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Everything posted by S-T

  1. WARNING: there are spoilers in this review. Scroll down to read it. I saw Superman Returns yesterday. It was an fun movie, one that is meant to inspire awe in the return of earth's greatest hero from a hiatus in the far reaches of space. The rescue of the plane early on was certainly cool, and Superman stretching the limits of his power to save the earth from destruction at the end was a great finale. This movie introduces a major difference between the traditional all-American hero with strong family values and this script's interpretation of the character. This is also the main problem I had with the movie itself. Superman is not the hero he used to be. Instead, he is a deadbeat dad, a stalker, and a wanna-be adulterer. These traits make it difficult to sympathize with the character, and serve to dampen the enjoyment of the movie. When Superman comes back to earth, he finds that Lois Lane is engaged to another man. Lane has also been living with him for the past five years and has a four-year-old son. (Apparently, it did not take Ms. Lane much time to "move on" after Kal-El disappeared.) As it turns out, Richard White is not child's father: Superman is. So basically, Superman is a deadbeat dad who knocks up Lois lane and then takes off into space for half a decade. Heartbroken to see that Lois is shacking up with Richard, Superman hangs out in their yard and uses his x-ray vision and super hearing to spy on Lois and her family. This is creepy, and makes Kal-El look more like Superstalker than Superman. Finally, Superman meets Lois on the top of the Daily Planet building, where he attempts to romance her. She pulls away at the last second from kissing the man of steel. Hello, is anyone home? She is engaged, is living with her fiancé, and has a four year old son. There has been no indication so far in the movie that the child is actually Superman's instead of Richard's. Is this the hero we remember from the previous movies? The acting was good, and some of the action scenes serve as a fun adrenaline rush back to the heyday of the first two Superman movies with Christopher Reeve. The movie was not without its flaws, though, the main one being Superman's lack of character. There were also too many loose ends that should have been tied up. What happens next in Superman's relationship with Lois and their child? What will happen when the child starts showing more signs of super powers? What happens to Lex Luthor, who is trapped on a small island but not captured by Superman? Final grade: B+, mostly on the strength of the special effects, the action scenes and Kevin Spacey's Lex Luthor.
  2. It would almost be better to buy a PS1, since I have a PS1 controller.
  3. I got my PS2 in January 2005. Is there any way to fix the problem without buying a new system? I'm going to be very unhappy if I have to buy a new system, since I recently purchased both Chono Cross and FF Chronicles!
  4. I purchased Final Fantasy Chronicles, and have been playing Chrono Trigger for several days. It is as fun now as it was 11 years ago on the S-NES. The problem came when I put Final Fantasy IV in my PS2. I get an error message that says "please insert a PS1 or PS2 compatible disc." Needless to say, I was dissapointed, because I never was able to get FF IV (FF II) for the S-NES. Help? Anyone have any ideas? I'm going to call Square on Monday to see if there is anything they can do.
  5. After watching the film, I think the premise of this web site is correct: http://www.superdickery.com/dick/1.html
  6. I guess my main point is that WWE's main goal should not be to get people who watch wrestling to see their movie, the main goal should be to get people who do not watch wrestling to go see the movie. Using the character's name detracts from that goal, IMO.
  7. But in reality, how many people know who "Kane" is? The Angry German has a very good column a while back on wrestling video games. Basically, the point was that the video game market is much bigger than the wrestling market, and by making good video games WWE (or other promotions) can get video gamers interested in their product. The movie industry is certainly a lot bigger than the wrestling industry, so the obvious strategery here should be to make good movies. Perhaps people not at all interrested in wrestling will tune in on Monday or Friday night to see the guy they saw at the local Showplace 12.
  8. Did anyone actually go see this? I was meaning to, but piddled around too long and it isn't in my local theater any more. I guess I will wait for the DVD...
  9. Very interesting http://www.betanews.com/article/Xbox_360_S..._PS2/1150211868 Thoughts?
  10. S-T

    Civil War *SPOILERS!*

    Since conservatives generally opposed restrictions on gun ownership it would make sense that a good number of conservatives would oppose registration of super powers if those powers actually existed. Gun Owners of America would have a super powers department, for example. I think "superhero registration", if meta-human powers existed in the real world, would split both conservatives and liberals right down the middle. Sarah Brady and gun control types vs. civil libertarians on the Left, and national security types vs. 2nd Amendment types on the other.
  11. http://ps2.ign.com/articles/711/711788p1.html I've made this comparison before, but here I go again. The video game rating system is pretty close to the movie ratings system. an M-rated game would theoretically be an R-rated movie. So, is the hot coffee scene in GTA:SA worse than the nude scene in Monster's Ball? Both Monster's Ball and GTA:SA carry warnings for "Strong Sexual Content"?
  12. Ha, I was just about to start a new thread linking to this story when I saw Yoda's thread.
  13. Reposted from my blog: I rented "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children" a couple weeks ago, and found it very enjoyable. I had played "Final Fantasy VII" on my Windows 98 machine several years ago, and made it to the final dungeon. It was a lot of fun, but I never did get around to finishing it. It was one of the classics for the role-playing genre. "Advent Children" is a direct sequel to "Final Fantasy VII" for PlayStation and Windows. All of the characters are there, although some have larger roles than others. What is different about "Advent Children" is that it is a movie, not a video game. As far as I know, this is the only game-inspired movie to directly follow the storyline of the game it is based on. Others may use similar stories and the same characters, but "Advent Children" is a true sequel on DVD. There were several nice touches for fans of the series. One of these was a refresher on what happened in "Final Fantasy VII", so you know what is going on when the movie starts. The moogle doll carried by one of the children in the film is a nice tip of the hat to fans of the series. The most fun, though, is the familiar "victory music" at the end of Tifa's battle with one of Sephiroth's stooges. It turns out that is the ring tone for the defeated villain's cell phone. What strikes me is that, nearly a decade after "FF VII" was popular on the PlayStation, the characters still have enough staying power to be used in a movie, especially one that follows the original story so closely. There are three more video games and another movie planned expanding on the "Final Fantasy VII" universe. It will be interesting to see if some of the other games are expanded the way this one has been. While "Advent Children" is great for fans of the video game, the movie is strong enough on its own to justify a rental even for those who have never played the game but are fans of science fiction and fantasy movies. Final grade: B+
  14. I don't know if they can do this depending on who holds the licenses to the movie franchises but... Juggernaut vs Hulk in Hulk 2. Or they could just include a Colossus/Juggernaut slugfest in the next movie or the Wolverine movie.
  15. I left when the credits started. Now I wish i had stayed. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: A few points: There is no way that Cyclops is dead. If you don't see a body, he is not dead. Even if you do see a body, they can bring him back. Jean Grey is arguably the most powerful mutant on the planet. In the comics, Pheonix rivals Galactus. Therefore, she is probably not dead either. Is the mutant "cure" permanent? Mutants lose their powers when close to Leech, but get re-powered when away from him. When Leech's goop works its way out of their system, the powers will come back, but it is a much more long term de-powering. It was suggested that Magneto is regaining his power over magnetism at the end. I wanted to see a fistfight between Colossus and Juggernaut. I was dissapointed that didn't happen. In the comics, Juggernaut is Professor X's stepbrother. I understand why they didn't explore the Crimson Gem of Cytorrak angle to explain his powers (though it would not have been THAT hard to do so) but there should have been some mention of Xavier's relationship with Juggernaut.
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/fun.games/05/...reut/index.html :laugh: :happy: :urock:
  17. I don't like the costume. If they were going to give him the black costume, they should have went with the original design. Hollywood probably thinks people won't know it is Spider-man if it isn't a black version of the classic suit.
  18. S-T

    PS3 news

    Good point. The PS3 will sell out. I didn't get a PS2 until January 2005. Because I waited, I was able to pay a lower price. Give the PS3 a year or two and the price will be significantly descreased for the 2007 or 2008 Christmas season.
  19. S-T

    Civil War *SPOILERS!*

    What is the difference between Civil War: Front Line and Civil War?
  20. I picked up issue #1 the other day. This is a storyline that has been overdue for a long time. People "hate and fear" mutants because of their power. But how is it different if you get your power from a suit of armor or from being hit with cosmic rays? That never made sense to me. It will be really interesting to see how this turns out.
  21. S-T

    SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006

    I don't think the GM mode is worth it. I didn't find it all that interesting. If you're buying the game for the GM mode, wait for SDvR 2007, which is supposed to have an extended GM mode. THQ needs to drop the long-winded promos. They're fun at first, but become completely tiresome when going through the same storyline the 2nd or third time. If it came down to it, I would rather have text-based storylines that offer many more branches and options. The game really needs a tournament mode, whether it is called King of the Ring or not. Also, bring back the "league" mode from WCW/NWO World Tour. That was so cool.
  22. S-T

    SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006

    After having had this one for a while, the biggest dissapointment is the small number of storylines. As far as I know, this is the complete list of storylines Raw, pre-Rumble: Unlikely Allies Special Story Legends Tour Smackdown, pre-Rumble: Undertaker's Urn Torrie's Contract Legends Tour Raw, post-Rumble: Batista as Champ HHH as Champ Smackdown, post-Rumble: You ran down Teddy Long RVD ran down Teddy Long Also, right before the Rumble you have the "Time to Rumble" mini-storyline which is identical for both brands. Didn't previous Smackdown games have many more possible storylines, that were much more interactive? I haven't played any of them except for when I rented the first SDvR, so I have virtually no first-hand experience. SDvR 2006 is a good game, but I hope the story mode is significantly improved next year.
  23. S-T

    Major post-IC SPOILER

    ANOTHER SPOILER. Superboy doesn't die after Infinite Crisis - he dies in battle with Superboy Prime in Infinite Crisis #6. He does manage to save the universe in doing so. I thought the way it was handled was very well done. There's nothing to say Connor can't be brought back to life, either.
  24. http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/re.../28/191508.html
  25. S-T

    PS3 news
