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Everything posted by KnightWing

  1. As a Superman fan, I never liked the latter half of TDKR. The first half is good if rather overbearing, but the Superman sections are just awful. It's like reading pro-Batman anti-Superman fanboy internet rants in actual comic form, which is funny because it came before the internet.
  2. I'm getting more and more sick of BvS resembling The Dark Knight Returns. The latter half of that story (pretty much everything dealing with Superman) is asinine nonsense.
  3. Spider-Man is arguably the singular archetype for "young superhero with real-world/relationship problems," so yeah, with Barry being a tad bit younger in this version, it's going to feel rather Spider-Man-esque. One thing I do enjoy about Barry here, though, is how he doesn't wallow in self-pity and grief all the time like Peter Parker. He has complications to deal with, but he stays positive and determined.
  4. The stuff in the spoiler tag below is spoilers for the comics, which could potentially be the show's future. So beware.
  5. Seeing Tilda Swinton as a sorcerer would make me immediately wonder how she's still alive after Aslan ate her face off in Narnia.
  6. Oh no, stop the presses, one of the big two is doing an event that mirrors an older event. Clearly this is worthy of our time and disgust.
  7. I think it has more to do with the fact that Barry makes more sense as a first Flash. Wally without Barry is kind of odd, since his status as a former Kid Flash is really important. Back when Green Lantern was in production, some of the producers behind it said that the reason they decided to stick with Hal Jordan as GL instead of going with John Stewart or Kyle Rayner was that using the first GL would allow them to naturally transition into later lanterns as actors left the role.
  8. It's a lot easier to explain and it makes more sense overall. It's a good decision.
  9. They'll probably just adapt the idea of Civil War in a non-literal sense. Put Cap and Tony on opposite ends of a political battle and have them fight it out. Because really, what did Civil War matter, on a character level, to anyone besides Tony and Cap? Spider-Man was the only other character majorly affected. Based on prior widespread rumors, along with Variety's report on Cap 3, this is what the future is looking like: Cap 2 and Agents of SHIELD have both mentioned the fact that Stark Industries is basically becoming a privatized SHIELD (which actually goes back to Iron Man 2, where he says, "I've privatized world peace."). So Tony is already setting up his "army" of sorts. Avengers 2: Tony makes Ultron; Ultron turns evil. Oops. Cap 3: Tony wants regulation put upon dangerous individuals, possibly out of guilt for what he did with Ultron. Cap disagrees, they fight, Cap is killed or incapacitated. Avengers 3: Iron Man leads a new team of Avengers (roughly analogous to the post-Civil War Mighty Avengers in the comics) Avengers 4: The entire gang gets back together for one last battle with the original team.
  10. Yeah, and there's a real no-holds-barred attitude about it being a superhero show set in the DC universe. None of that "this is a lesser version of X character for our TV universe" idiocy. Arrow's been doing a similar thing with street-level DCU characters for a year or so, but now Flash is actually handling super-powered heroes. Looking at the list of upcoming characters in the show, it's just crazy.
  11. KnightWing

    DC reboot

    All we need is Lois & Clark '93 and we're in business.
  12. Dana Delaney's Lois Lane, forever and ever, amen.
  13. They gave Thor the helmet with wings. They gave Cap his magic frisbee of awesome. Is there any doubt whatsoever that they'll put Daredevil in the red costume?
  14. What might actually save the show from getting stuck in the Smallville rut is if they do what the producers have already said they want to do, that being skip time between seasons so that the five-ish seasons of the show will cover the 15-ish years between the death of the Waynes and Batman's debut.
  15. KnightWing


    In the case of some of the actresses' photos, it's been reasonably figured out that it wasn't a cloud hack, but rather a more literal hack into the devices themselves. There's people out there who try to get as physically close to the women they target as possible in order to locally hack their phones and computers, often using their personal wi-fi connections. If that's a no-go, sometimes they try aiming for their targets' friends, family, or boyfriends. And in the vast majority of cases like these, "hacking" just means correctly guessing a password. Even if the cloud systems were completely tight, they won't protect against that. Also, despite the fact that all the photos came out in a giant pile at once, they weren't all obtained at once. Some of the photos had apparently been deleted from both the local devices and the cloud for years before being leaked last month, so this had to have been a giant stockpile that hackers had been slowly building for years.
  16. I agree with at least the first half of that sentence.
  17. There are several things to consider. First of all, Marvel actually has a good relationship with Sony in regards to Spider-Man. They've already had amicable deals in the past, such as the handoff of the Spider-Man TV and merchandising rights from Sony to Disney (which unfortunately ended Spectacular Spider-Man, but whatever). This is completely different from Marvel's relationship with Fox, which is pretty much "they want each other dead." Marvel gets money from Spider-Man merch, while they really don't for X-Men or FF. Suffice it to say that while they might like to have the Spidey films under the Disney umbrella, Spider-Man being a profitable franchise under Sony is still getting Marvel and Disney tons of money. And if they can both work together, it's all for the better. And Disney already has experience dealing with other studios having Marvel film rights. Paramount actually had a claim on Hulk and Iron Man to a small degree because those were previously Paramount film series, so Disney worked out a deal where they put the Paramount logo at the beginning of Avengers instead of the Disney one but otherwise changed nothing and everyone was happy. At this point, having Spider-Man be one of the Avengers would give the Spidey films a huge boost and make Avengers more fun and more complete.
  18. See now, I think you've actually hit on the point. You say the decision is clear in one direction, and others would say it's the complete opposite. I'm kind of in the middle, leaning towards the opposite. So clearly there is a debatable dilemma, which is why the story works so well.
  19. Really, really liked this one. While I thought the Robin Hood episode was lots of fun, this was the first episode of Series 8 that I really felt worked on a dramatic or plot level.
  20. As someone who really enjoyed Birds of Prey in a B-movie kind of way, I love that.
  21. We should probably all trade friend codes. To the gaming usernames thread!