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Was that the planned finish? :huh:

Based on Sting's reaction (RE: "I agree."), it makes me think something changed the outcome.

I think Bischoff's coming out was to let them know to end the match early, and to tell Hardy, and to shoot the shit, and let Sting know the new finish, which explains why he got close to Sting, and Sting smacked him.

TNA could have brought out Anderson and Rob Van Dam to do an impromptu title defence if they cared enough. A good ten minute match that would have sent the fans home happy, and made the people who actually paid for the PPV feel better.

Instead TNA did that.

Also, in an interesting coincidence, Jeff Hardy's continuance trial returns on Wednesday, and that is how he acts a few days before he could be sent to prison.

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I think Bischoff's coming out was to let them know to end the match early, and to tell Hardy, and to shoot the shit, and let Sting know the new finish, which explains why he got close to Sting, and Sting smacked him.

Looking back at the video, I believe you're right. If you pay attention, as Bischoff offers to shake Sting's hand, he puts the mic behind his back and says something to him.

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A possible spoiler for this weeks iMPACT where they cover they Jeff Hardy situation, in their own twisted TNA way:

Impact opened with TNA champion Sting in the ring holding the old TNA title and Jeff Hardy version. Sting said that before Hulk Hogan tries to overtake the show, he wants them to get out here and face him. Hogan and Eric Bischoff come out. Sting tosses them the Hardy belt and says this is theirs and they can take the garbage. Sting says that Hogan took one of the brightest stars in wrestling, Jeff Hardy, and ruined him with his influence. They acted like Hardy was done as Sting said he can't do anything to help Jeff anymore but he can help TNA. Hogan said that Sting tries to blame everyone else but he's the guy who disappears and shows up when he wants. Hogan said that the only person at fault is Hardy, who couldn't run with Immortal and stand in the shadow of the Hulkster. Hogan said that Hardy couldn't hang but everyone else can so Sting needs to worry about himself. Hogan said stars from all over the world want to join his Tsunami taking over wrestling.

Edit: Hogan has since apologised for his tsunami comments, and claimed they will not air on TV.

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I don't know about everybody else, but my interest in Mania has really gone downhill. The only match that I am really hyped for is the Cole/Lawler non-match.

Triple H/Undertaker being built purely on video packages doesn't do it for me. Ignoring Wrestlemania X8 annoys me. While I get that the streak is a draw, I have become one of the people who thinks it will never be ended.

Edge/Del Rio is just bland. Also, seems like the rocketship to the top that Del Rio was on is almost out of steam.

All the second tier feuds are just there. Nothing is epic. CM Punk/Orton has suffered due to lack of Punk talking time. Also, it seems like Nexus is dead so, now what? I don't want to see Snooki. Ever. Let alone on the Mania card.

And then we end with Cena/Miz which is such a horrible mess of a feud due to the Rock. Rock is feuding with Cena. Cena is feuding with the Rock. Miz is feuding with both, yet they don't know it. Even after this week, Miz is not the focus. They are building for Cena vs. Rock, which is not happening at this Mania. And I have not enjoyed this back and for either. The Rock return was awesome. Cena's response was alright. Rock via satellite has been horrible in my opinion.

I hope they turn it around in terms of excitement. I was way more hyped for Mania after the Rumble, each week takes some away. And that is sad.

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I don't know about everybody else, but my interest in Mania has really gone downhill. The only match that I am really hyped for is the Cole/Lawler non-match.

Triple H/Undertaker being built purely on video

I'll be honest, that's the only two matches grabbing right now with the build up.

Also, for those keeping track:

CARTHAGE - The drug case against Jeff Hardy, the professional wrestling star from Cameron, was expected to be continued again today in Moore County Superior Court.

Assistant District Attorney Warren McSweeney, who is in charge of the case, said he planned to ask Judge James Webb to continue to the case.

Prosecutors are still awaiting the results of lab tests from the State Bureau of Investigation on some of the evidence that lawmen seized Sept. 11, 2009, when they raided Hardy's house on Boys Camp Road outside of Cameron, McSweeney said.

Hardy's lawyer, James Van Camp, has said the 33-year-old plans to plead guilty. Prosecutors have said they were continuing to work out the terms of a plea deal.

Sheriff's deputies found about 260 Vicodin prescription painkillers, 180 Soma prescription muscle relaxants, 55 milliliters of anabolic steroids, powder cocaine residue and drug paraphernalia when they searched Hardy's home.

They arrested Hardy and a grand jury indicted him on charges that include trafficking in opium by possession, possession of cocaine, maintaining a dwelling for keeping and selling controlled substances, and two counts of possession with intent to sell a controlled substance.

Steven Godfrey, a spokesman for Hardy's wrestling company - Total Nonstop Action Wrestling - has declined to comment on how the company is dealing with its star's legal trouble. He said TNA has a drug testing policy, though officials don't release details.

Hardy has been the reigning TNA champion for most of his time with the company. However, he was beaten by the wrestler Sting during a taping of the wrestling show TNA iMPACT! at the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville last month.


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Yeah, I don't see how they can keep Hardy since he's now costing them money. Of course, all they had to do was change the main event.

Easy, they'll just give him the belt again, considering he now has a continuance, they'll just ask him to be quieter next time he shoots up in their bathrooms, and wait till the show is over.

Seriously though, Hardy has pulled these stunts before in TNA, so they should have expected it. Especially since everyone in power in TNA believes that Hardy's guilty plea will get him probation, and a fine at most.

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I don't watch TNA, can someone tell me if Sting is still any good. I know he'll be slower, etc, but are his matches decent or is he just another washed up has been on a shitty show that buries new talent?

He looks like an old man to me. We'll see how he actually works when he wrestles someone not drugged out of their mind.

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I don't watch TNA, can someone tell me if Sting is still any good. I know he'll be slower, etc, but are his matches decent or is he just another washed up has been on a shitty show that buries new talent?

He's had about a dozen matches in the last year and a half, and they haven't been that great. True, half of them have been against Rob Van DAm and Jeff Jarrett.

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Watched TNA for the first time in ages last time. They don't seem to have any idea who their audience is. Sometimes it felt like they were being too smart, targeting to the internet crowd and other times it felt like a cheap pop fest. The crowd had no idea who to boo or who to cheer and that was with Hogan, Styles and Sting in the ring. Seriously, if you're fans can't identify with those guys in a split second, you're in real trouble.

If they did a corporate analysis on their core values and what the company stood for, they would have no idea. WWE might suck, but at least their message is clear and consistent. TNA really have no idea. What a non WWE company should do is ignore story lines entirely, make every show 80-90% matches and just have a very small narrative linking the shows to the PPV and grow an audience that way. Well that's what I would do anyway, get rid of storytellers and just have an actual match booker run the company.

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Watched TNA for the first time in ages last time. They don't seem to have any idea who their audience is. Sometimes it felt like they were being too smart, targeting to the internet crowd and other times it felt like a cheap pop fest. The crowd had no idea who to boo or who to cheer and that was with Hogan, Styles and Sting in the ring. Seriously, if you're fans can't identify with those guys in a split second, you're in real trouble.

If they did a corporate analysis on their core values and what the company stood for, they would have no idea. WWE might suck, but at least their message is clear and consistent. TNA really have no idea. What a non WWE company should do is ignore story lines entirely, make every show 80-90% matches and just have a very small narrative linking the shows to the PPV and grow an audience that way. Well that's what I would do anyway, get rid of storytellers and just have an actual match booker run the company.

TNA wants to be the next WWE. The problem with that is, the fans who want to watch TNA don't want to watch WWE, and they spend half the show saying how bad the WWE is, and the other half trying to be them.

TNA will never do a real analysis of their company, or what the consumers want, as TNA has an attitude of "Like it, or lump it" to the fans, and anyone who doesn't enjoy the product.

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Once again, IWA-MS is claiming it's closing shop. This time, however, I'm inclined to believe them, as they're looking to sell off their equipment.

Also, it can't be a coincidence that this news comes on the heels of Ian's brutal burial during a two-hour interview, in which he admitted to a five-year affair with Mickie Knuckles, selling drugs to JC Bailey not too long before he died, and other not-so-wise things to confess to on the air. Though it became a battle of he said, she said at one point, some other very sickening allegations about Ian also came to light: trying to kill Mickie Knuckles with a screwdriver, countless accusations of fraud, and attempting to kill himself in fromt of Knuckles and his son -- the latter of which has been out there for years.

If you're going to give the interview a listen, know that it is very hard to sit through. Not only is it uncomfortable to hear Ian squirm, but the host is a little too inspired by Fox News for me (RE: asks damning questions then doesn't let his guest answer without a fight).

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Everyone has probably heard about this now. But it's still funny:

Twitter Suspends TNA President Dixie Carter's Account

Her account was suspended due to a violation of the website's terms of service. Approximately a month ago, a background image featuring a photoshopped "Verified Account" logo was uploaded to the page. However, only Twitter may indicate that an account is Verified.

Their terms of service reads: "Misuse of Twitter Badges: You may not use a Verified Account badge or Promoted Products badge unless it is provided by Twitter. Accounts using these badges as part of profile pictures, background images, or in a way that falsely implies affiliation with Twitter will be suspended."

According to reader Kemco, numerous users reported the violating account to Twitter, which led to its suspension.

Carter launched the account in late 2009, coinciding with the arrival of Hulk Hogan, and was frequently plugged on TNA iMPACT! up until a few months ago. Some people have speculated that her "I am" tweet last week was in response to users calling her out for misrepresenting the account as verified.


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