.
  14. Dark Reign in itself was a great idea and it worked out well. The problem was how they got there. "So, uh, Norman Osborn is now the publicly-supported leader of the free world. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, THAT MAKES COMPLETE LOGICAL SENSE. SHUT UP."
  15. Ick. And I didn't even like Final Crisis that much. That's funny. I never heard that quote, but I seriously felt like I heard Bendis saying that as I read the final (idiotic) pages of Secret Invasion. And I was pissed.
  16. Secret Invasion is the book that made me stop reading Marvel consistently.
  17. He could have done the giant kid thing pretty easily, I think, but it would have been really goofy. Like one of his comedy characters. It'd be great for a kids' film, but probably not for the DC movie U.
  18. KnightWing


    A lot of the actresses' friends, husbands and boyfriends were the ones who took the photos with their own phones. So yes.
  19. KnightWing


    It's actually been semi-proven at this point that it couldn't have been an iCloud hack, at least not exclusively, since the photos had to have come from multiple other sites as well, like Google Drive. The idea that it was an iCloud leak seems to have sprung up from nowhere and since no one has any better ideas as to how so many people could have been hacked at once, everyone's just going with that explanation. In reality, while iCloud accounts may have been hacked into (and probably were), Google and Microsoft accounts were also breached. So realistically, what happened was that someone hacked a ton of peoples' accounts and devices across multiple services over a long, long period of time, and they're only now just coming out in a gigantic pile. And in many cases it wasn't even the celebrities' phones or accounts themselves that were hacked, but the phones/accounts of friends and family as well. It's more than a little bit messed up.
  20. That was sorta how I felt when Henry Cavill did his in full Superman costume, giving us the best look yet at the updated suit for BvS.
  21. They're mining the DCU of its street-level heroes and villains for all they can, so naturally, yeah, they end up with largely bat-characters.
  22. I haven't been able to turn on my computer or TV (or leave the house) for weeks without being bombarded by ads for TMNT and Guardians, but I didn't see a single ad for this anywhere.