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Everything posted by Donomark

  1. Kill La Kill was terrific. If you can get past the recockulous character designs for Ryuko ans Satsuki when they're powered up, it's a fantastic show with great rewatchability. I'm rewatching Ouran Host High Club for the purposes of a podcast, going with the English dub as opposed to the original Japanese when I first saw it two years ago.
  2. LOL that's cold. Maybe that'll be remedied in this movie.
  3. THE MAN WILL NEVER STOP!!! Seriously, you know in the long run his character's not long for the grave, but when that time comes (Perhaps in the Flash's 100th episode where Barry trades his life for Iris' in an alternate reality), I'll have to take a hard look at myself and convince myself that I want to continue watching.
  4. I've got the day off today, and Bernie, Nacho Libre (which I saw in the theater) and School of Rock are all on Netflix. So I may spend the day training for the next episode's feedback!
  5. Another great episode, with more awesome scenes between Barry and Joe. I think Wentworth Miller has found the perfect way to portray a comic book supervillain. He's clearly having the time of his life chewing the scenery, but his character also clearly loves what he does. When he throws out cheesy one-liners, it's not because the writing is bad and the characters are mindlessly spouting dialogue no one in real life would say. Captain Cold clearly went into the situation thinking to himself "I'm gonna say this", because he's gleefully arrogant and thinks he's awesome. It's so much fun and strays far away from being embarrassing.
  6. The Marvel Universe is falling off a bridge and into a fridge
  7. Frozen was pretty good, but once something gets super-mega popular, the only option for it is to become overrated.
  8. Noah Berlatsky, chief editor of the comics blog The Hooded Utilitarian, has a book about the William Moultan Marston/Harry Peter era of Wonder Woman comics. He talks about it in this CBR interview here: I've been reading a lot of his essays on the run at the blog, and I think a lot of what he says makes sense. It really can illuminate why Wonder Woman has never really been as successful or interesting as Batman and Superman, and why a lot of what's been done with her recently really kind of fucking sucks. I pre-ordered the book and look forward to dig through it.
  9. Oh JESUS YES, Sienkiewicz's inks routinely assassinated Sal's pencils.
  10. I quite like Sal Buscema's Spidey work, especially during the JMD run in the 90s with Harry Osborn Green Goblin. It's a bit repetitive, but still enjoyable IMO. Romita Jr. inked by Romita Sr. is candy. I love the Hobgoblin story where those artists start things off. It's some of the best Spider-Man art you'll ever see. Klaus Janson can be a good inker for JRjr depending on the stories, like Lost Years, but lately he's been doing HATCHWORK on the guys pencils. Romita Jr's Kick-Ass art is way more in line with his own classic style than his current Superman stuff or his ASM stuff after 2008 because Janson's inks have totally neutered it.
  11. Surprised Gone Girl didn't get more nominations. I suppose the most arguable one, Miranda Frost for Best Actress, is what matters the most.
  12. Re-read Identity Crisis yesterday. I love this story. Yeah it's got some flaws ranging from the nitpicky (Deathstroke nerfing both the Flash and Kyle throwing a punch at him, timeline is incongruent with Tim having just given up being Robin in his own title at the time, and I won't buy Atom and his ex-wife knowing who Robin's father is) to the completely understandable (tossing a rape backstory for sensationalist effect, the deus ex crazy ending), but I love to death how Brad Meltzer writes the DC Universe here. He's got a great voice for everyone, he showcases a wide variety of characters and knows the history well enough to have most everything coincide with the story he's telling. Lots of personal relationships are on display, from the heroes to the villains, and though this was the first major story to drag the DCU into dark places for the next several years, it's in incredibly entertaining read through and through. The scene of Batman and Robin is one of the most emotional I've ever read in a mainstream miniseries.
  14. I was kind of dismayed at the announcement of Vixen, until I heard it was animated. For some reason that made me like it, and I don't know why...
  15. If you or anyone else is interested, I was a part of a podcast that chronicled the beginnings of Spider-Man in which we covered the entirety of the Steve Ditko run. We talked about a number of things, from the Green Goblin "controversy" over his identity, how aspects of the early days were later retconned, and, most notoriously, the messed up character of Betty Brant. It was called "Amazing Spider-Man Classics" and it ran from the Spring of 2010 to the Fall of 2011. I'm catching up on Waid's Daredevil, having found the final two trades (vols. 6 and 7) of his initial run and the first trade of this current run. The plots are a bit more out there, involving the Silver Surfer, Universal Horror Monsters and others, but Waid's voice for Matt is still great so that's been carrying me through.
  16. I bought this from Bruce Timm at last year's SDCC. I particularly enjoyed his first story, riffing on the mainstream comic crossovers and their various characters. It was a lot of fun.
  17. Right. It doesn't give the impression that it's super serious, but there will be blood action. As long as it distinguishes itself. After the Iron Man franchise and Guardians of the Galaxy, I'm personally not wanting another wisecrack-infested Marvel property.
  18. Does one need to have seen the Agent Carter short film before watching the special?
  19. Stand By Me: I've always wanted to see this movie from the beginning, having caught faint excerpts on television now and then. Holy crap, it was terrific. It's almost an actor's movie in that it's entirely carried by the kid actors who all went on to bigger things afterward. It's such a sad film, but barely stops before being depressing. Like the Sandlot if J.M. DeMatties wrote it.
  20. LOL that didn't hint at shit besides a shot of costumed legs running briefly.