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Everything posted by S-T

  1. http://reason.com/blog/2015/06/15/another-right-winger-complains-about-vio/ https://twitter.com/femfreq/status/610273457582944256 https://twitter.com/femfreq/status/610271596675117056
  2. I should probably add a disclaimer to my rant in the feedback section at the end of the show. I have no problem with Shyamalan or anyone else in the entertainment industry being politically active. That would be totally hypocritical on my part. But there is a time and a place for politics, and shoehorning it into a movie like "The Happening" is not the place. That's also why I try to keep my political comments on this forum very limited, other than in the "Attack on Video Games" thread.
  3. That was... That was that. I should have known better than to click on that.
  4. S-T


    That is hilarious. I don't drink. I was a teetotaler for so long that I never developed a taste for it and every time I try I simply cannot get it down.
  5. New Super Mario Bros. for DS. Final Fantasy Dimensions for iOS. Words with Friends.
  6. Or having a Beagle that must scratch at the door to go out every single night at random times. 2 am, 3 am, etc. I guess she was jealous that the newborn baby was getting lots of attention in the middle of the night, so when the baby started sleeping through the night she had to get her 3 am "pay attention to me" time. So even though the baby has been sleeping through the night for the past eight months, the Beagle must still have her turn.
  7. True, but it never really left. Humanity is just as barbaric as it ever was. It's harder than ever to make something truly shocking, because of the 24/7 news cycle and the Internet. Which is why the people making movies, TV shows etc. need to focus on writing a good story. Shock value doesn't cut it any more.
  8. Mark Chesnutt's version of that song was better.
  9. I am about halfway through, and I like it so far. My big gripe with the 2003 movie is that Daredevil was a murderer, which was a big departure from the comics. That's not the case here. I loved the relationship between Daredevil and Stick. I do hope DD shows up on the big screen.
  10. Do audio versions of TV news count as podcasts? Because I listen to a bunch of those.
  11. It's been messed up to the point that a reboot would be the best way to proceed. And I say that as someone who does not like reboots at all. But that should not happen until the stink of the current franchise has faded. It's a really cool concept (and I was a fan of the TV show back in the day) but the execution has been terrible.
  12. I was just amazed at the arrogance listening to this topic being discussed on the BBC yesterday. http://www.cnet.com/news/school-principals-threaten-parents-with-police-if-kids-play-grand-theft-auto/ http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-03-30-headteachers-threaten-to-report-parents-who-let-their-children-play-18-rated-games http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/11502515/Parents-who-let-kids-play-Call-of-Duty-could-be-reported-to-police.html
  13. LOL I feel for ya, Real Protagonists.
  14. I was just saying who he was. I didn't make a statement one way or the other about the quality of his work. :-)
  15. The hosts mentioned Cledus T. Judd and did not know who he was. He's sort of country music's version of weird Al Yankovic. He does parodies of country music songs. For example, a Trace Adkins' video: And a Cledus T. Judd parody:
  16. If I have a complaint about Throne of Atlantis (and the last several DC animated movies, generally) it's the level of violence. I can't let my son watch it with me. Decapitations, dismemberment, all kinds of blood... cool for adults but not kid friendly at all. There's a time when this would have been R-rated.
  17. Has anyone seen this one? I got it from Netflix a couple weeks ago. Quite a departure from the comic story, but it was pretty good nonetheless. Not as good as the comic book, though. Aquaman wasn't portrayed as strong as he could have been.
  18. Sometimes I wonder how ideas like this get made into movies. I haven't seen this one, but from the Real Protagonists' description it sounds like the Talking Pony is a result of concussion-induced hallucinations, instead of the animal actually talking. Does this sound right?
  19. I actually really liked Maximum Overdrive. Sure, it was stupid and corny, and the plot makes no sense. But it's a fun movie.
  20. This is an old thread, but I am listening to WFP as I am working my way through the DCAU. (Sharing the joy with my 3 year old, which I am sure the hosts appreciate.) I just watched this movie this weekend, and I think I can explain how Penguin spent the money given to him by the terrorists. The materials would be very expensive, not only to acquire but ship into the country. Then various authorities have to be bribed to get the stuff into the country, various authorities would have to be bribed to get the military-grade materials (which would be tightly controlled) and you have the expense of running the factory itself. Then there is a much smaller amount left over that will be the profit - and shared not just between the two gangsters and their enforcer, but various underlings throughout the organization.
  21. The sweetness and tartness are not a good combination. But everyone has different tastes. I love all the flavors of Coke - Raspberry, Orange and Lime especially. I didn't know there was a pineapple Fanta. I had only seen pineapple in various store-brand sodas, and I really liked it. Honestly, for pure variety the store brands are usually the way to go. But back to topic, Transformers 4 was horrible. I actually rented the thing to more fully enjoy the podcast. I do think it was the least horrible of the series. If I was forced to pick one, I would say this was "the good one." But "least horrible of the series" is a better description. Just awful. Not having Sam Witwicky and his parents was one annoyance gone. The stupid comedy seemed to be toned down.
  22. I haven't tried the watermelon ones. Some flavors aren't meant to mix. Like Vanilla Sprite. Yuck.