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Everything posted by Donomark

  1. Batman Earth One vol.2. Surprisingly very good. I liked the first volume quite a bit, but this story was a lot more unpredictable and engaging. I've maintained that Geoff Johns' Silver Age fanboyism has lent his writing of Batman to be a bit butthurt, resulting in writing him horribly to make other characters look good (such as in Green Lantern Rebirth), and that somewhat applies here, but in a believable way. Alfred spends the entire comic going "Not using a gun is stupid. Why don't you kill people? Dressing as a bat is dumb...dude." One scene has Batman stepping on evidence and Gordon calling him an idiot. Pretty much everything people like about Batman Johns dismantles and makes him look like a dumbass. That being said this felt right for the story they're telling. It's definitely an Ultimate Comics take on Batman, very real world with surprising twists and great art and characterization. The Riddler is a homicidal madman, moreso than he's ever really been in the comics up to this point. Killer Croc is more sympathetic to the point of not even really being a bad guy. The asthetics are recognizably Nolanverse, where Lucious Fox makes all his tech and Harvey Dent is blonde, but the similarities don't go too far beyond that. It's a very surprising, entertaining story that left me satisfied in a way I've not been in reading a new Batman comic in years.
  3. There's something about Chris' current Ben Wayne avatar situated next to smiling Supergirl that really makes me laugh. This looks terrific. It has a very Flash-esque tone to it, and doesn't seem to cop out doing thecomics stuff either. Who else liked the nod tot he 80s Crisis costume?
  4. Agreed, I really loved that scene where Barry and Joe were disagreeing in the CCPD.
  5. So she doesn't...fight crime? I thought all the 80s cartoons did that.
  6. Well that ended a lot sooner than expected.
  7. The cartoon series was before my time. How accurate (or not) is it to the spirit of the original?
  8. Mark Millar apparently claims that the identity of who Freeman is is obvious. I hope it's Ross. That means they'd be taking their cues from the awesome Chris Priest BP run, and not the more recent and significantly lamer Reggie Hudlin BP run.
  9. 2009's "Cracks", starring Eva Green and her evil eyeballs. Basically "Mean Girls" in 1930s Britain. With hilarious consequences. Juno Temple plays the alpha girl captain of the school's diving team coached by Eva Green who has a real hard-on for bossing her friends around and hanging out with her coach, who herself is quite unconventional and anti-conformist. When the daughter of a Spanish aristocrat is sent to the school and inadvertently establishes herself as Green's new favorite, jealousy flares up from Temple. With hilarious consequences. The story's actually a lot darker and lurid, with a inexorable atmosphere that something bad is about to happen, which kept me interested all the way through. Juno Temple is a few months younger than I am, but she and pretty much all of her classmates looked to be really young in this movie, which I liked. It made it feel that much more real. Their ages are never given, but they've got to be around 14 or so. It's that kind of Lewis Carrol kind of voyeuristic age. This also introduced me to Maria Valverde, who plays the predictably doomed foreign girl, who has the absolute worst things happen to her, never without prediction because minorities never fare well in these types of stories. Eva Green is awesome and magnetic as always, with this being a perfect role for her. She's such a presence that you can't wait to see how'll she'll react or what she'll do next. I don't know if the movie is technically good from a writing standpoint. It meanders a bit here and there, and I don't know if it has an honest point. It's based on a book so mebbe. I didn't love the ending because it felt a bit abrupt and I would've liked a lot more catharsis, but overall I enjoyed watching it. It's a much better Juno Temple movie than Horns, I'll tell you that much.
  10. Third'D with Ms. Marvel #14. Takeshi Miyazawa is great on the book. I do hope Adrian Alphona isn't gone for too long though.
  11. Was it not confirmed he'd be in Apocalypse? So will Wolvy 3 come out after that, or will he not be in that at all?
  12. Wondering if she'll be back via time travel, like before she died.
  13. I don't like the concept of Spider-Man as a "kid" character, because he's never been that. Not until Ultimate Spider-Man anyway. He's always been the young man in comparison to the others. I do get that having him in high school keeps the actor from aging too quickly.
  14. Peter was only in high school for the first 28 issues of ASM. Ditko was still on the book when he graduated. Just sayin'.
  15. The story doesn't work without the heroes being around. This would be so hollow if it was just RDJ and they would obliquely reference everyone else. Of course the question is should this story be told in the first place, and I think it's a great idea for the movies.
  16. I've seen a lot of flack for the Iris character, and I'm having a hard time going along with it. Yeah, it's never fun to see the love interest mad at the hero for lying to them, but that's never an unjust reason for it in the first place. She was mad at Eddie for lying to her when in fact...he was. I agree that her being left in the lurch wasn't great, but it's never made me dislike the character. I keep thinking back to Lana and how much of a horrible hypocrite she was. Compared to Lana, I honestly can say like Iris. I find her more engaging than Caitlin, who I don't dislike either.
  17. They've yet to cast Robbie Amell tho, so I'm arching my eyebrow. About that specifically, not about the show itself. Sounds cool
  18. Convergence Batgirl #2: Lousy. Textbook example for the future of not giving fan-favorite characters to a writer who has no idea how to write them. Amazing Spider-Man vol.3 #18: Moderately distracting. I kind of liked the back up since Peter got involved in it, but I'll be looking forward to the day Slott's off this title. I'm definitely gone once Renew Your Vows is over.
  19. I don't remember, was Gyrich ever in the X-Movies?