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Everything posted by KnightWing

  1. I do believe it's scheduled to be released only in Soviet Russia.
  2. You're not the only one. The audio mix sounded really off; too "soft." Both the Doctor and Clara sounded like they were mumbling a lot of the time. It could just be a kink with the airing version; hopefully it'll be fixed by the time of the blu-ray release.
  3. ^Truth. I also think that a lot of the harsh criticism is along the lines of, "How DARE the show not COMPLETELY ENTHRALL ME at EVERY MOMENT! I don't even know what the main arc for the season is yet, and we're an entire episode in! This show has gone SO downhill..."
  4. I can't even decide between my two responses. What the hell. So, overall, I really liked it. I mean, realistically I could go and poke critical analysis holes in it, but ultimately I had a lot of fun watching it and I'm excited to see more.
  5. So, Will's paragraph of anguish probably set my expectations abysmally low, but when I watched the Selfie pilot this afternoon I kinda dug it. I mean, I can see why it would rub people the wrong way, but I liked it a fair bit by the end.
  6. He's one pair of glowing eyes away from being Earth One Superman.
  7. He literally says he's still deciding which character he wants to play. Which is kind of funny.
  8. KnightWing


    "Told backwards through an experimental storytelling technique that reveals new mysteries with each turn of the page..." Oh joy...
  9. I kinda hated A-Team too. But I did like him in it.
  10. Clearly you are from an alternate universe where Angelina Jolie doesn't exist. But yeah, he's pretty great.
  11. So there seem to be some weird facts being thrown around. First of all, the last time the "original" OT films were released in any form was in 2006 as a bonus disc in the individual film releases of the OT. Those discs were repackaged again in 2008. They were 100% unaltered, with absolutely zero changes from the initial releases of each film. No color correction, no cleanup, no nothing. Due to the complete lack of any remastering, they were nowhere near professional DVD quality. Lots of fans were upset that the films weren't made to look as nice as the special editions. When the blu-rays were released, they did not contain the original versions of the films. Fans essentially rioted, pushing the user rating for the blu-ray release below the Twilight films, and literally bullying Katie Lucas (George's daughter) off of Twitter. Also, although Fox owns the rights to release A New Hope in theaters forever (as of now) and the home video rights until 2020, Disney technically owns the rights to the movies themselves. So basically, Fox would be the one putting them out, but Disney would have control over precisely how they were released. So they'd just have to make a deal with Fox and figure out how much of the profits everyone gets. It's also worth noting that a 3D theatrical re-release of the original trilogy was still planned for sometime between now and 2015, and those plans technically have not yet been cancelled. The thing is, even if the original-original films are getting released, what does that mean? The Star Wars films have had changes made in virtually every single release ever, even in-between the various versions of film (35mm, 70mm, etc). When Star Wars was released in 1977, it had three separate sound mixes for each version of film that went out to theaters. When the first run of Empire Strikes Back 70mm film reels went out of theaters in 1980, an entire new effects shot was inserted with the new run of reels in the same year (the establishing shot zooming in on the medical frigate in the Rebel fleet. You can actually hear in the soundtrack where a new bit of music was spliced in to cover the longer footage). So when people say "the original unaltered films," which original version do they mean? Furthermore, do we actually want the original version, without any proper remastering? What about things like matte lines; do we keep those? There are seriously fans on both sides of all those decisions, and there's no way to make everyone happy unless they release a half-dozen versions of each movie at onceā€”but for free, of course, because people don't actually want to pay for another release. Personally, I'd be down for a version of the original films done as close to the theatrical release as possible, but remastered in every way short of literally changing the artistic intent of the shot. The only thing that I'm iffy on is the Wampa cave scene, since that's the one thing universally regarded as being better than the original version. And they were only recreating what was always supposed to be there anyway, so it's not actually altered from the original scene.
  12. Yeah, and being the right hand woman to then-supervillain Tony Stark didn't help either.
  13. Hill gets more likable later on, especially during the Dark Reign stuff. Once all the "good guys" are on the same side and everything.
  14. So I just now noticed this thread and the mention of the Sherlock Holmes Museum. As it happens, one of my former teachers has a bizarre story involving that place. As the story goes, my English Lit teacher (a short little woman in her late fifties), went on vacation with her husband to London and visited the Sherlock Holmes museum. They absolutely loved getting to meet the two actors there playing Holmes and Watson, formed a loose friendship with them, and ended up exchanging contact information in case the acting duo was ever in the Dallas, Texas area. So, lo and behold, not too long afterward, my teacher got a call from Watson and Holmes and arranged to pick them up from Dallas-Fort Worth Airport. When the duo arrived, it then became apparent that the actors were under the impression that "give us a call if you're in the area, we'd love to get together," somehow translated to "give us a call if you're in the area, we'd love to have you stay at our home." They would say things like, "oh, and thank you so much for inviting us to stay at your home, I hope it's not too much trouble." Or, "Oh, you're so generous, taking us out to dinner like this. You truly are wonderful people." Apparently they had no money on them, so at no point did they ever pay for anything. They bought their own plane tickets, but otherwise they just used my teacher and her husband as a way to get a free vacation to Texas. So basically those people are dicks.
  15. Today's in particular was awesome.
  16. Reposted here for the sake of ease: That top one might actually be my favorite trooper helmet design overall. It's sleek and modern, yet 100% looks recognizably like a stormtrooper.
  17. That and the fact that Gareth Edwards has a Star Wars movie coming in (probably) 2016.
  18. Also, as was explained in the thread previously, the entire idea that you'd immediately die in space is an urban legend. You wouldn't be able to breathe, but it's actually less harmful than being held underwater, as there's no water to fill up your lungs.
  19. Holy fuck. It's like it doesn't even feel real. He really was one of those entertainers that everyone loved across multiple generations; it doesn't even make sense that he won't always be around.
  20. Is that hair on his head? Or did they just sculpt a hat out of spaghetti and glue?
  21. Marvel was there first, basically, and WB took a gamble putting BVS's release date there in the first place.
  22. The weird thing was that they changed Ellie's look in 2012, over a year before the game was released, but the Ellen Page controversy only really got started around the release date in 2013.
  23. Not really. When you see Ellie in the game, in motion and from more than one or two angles, it's really hard to mistake the two. Having played the game, I actually think she more closely resembles a younger version of Ashley Johnson, who did the performance capture for Ellie.
  24. There is a very big difference between directly bullying a chid and criticizing an actor's performance decades after they played the role. What if he were one year older at the time of filming? He'd be, in every legal sense, an adult with full responsibility over his actions. Would that make such a big difference? Anyone who's heard Dan and Mike over the years knows better than to assume they're bullies. EDIT: Oh hey. 18. There we go.