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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. You had me at Morena because I was already hoping the rest of that sentence would be Baccarin. Although to be honest the only thing I recall Leslie Thompkins ever doing was pretending to murder/not save Stephanie Brown aka spoiler in an attempt to...piss off Batman? What was the point of that story?! edit- Looked it up, apparently she wanted to point out how irresponsible it was for Batman to use teen sidekicks. Wait what? That's kind of a baby/bathwater situation.
  2. Nobody tell Heimdall. Seriously though, looks great. Really good trailer.
  3. Might be my favourite opening you guys have done, really fun show. Ian, I'm afraid you have Zaltzmanism. There is no known cure.
  4. The only people who give a crap about Dick are the editors at DC, he's never exactly been a best seller outside of his run as Batman. Anyone who wants to contradict me on that must first present their complete runs of nightwing trades and recap what's happening in Grayson right now. They should really just put him back in a team book, it's where he thrives. Recreate the Titans or Outsiders, something like that. Were there Titans in the New 52?
  5. He is just weird enough. Edit- I was referencing Phoenix.
  6. He's going to spike the reservoir with Viagra isn't he.
  7. That is basically how I treated it. Like a mini series what if with great art.
  8. There's not a bad thing on that ingredients list. Preston, I would definitely eat your pizza. That is the highest praise of all.
  9. Oh yeah, benevolent dictator trumps royalty every time. I almost hope she doesn't turn out to be evil, it's too easy to have Fire Kingdom 2.0. She was totally right about the other kingdoms hand-picking the ruler though. It was amazing they'd try that stuff.
  10. New series is the best yet. Between Toph being utterly Toph in her old age and Meelo basically being young Aang this is a lot of fun. Hope those two meet!
  11. Well it was in developmental abyss because NBC didn't want it, which is why Naseem Pedrad had to stay with SNL for an extra season with nothing to do, and then Fox grabbed it this year. All I see in it are Mulaney standup routines I've already heard being poorly and stiffly acted out. It's one of the least natural sitcoms of all time and I firmly believe the audience is completely canned. It looks and plays like a disney kids sitcom. Quite a waste. It's not even that the routine to scenario thing can't work, look at Louie. All he does are half episode versions of standup ideas and it's the most original comedy show going. I have to believe if Mulaney had pushed a more creative angle he'd be getting more out of his material, instead they went for mass appeal and I lost all interest.
  12. Great episode, creepy villains, brilliant concept. Really good fun.
  13. Kunta Kinte, from Roots. You missed that question even though in the TV adaptation he was played by Levar Burton who went on to be Geordie LaForge on Star Trek TNG. I mean, getting almost every question right is pretty meaningless if you miss that one. It's all about the nerd-cred bro. Seriously though, good job.
  14. God Ian, it's like you don't even know everything about Levar Burton.
  15. They'll do Barry, the DC higher ups have a boner for him just because he was the Flash when they were kids. Which ignores the fact that Wally was the Flash most of their readers lives, but whatever. Give it ten years, Barry will be dead again, Wally will be the Flash again and the readers will be asking why Bart's so marginalised. If they were going to do a Flash movie that should be their generational film. I'd love to see Jay Garrick, Barry, Wally and Bart all team up.
  16. Stavros


    I'm reading X-Factor Vol 1 at the moment and Warren is chatting to Scott whilst wearing an open bathrobe and tighty whiteys. First thought, why doesn't Scott ask him to close the drapes. Second thought, so even Warren's dressing gowns have wing-holes? Wouldn't it be easier to design something that he didn't have to stick his wings through and mess up his feathers? Third thought, you could make a 32 page comic about Warren Worthington III trying and failing to put on a T-shirt.
  17. That's fine. Even the clay origin from the animated WW movie seemed more like a tasteful metaphor that her mother never smartened her up on.
  18. I just really want to see them work Hulkbuster armour in there. More than any one storyline I would pop for that.
  19. Actually to be fair on that point, Agents of Shield is all about the proliferation of such characters. Granted they'll need to show it in movies, but the groundwork is being laid.
  20. Wait, what? Firstly, it only closed in at like 10% more than Thor TDW or GotG. Secondly, IM2 wasn't ruined by universe stuff, it was just a sub-par movie. lunch with Fury and Cap's shield didn't effect a thing. Thirdly, Winter Soldier was one of the most tied in universe movies of any in the whole thing and it was great. If you were going to do a universe film this is where it'd be done, and adding Iron Man to it basically knocks it straight into the billion range. I mean, I wasn't in favour of Civil War, I think there's problems with forcing this story in a universe without the weight of history that the comics version had, but if they're going to do it then that's where it should be done. Aside from anything else if they're ever going to go Buckycap involving him in Cap 3 and the Civil War works.
  21. I kinda feel like the only way to get Tony to the place they want him is the kill Pepper in Avengers 2. Seems like they're bumping Thanos back to Avengers 4 territory, which is just risky as far as the contracts issues go. They'll probably kill off Evans' Cap before then, but are they really going to be able to tempt Hemsworth, Downey Jr, basically the headliners back for a fourth crossover?