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Everything posted by S-T

  1. S-T

    God of War II

    Everyone else probably knows this already, but I think it's awesome that they went and got the guy who played Perseus in Clash of the Titans (1981) to do the voice for Perseus in GOW 2.
  2. Live to win! Live! Win! Sorry, had to make that crack. :devil:
  3. I recently beat God of War II (on easy) and I am playing Destroy All Humans now.
  4. S-T


    Well, I did have a specific reason for liking it that doesn't necessarily apply to someone else. If Underdog/Shoeshine didn't remind me so much of my Beagle, I may not have liked it as much as I did.
  5. S-T


    I just watched it last night and loved it. Shoeshine/Underdog reminds me so much of my Beagle that I was in stitches the entire 75 minutes. The opening scene, with him howling because there was a huge piece of pork in one of the boxes, was just classic and exactly what my dog would do.
  6. S-T

    God of War II

    Has anyone played this one? I got it shortly after new years and I'm loving it. The game gives you the feeling that this is truly an "epic" game. I enjoyed the first one, and the second is just as good. My only complaint is that you can't control the camera.
  7. Did anyone see the Angry Video Game Nerd's take on the name of the latest Rambo movie? Awesome.
  8. Apparently, The Rock is going to be Black Adam. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0448115/ Re-enact scene from World War III, spin-off of 52. "Tell me, young one, what is your name?" "My name is Terr..." "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!! KNOW YOUR ROLE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!" Then Black Adam decapitates her.
  9. Actually, the plot holes are pretty easy to figure out. Superboy Prime punched reality. That pretty much explains everything. And then Mephisto did some supernatural stuff.
  10. Has anyone else seen Saw IV? I watched it last night. Seriously, how much retconning can they do before making the series impossible for new viewers to jump into?
  11. I just want it to be illegal for any politician to play the game, for reasons stated above. They might be influenced in a negative way.
  12. One thing I found hilarious is that the game is kind of a nanny state utopia. If you're riding a moped without a helmet, a police officer will grab you, pull you off the bike and slam you to the ground in one motion. I just hope that certain politicians never see that scene. It might give them ideas, and that scares me.
  13. Stuck by it. My guess is this won't last, so what's the point?
  14. Yep. If tort reform is ever passed at the federal level, you will be able to point to this idiot's perversion of a legal system as one of the main reasons why. It is people like Jack Thompson that give all lawyers a bad name.
  15. I sent the following "open letter" to Jack Thompson. Mr. Thompson, I have been playing video games for over 25 years, starting with the Atari 2600, and then to the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES, Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 2. Starting with Mortal Kombat in the early 1990's, there has been a campaign against video game violence by politicians such as U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman and activists such as you. As a gamer, I have closely followed this criticism, and especially threats to have government regulate these games. I recently purchased the video game Bully, which prompted me to write this letter to you. As Rockstar Games was preparing to release Bully in 2006, you referred to the game as a "Columbine simulator". Bully received a rating of T, the equivalent of a PG-13 rating for a movie. As you well know, two students at the high school in Columbine walked into the school with firearms on April 20, 1999 and coldly slaughtered several students and teachers. The nation was shocked by this senseless act of violence and much was said about preventing another such massacre. The events of the Bully video game are not even in the same solar system as the Columbine massacre, much less in the same ballpark. Is the game violent? With multiple fistfights throughout the game, the answer is yes. However, no human beings are killed in the game, and there are no firearms in the game. To call the game a "columbine simulator" is more than an exaggeration, Mr. Thompson. It is a lie. This statement may offend you. However, you should remember that when you say something that is not true, and you know that what you are saying is not true, you are lying. That makes you a liar, Mr. Thompson. Given that you are an attorney, this should concern people. After all, our judicial system must be based on facts, and decisions made by judges or juries must be based on factual information. When you call Bully a "Columbine simulator", many people will assume that the player uses firearms to kill other human characters in the game. This simply is not the case, and you know it. When you lie so openly in a public campaign against a video game, how can a judge or jury be sure you are not lying when you present a case to them on another matter? How do they know you are not simply making things up? This does great harm to your credibility as an attorney. Mr. Thompson, I would like you to consider for a moment the victims of Columbine, who you cynically exploited with your campaign against Bully. When you claim that a game that features no firearms and where no human characters are killed is a "Columbine simulator", how do you think the survivors of Columbine feel? Have you gone to Columbine, looked into the eyes of parents who have lost a child, and claim that the low level of violence in a "T" (PG-13) rated game "simulates" the carnage of April 20, 1999? The disrespect you showed for the victims, survivors, and victims' families is sickening. To enhance your own career, you effectively desecrated the graves of everyone who died at Columbine. I do not deny that some video games are inappropriate for children, and that parents should use discretion in which video games they purchase. But it is not your place to play the role of Mommy for every child in America by abusing the legal system to prevent the release of a "T" (PG-13) rated video game. When you brazenly lie about the content of the game and disrespect the victims of a tragedy, your behavior becomes even more inexcusable. You have been described as a "conservative", but as a conservative myself I fail to see how content-based censorship can in any way be described as "conservative". I could say a lot more, Mr. Thompson, especially as it relates to the level of violence and sexual content in video games as compared to other forms of entertainment such as movies. But I will instead close with a challenge. If you have any integrity at all, Mr. Thompson, you will do the following three things. First, you will apologize to the victims of Columbine for cynically exploiting them. Second, you will apologize to Rockstar Games for the campaign of character assassination you waged against the developers of the game. Finally, you will promise to tell the truth in any future criticism of the video game industry. Are you man enough to admit your lie and apologize for it?
  16. So it will be June before the entire Sinestro Corps War is collected? LAME. The whole reason I didn't collect the storyline issue-by-issue is because I figured I would be able to buy the whole thing at least by the first of April.
  17. OK, Mephisto supernaturally mind-wiped the entire Marvel Universe. Fine. What is really annoying is that they wiped out the evolution of Spider-Man's powers - both the organic webbing and the powers he acquired in "The Other". Why did I buy that TPB again? This is pathetic.
  18. S-T

    Manhunt 2

    Yep. To repeat what I said in the other thread, Manhunt 1 and 2 were crappy games with a truckload of potential. Metal Gear Solid with a horror theme. Improve the controls and the fighting engine and you have a classic. Too bad that what you wound up with was a steaming pile of poop. And Rockstar is capable of so much more.
  19. Why not have Jessica Biel play Cammy? Resident Evil being one of the RARE exceptions.
  20. S-T

    Manhunt 2

    I rented it. It is horrible. It is not as bad as the first one, but it it is bad nonetheless. The worst thing is the gameplay. The fighting engine is horrid. It is an improvement over the first game (The Karate Kid on NES would be an improvement over the first game) but the controls are horrid. On top of that, the main attraction, the brutal "kills", are heavily censored. The screen gets all fuzzy, big lines are everywhere, difficult to know what on Gaia's green earth is going on. Final Grade: F
  21. If you only ran through the game once, it would be a few steps behind the game I consider to be the best RPG that I've played, Final Fantasy VI. (VII, VIII, IX and XII just haven't done it for me the way VI did.) Classic 16-bit gaming, and it holds up well today. The "new game plus" option is just awesome, though, and makes the game. There are few things in gaming to match the smug satisfaction of getting to that boss who was a major pain in the side the first time around and obliterating him with an end-of-game party. It's also one of the things I really like about Resident Evil 4.
  22. The big problem I have with the SF is that, if I understand it correctly, every single character in the DCU could theoretically be the Flash, if only they figured out how to connect to it.
  23. S-T

    Fire Pro Wrestling

    I ordered it from Amazon.com - I wondered on Wednesday why my copy had not arrived so I went to check it out and found this: Order Date: November 7, 2007 Shipping estimate: December 28, 2007 I canceled my order, went to the local Gamestop, and purchased the thing directly.
  24. S-T

    Manhunt 2
