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Everything posted by S-T

  1. Here's the song that was played in the podcast:
  2. Huge happy tenth anniversary Michael Sims! And a huge happy anniversary to everyone who has been a contributor to The Show and all of the other podcasts. You've provided a lot of great entertainment value over the years. The series of Saw reviews were all great, especially when you teamed up with the Real Protagonists to rip VI and VII to shreds. The retrospectives on the Star Wars and Batman films were also excellent. I even contributed a little something to the podcast way back in Episode 10, which in all honesty was pretty terrible. I'm a better speaker now than I was then, but that's not saying much. Thanks for having all of us on this forum lo these many years and for all of the great content everyone has provided in both written an audio form. It's hard to believe I have been a member of these forums for eleven and a half years. Just incredible, and this site shows no signs of slowing down.
  3. :) I actually like all of the Resident Evil movies. They're flawed, but entertaining. Nemesis in RE2, though, was just painful to watch. I have seen better rubber suits when channel surfing past Power Rangers in the early 90's. Practical effects definitely have their advantages, but this was so bad ti should have been CG.
  4. Well, I flubbed my second feedback email for this episode. Not only had the playing cards angle been discussed in the thread for the fourth movie that shall not be named, I posted in that thread after it was mentioned. Duh. Excellent podcast as always, gentleman.
  5. I had forgotten about this one. It showed up in my "on this day" page on Facebook. http://www.cnet.com/news/peta-wages-war-on-pokemon-for-virtual-animal-cruelty/ Idiots. Pokemon is not real. No actual animals are harmed. Put the bong down.
  6. I was surprised they managed to show the three boobs in a PG-13 movie, but PG-13 has become pretty much meaningless. PG-13 today is what R was 20-25 years ago. (I am an old man. Get off my lawn.) It was clear that it was a reference to the original, but the original had a number of mutants in the story. That mutant, the only mutant in the remake that I recall, didn't fit into the movie. And it was lame that it didn't take place on Mars. I just didn't like it generally.
  7. Two questions: When will the Bloodrayne 2 review hit the main page Earth-2.net?How about covering Superman IV?On some level, I would love to hear you guys rip into the 2012 "Total Recall" remake, even though it probably would not be a good choice. It was bad, but I am not sure it is Tirades-worthy bad. Plus Damien can't ever say anything negative about Kate Beckinsale. So it won't happen. But having Barack Obama on the British pound? No. Just no. That was by far the most memorable part of that movie, because it was so annoying. I saw it with a friend and he thought he imagined it. I swear, some movies just intentionally flip the bird to conservatives.
  8. Since you've covered the first two, how about covering "BloodRayne: The Third Reich" at some point?
  9. I'm curious what folks think of this: Stop using rape as a trope in horror films. Caveats: Yes, it's a college paper. Yes, it's not terribly well argued. Yes, there are a lot of terrible things in horror movies. I posted it here rather than somewhere in horror because rape is used as a plot device across multiple genres.
  10. S-T

    Happy birthday, Dubs!

    Happy Birthday, Damien! Sorry you had watch and take notes on a Twilight movie on your birthday.
  11. S-T

    Episode 422

    I understand that there are a lot of bad/evil people who never get their comeuppance in the real world. But that's one of the reasons I watch movies or enjoy fiction generally - as an escape from reality. A prosecutor who fabricates evidence in a murder case and sends someone to prison for decades may never spend a day in prison or even be fired from his job in real life. In a movie, I expect to see the bad guy be punished, either legally or extrajudicially. Even Jason and Freddy are defeated at the end of their movies, and Jigsaw was murdered in Saw III. Speaking of Jigsaw, the reason I brought him up is because the Jigsaw character is similar to the Shepard Lambrick character - torturing people as part of a sick "game" and having a cult following him. As for the movie's "job," that is up to the individual viewer/consumer. And for me as a consumer, if didn't do its job. For you, as a consumer, it did. Great. You liked he movie. I hated it because of the ending. Had the ending been different, I probably would have a very different view of the movie. And, again, Jeffrey Combs is spectacular in his role.
  12. S-T

    Episode 422

    Like the hosts, this has been sitting in my Netflix instant queue and I watched it after a good recommendation from Dread Media. I just finished this movie and I respectfully disagree with the hosts' take on Would You Rather? I hated this movie. I hated it. First of all... Also... But what ruined the movie for me was the ending. The ending is completely and unnecessarily cruel and sadistic. If there was a happy ending, maybe this could have been redeemable. But the way it ended leaves me, as the viewer, with absolutely no satisfaction whatsoever. There are a lot of problems with the Jigsaw character. For example, pretending to not be a murderer after he puts people in traps where someone has to die. Not Amanda, not Hoffman - Jigsaw. Like murdering two SWAT officers via electrocution in Saw II. No "moral choice" at all, just a straight up murder. Before that, in Saw I, he forces Amanda to murder someone to get out of the reverse bear trap. And the "that's a human being" line in Saw VI might just be the stupidest line in cinematic history. But for all of the problems with Jigsaw, at least his motivation makes sense. He's crazy and evil, but I understand his motivation from his own sick perspective. We don't get a motivation for Shepard Lambrick at all. He's just a purely evil, sadistic, demonic, mustache-twirling caricature who wants to step on as many kittens as possible. This movie should have taken place in some sort of post-apocalyptic dystopian future. It would have made a lot more sense in that environment. But I will say this: Jeffrey Combs is an amazing actor. He just oozes slime and evil. even when he is not given anything to work with - and here he wasn't given anything to work with. His character has no depth. He is completely one-dimensional. But even then, he is just delightful to watch in creating a character you love to hate. He is the best thing about this movie, by far.
  13. S-T

    Random wrestling thoughts

    I hated the cartoony direction represented by those characters at the time, but it would only get worse later.
  14. It's a bit sad how many adults I know who are younger than that issue. I am an old man. Get off my lawn.
  15. I didn't expect to learn about duck anatomy listening to a movie review, and Michael Sims was not even a guest host. Also, given the love interest for Howard, did Peter Singer have an uncredited role in writing the script?
  16. You made a really good point about the championship being the be-all and end-all of the company. Today that isn't the case and has not been the case for several years. That was somewhat excusable when there were more championships, including two primary champions. (There were no fewer than 9 wrestlers who were champions at one point, plus 2 women's titles) Now, with the unified primary championship and a pared-down group of secondary champions (unifying the tag titles helped) the focus should really be on the world title. That should be what every single wrestler is obsessed with getting. Like in 1997. Ideally, there should be no more than 5 champions - a primary champion, a secondary champion, tag champions and a women's champion. And then make the entire company revolve around the championships.
  17. How about the original XXX with Vin Diesel as a future Tirade?
  18. Final Fantasy VI for iOS. Gau is every bit as useless as he was 20 years ago.
  19. Masterful job with the editing, Damien. The audio quality is noticable, especially at first, but I was into the episode and would forget that there was an audio problem. I would only re-notice it when i remembered something had been fixed. It doesn't diminish the enjoyment of the episode at all though. I found the scene with the bathtub. Very disturbing. JCVD always has to show how flexible he is. The basketball references are stupid, but I take them as a "fourth wall" kind of joke.
  20. I am such an old man.
  21. http://thefederalist.com/2015/06/16/why-the-left-hates-video-games/ Video game critics have long relied on dishonesty and half-truths. For those old enough to remember, the descriptions of "Night Trap" by critics such as Joe Lieberman were just brazen lies. Equating a demon with a person is dishonest - and it's not a person anyway! It is computer graphics. No actual people or demons are harmed. But I have long since given up on expecting vidio game violence crusaders to be honest.
  22. I hereby request that you cover Saw 8 when it comes out. And from the Lionsgate pages on Facebook and Twitter, it seems inevitable. https://twitter.com/lionsgatehorror/status/582962534254272515 https://www.facebook.com/LionsgateHorror/photos/a.708223742575672.1073741828.685953224802724/867287696669275/?type=1 "People die... the game cannot."