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Everything posted by dc20willsave

  1. Haven't bought my pass yet but I'm 90% sure I'm going this year.
  2. I wonder what prompted that?😁
  3. Kinda late notice but... Was anyone thinking of going to C2E2 this year?
  4. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: It's a good first movie of the year. Sorry to Bother You: The fact that this isn't in all the current reward talks is a damn shame. Subversive, hilarious, and poignant as all hell! Mac and Me/Atlantic Rim: I'm starting to watch through the new season of Mst3k. It's hitting the marks. Films: 2 MST3K/Rifftrax Assisted: 2
  5. They are making the most out of no longer being on Cartoon Network. This is dark and timely as fuck while feeling like a natural continuation of the series up to this point. I'm disappointed we're only getting three episodes a week because I really want to know what comes next!
  6. Mr. and Mrs. X #6-7: I prefered Issue 6's slice of life party to #7's visit to noir but I love Mojo so I'm willing to let it slide. it helps that Thompson's writing style definitely works well with the strange meta-ness of Mojo stories. Uncanny X-Men #8: I am slowly getting won over. Still not quite as good as during the Blue, Yellow, and Red era. Single Issues: 3
  7. Aquaman: Very fun. It's not a perfect movie and is kind of dumb but still so very enjoyable. Final Thoughts on the Year: I didn't make it to 200 films this year like I did last but I feel like I got more out of what I watched. I'm not sure if I'll be going for 200 next year but who knows. The year is still young. Films: 110 Repeats: 8 MST3k/Rifftrax Assisted: 7 Made For TV: 4 Documentaries: 1 Straight to DVD: 7
  8. Three days of Will in a row. I'm sure that was a great Christmas present for someone!
  9. Hey everyone, just wishing you a great Holiday season to you all! Hope you do whatever makes you happy! Gonna be going to see a movie and watch some Christmas and Holiday films today myself.
  10. The Christmas Chronicles: Cute, non-offensive, and interesting at times. Outside of Kurt Russell and one cameo, it's basically a Freeform Christmas movie though. Beauty and the Beast: It was on the TV and I felt like, "Sure, why not?" The Night Before: I watched this last year and loved it. I watched it this year and still found myself smiling a ton. Definitely my new favorite recent Christmas movie. Films: 109 Repeats: 8 MST3k/Rifftrax Assisted: 7 Made For TV: 4 Documentaries: 1 Straight to DVD: 7
  11. The Star Wars Holiday Special: It's terrible but it's tradition for me to watch it. Jingle All The Way: If I wasn't already a socialist... Die Hard: A great movie. Still say it's not a Christmas movie but I'm beyond coming down on people just because they want it to be. Bumblebee: HOW DARE YOU NOT SUCK!!! Seriously, it's far from a terrible film but I enjoyed it. Films: 106 Repeats: 8 MST3k/Rifftrax Assisted: 7 Made For TV: 4 Documentaries: 1 Straight to DVD: 7
  12. Last night's weird dream was basically seeing some weird Avengers Go To Disney Land movie. Tony, Bucky, and Steve were investigating something but it meant they has to go to Wakanda. Steve was jealous of Bucky or something which prompted him to at first insist he would he spending the night in the hostels where Bucky is until Steve pointed out the beds were uncomfortable so Tony insisted on the best room in the hotel. Steve threw some shade about Tony being damanding. Anyway, after a scene of Bucky thanking T'challa for saving his life, Bucky and Steve went to "Disney's Disavowed Wakandaan Theme Park." (That is literally what the dreams subtitle called it.) This involved some argueing over roller coasters and Bucky and Steve seeing a production of Carrie The Musical the park had. Chris Pratt was also in the audience but he was playing Andy Dwyer instead of Starlord. He was really disappointed with the musical because he was hoping for something with more action. Also, for some reason, my dream also used Brandon Routh as The Atom instead of Paul Rudd as Ant-Man. Steve wouldn't let him go with then on the mission because he couldn't have another dead Avenger on his conscience.
  13. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Absolutely one of the best animated films I've seen in the last few years. Scrooged: Bill Murray is awesome and a Christmas Classic that was ahead of it's time. The Sound of Music: It's saccharine as all heck but, at the same time, it works. Plus, it gave us the timeless GiF of Christopher Plummer ripping up a Nazi flag which is majorly iconic. Films: 103 Repeats: 8 MST3k/Rifftrax Assisted: 6 Made For TV: 4 Documentaries: 1 Straight to DVD: 7
  14. I absolutely adored it. I've had problems with animation over the last few years, mainly with each studio having a house style that results in films that all look alike. The fact that this was such a distinctive looking film was thrilling. It also helped that the script and voice acting was spot-on for the entire film. Like, if this doesn't end up winning the Oscar for Best Animated film, I will be largely disappointed. Unless it's maybe Isle of Dogs. Maybe.
  15. I had a dream last night where I was running a D&D session where the party found an abandoned island. There was some evidence of prior habitation. Upon further searching, they found a secret base that indicated the island had been used as Psy Ops during the cold war by either the US or USSR to find methods to drive human beings insane but it looks like they abandoned the project when all attempts failed. This apparently was what some rich guy had hired the party to find out. Finally, while waiting for their boat to arrive to pick them up, they found the remains of a crashed ship. Written on it: S.S. Minnow. The party was on Gilligan's Island.
  16. X-Men Red #11: I haven't been keeping track (might try to do it next year) but I have to say, it's a crying shame that this book as been canceled. Like, this was seriously one of the best X-Books I have read in years and, considering Blue and Yellow were so wonderful, that says something. I could have read this for years but I'll just settle for 11 consistently good issues and an annual. I'm highly interested in how the resolution will work out in the X-Universe/How it will be forgotten for the next few years until some writer ignores it because they need a villain for their story.
  17. I'll Be Home For Christmas: Watched twice for a review. Films: 100 Repeats: 8 MST3k/Rifftrax Assisted: 6 Made For TV: 4 Documentaries: 1 Straight to DVD: 7
  18. It was a fun crossover. Of the three crossovers, I'd put it in the middle. Still fun but everything still felt like it could have used an extra half of an episode. Going for Crisis next year feels pretty ballsy but I'm there for it. Assuming Batwoman gets picked up and Green Arrow doesn't end this season, I can see five nights for the crossover.
  19. Considering how The Crisis has been built into The Flash since the first episode and with The Monitor mentioning The Crisis in the Green Arrow episode, I figure they're planning for The Monitor to show up again beyond just this episode.
  20. Tonight was good though it's also obvious that it was partially there to be a full-on backdoor pilot for a Batwoman pilot. That said, she made a good first impression. I am definitely looking forward to a World's Finest crossover with Supergirl and the show if it gets picked up. Though it's not part of the crossover, I liked the joke about it on tonight's Legends of Tomorrow.
  21. For the Game that I'm currently running, I gave the party what amounts to plot coupons that are strangely worded. Now, that said, the NPC who willed them this left some ambigous wording none of them have stumbled on: Basically, they can weaponize their plot coupons to use on others instead of themselves.. I haven't outright told them this though. One of my players just asked if there were any clues. My response: I'd say more but I'd rather keep it to myself.