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Everything posted by S-T

  1. Good observation. Also, professional wrestling gave up the pretense of being anything other than fiction many years ago. Do you have a list of what consoles you will be playing games on? Can we request observations on certain games, like we do requests for the Tranquil Tirades?
  2. I liked the No Mercy post too. I thought this observation was especially good: Looking back, as much as I loved No Mercy, Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 for PS2 is probably my favorite wrestling game ever.
  3. I liked the CastleVania post a lot.
  4. Also let me add: The Collection. I liked the first one (The Collector) but the second was completely absurd from the opening trap onward.
  5. The Core has been mentioned a few times. I watched it last week. It's really bad and I think the Real Protagonists could make a great episode ripping that thing to shreds. I laughed out loud when they were walking around in the earth's mantle. Hillary Swank is great and elevates anything she's in, but good grief her character was a Mary Sue in this movie. It was ridiculous. I got Jupiter Ascending from Netflix so I can watch it before listening to the next Tirades episode.
  6. I kinda liked Jonah Hex. It moved a little too slow and was kinda boring at spots, but I liked it. I liked Elektra too. Flawed, but enjoyable. I think I said when I reviewed it for my blog at the time that the movie really needed another 20 minutes to flesh things out.
  7. I tore into it on my blog this morning. The Real Protagonists have covered some things that are pretty obscure. I had never heard of the most recent abomination until they reviewed it for Episode 51. And I was looking forward to hearing them eviscerate Spider-Man 3 despite the fact that I actually like the movie. I think there's enough bad in Ant-Man for them to make a really entertaining episode, though that's obviously up to the hosts.
  8. Ant-Man. This is just bad, especially the way Pym recruits Lang. I mean, really - Jigsaw would look at that plan and declare it about ten steps too complicated. Too much slapstick hurt it too. I've liked all of the Marvel movies, that I can recall. Not this one. I am so glad I got it on Netflix DVD instead of wasting my money to see it in the theater.
  9. Hilarious as always. The Thumbelina tangent must have been incredibly strange.
  10. I started watching this show several months ago, but didn't go back to it until about a month ago. I am really enjoying it now, about 5 episodes into Season Three. But Sims made an observation on Twitter I thought was really good: https://twitter.com/earth_2/status/678691472426868736 I am not a fan of Rick either. Shane is more likable as a character, and it doesn't help that Jon Bernthal is more charismatic and charming than Andrew Lincoln. Hershel is my favorite character, with Daryl a close second. Hershel defending his farm from the herd was an awesome moment. I got into the show only after playing the adventure game on iOS.
  11. I just finished The Wolf Among us for iOS. It was good but I liked the Walking Dead games better. I still manage to squeeze in time for gaming with two small children, though that's a lot less than it was four years ago.
  12. Maybe a spoiler, maybe not, but I'll hide it anyway:
  13. Yes. Absolutely. It's just poor writing, especially when refusing to communicate clearly harms the person speaking, especially when he's refusing to communicate clearly just for the sake of being obnoxious. I am working my way through The Walking Dead, and it was annoying at the end of season 2 when Rick could have easily explained something and he didn't. Just come out and say it. Good grief.
  14. The new Emperor / Supreme Leader Snoke is incredible though. You know he is going to wreck everything at some point. A little disappointed at the resolution of Finn's story.
  15. Saw it today. Not a fan of Kylo Ren / Emo Ren, who is less intimidating than Dark Helmet of Spaceballs. Having Emo Ren remove his helmet was a huge mistake. Great nostalgia trip though, with no Jar Jar or any characters like Jar Jar. I wish Billy Dee Williams was there.
  16. As I was listening to Mike and Dan geek out over spreadsheets, I was working on the spreadsheet I use to generate my monthly reports. I found that amusing.
  17. Modern cell phones would make a lot of plots unworkable today - especially the horror movie trope of ripping out the phone lines.
  18. S-T


    With every baby I have ever held (nieces & nephews, cousins, friends' children, etc.) I have been able to calm the crying baby and put him to sleep by cradling him/her in my arms and gently rocking him from side to side. So when my first son was born (in 2012) I thought, "I totally got this. He'll be asleep in minutes." Nope. Not only did it not work, it made him more upset. That will teach me to be arrogant. It did work with baby #2 though.
  19. I remember watching the 1997 WrestleMania main event, many years later, on Undertaker's 20-0 collection on Netflix. The booking of that, with all the interference, was just strange.
  20. I highly recommend this one, which I watched over the weekend. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1196112/ You can get it from Netflix on DVD, or stream it from Amazon. It is both terrifying and very informative.
  21. Here's an interview with Crispin Glover, regarding the controversy over the second movie:
  22. For Damien's birthday, he got to watch this thing. For my birthday, I get a new episode of the Tranquil Tirades. This doesn't seem to be an even exchange. Great work as always.