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Everything posted by Donomark

  1. I would LOVE to see them do the Stanford incident. And by "love" I mean "be horrified".
  2. It didn't annoy me so much as it stopped me cold, as I'm still not over the PTSD End of Evangelion gave me. Forgot to say, thanks for playing the voice mail!
  3. Donomark

    The Music Thread

    Pretty awesome remixes of video game level themes, especially Sonic the Hedgehog.
  4. Great episode guys! In the time between my voicemail and your recording, I did manage to see "Good Morning Vietnam" and really enjoyed it. After hearing the clip mentioning Evangelion, I sought it out as that show's what my brain's been obsessed with since finishing it a few months ago. All I can say without delving into a needless, nerdy rant is that the description of the toy in question is so VERY wrong. Anyway, love that you guys are gonna cover both Kill Bills! I remember that not being high on your Tarintino movie rankings Ian, so I'm looking forward to your thoughts especially. I personally love'em, although it's been a while since I've seen them.
  5. Isn't he DESTINED to become Vibe? Francisco Ramon?
  6. Janet Van Dyne maybe? She was Asian in the Ultimate Universe.
  7. The scene with Barry and Joe may be the most well acted scene in the show so far. Grant Gustin's really good, and the relationship between the two characters goes beyond young guy/old guy mentor/apprentice relationship. I'm sure Joe will be killed off before the series ends, but whenever that may happen it'll be a real hurt for the show because he's a really great character and they've earned investment in him.
  8. Donomark

    DC reboot

    Yeah this isn't being sold on the Flashpoint characters, or really even the creative teams. This is being sold on the characters and status quos that fans have been vocal over missing in the last three years. Even if it's for a hot minute, I think the draw in that alone is worth something.
  9. Donomark

    DC reboot

    Well that's...incredibly cynical. Seriously, I could do a dissertation on "stupidest shit I've ever heard" when it comes to comic book stories, and Superman and Lois Lane have a baby couldn't possibly be anywhere near it. Like, really? Greg Rucka and Dan Jurgens, "mediorce", really???
  10. Donomark

    DC reboot

    ^That one's gonna be interesting because I actually think that Lobdell, despite nearly everything else he's done wrong with the various Bat-Characters, has actually written by far the best Jason Todd since the character's return. He had Bruce and Jason finally reconcile, and before the new-52 the character was in a nowhere zone. He was a bad guy, he wasn't, he was in Arkham, then he wasn't. I honestly hope the Post-Crisis versions of the characters will come to a reconciliation like the new-52 versions did.
  11. Donomark

    DC reboot

    I feel like I'm in a story where characters I thought were dead are now revealed to be alive. "IT CAN'T BE!" I'm down for nearly all of those, most primarily the Steph, Cass and Tim book fo'sho. Nightwing/Oracle is second despite Simone as the writer, and Superman and Lois third.
  12. "Independent Lawyer Girl" hahaha
  13. I really loved that movie. It was a slow burn that took a while to get going, but once it did it hooked me more and more. I'm not a guy who gets emotional over things very often, but every dramatic scene got to me time after time. Terrific acting all around.
  14. I honestly think that now in the Modern Era, when Doctors change but companions stay from one to another that will automatically shift the focus of importance to the companion for the audience's sake. Back in the day maybe they just never cared, but in this day and age now we need to see the companion getting used to the loss of their friend and gaining a new one to get used to. As a result, the Doctor gets the short end of the stick when it comes to ultimate resonance for a season. I remember feeling that way when I first watched series 2, and I definitely feel it here. This season felt, more often than not, like "The Adventures of Clara, featuring the Doctor". Not to suggest it was intentional, but it just ended up like that. Clara was a lot more sure of herself and easier to follow than Capaldi was. I think Capaldi carried the finale better than he's carried any other episode. By the end of the season, like with Matt Smith, I felt comfortable seeing him as the Doctor. But it'll take more time before we want to see more of him solo, and not just how Clara will react to his "no-fucks-given" personality.
  15. I gotta say HOLY SHIT that episode was amazing! Dunno how the rest of you all feel, but I thought that was truly an incredible episode, best in years. Michelle Gomez is now my favorite Doctor Who villain. I'm kind of in awe, so effing good.
  16. Actually guys I've been getting heavy into your backlog of Tomb of Dracula reviews. Great stuff! I even sort of went as Blackula for Halloween last week as a result in honor of the episodes playing so often on my iPhone.
  17. Just learned that the Devin Grayson interview I conducted earlier this year garnered the most hits and re-links for The Batman AND is being quoted in an upcoming book!!!
  18. Sean Pertwee went as his dad for Halloween
  19. I'm glad you guys liked this! I've not seen any of the movies, but I've read the whole of the Death note series in its original manga format, and thought it was one of the most intelligent comic stories I've ever read. It was really big back in 2010ish.
  20. I'll agree with that. It seemed extreme for extreme's sake. I'd almost buy it from Amy moreso than Clara.