The "I need to vent" thread


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It's my birthday in a couple of days, and whilst I don't usually make a fuss or anything, I sent out a facebook invite to around 30 people who are either very good mates or people I owe house parties to. And I did this 2 months ago, striking an arrangement with my mum about getting the parents out of the house that weekend.

Two weeks ago, it was looking like I'd get 8 people. Not a bad number and in all honesty, you don't want a big number of people to clean up after if your house isn't technically your own responsibility. Fast forward to today, and it looks like I've got both Adham and Pandy and only 2 other people *might* show up. But before my brother gets off the hook, he and my sister Clare waited until today to order my present(s) off of Amazon and have informed me that they'll be late....despite me telling them what I wanted over a month ago. And it was only after Clare placed the order that Pandy told her that I already owned something they had bought, leading my sister to text me to say that I would have to exchange it.

Now in fairness, Clare has had to work on her art degree show right up until last week and Pandy is currently working as a teaching assistant to 5-6 year olds, but leaving it until 2 days before the event to get my presents in whilst relying on the mail, not to mention expecting me to change something I didn't ask for because I already had it, is just not on. And who will I have to gripe to this weekend? One of the people directly responsible and Adham, who isn't exactly sound counsel on anything.

In short, both (some of) my friends and (some of) my family suck and I'm not impressed.

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Dude, you just reached the point I did about 7 years ago. I've given up on my own birthday, all I expect is a meal with family and some acknowledgment from a few friends. Frankly I hated trying to organise something to celebrate my own birthday and I still can't remember many I truly enjoyed. Even going back to my 5th birthday all I remember is crying because they sang Happy Birthday to my best friend Greg first (joint party).

The most I've done in recent years was play some cards and watch some films with friends/housemates. Its much less depressing than setting your hopes high.

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I hear you , man.

Every Christmas I say, "I have a big pile of comics at Greyhaven Hobbies in White Rock waiting for me. The proprietor has already purchased these comics and they are something I am going to get anyway. Go in, tell him how much you want to spend and he will send you away with somethign I will love. Alternatively, here are two online wishlists."

And generally, I get nothing from any of those sources. It's a pain in the ass.

I too have given up on birthdays. This last year, my wife and I went out for sushi with Darryll and his wife and then went back to their place to get hammered and watch Yes Man and I think it was the best birthday I'd had since I lived in Glasgow and for several years before that.

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No matter how crappy your birthday gets, just remember, you can always come here, rant about it, and get people telling you that they hope that next year goes better and sometimes, that's all you can ask for. Oh, or you can get completely shit-faced,, drunk dial, and guilt people into coming to your place and play twister. Whichever.

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My tv just died on me. I use it as my computer monitor also. I don't have a back up, or the money to get it fixed/get a new one. I dug out my old crt monitor for my computer, but I can't watch tv until I get it fixed.

How come my old tube tvs still work 20 years later, but I have two dead HDTVs less than two years old from different companies sitting in my house now?

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My tv just died on me. I use it as my computer monitor also. I don't have a back up, or the money to get it fixed/get a new one. I dug out my old crt monitor for my computer, but I can't watch tv until I get it fixed.

How come my old tube tvs still work 20 years later, but I have two dead HDTVs less than two years old from different companies sitting in my house now?

Two weeks after I got my 32" screen hooked up to my PC as a secondary monitor the original screen died. Guess I got there just in time, although the monitor was only about two years old, it shouldn't have been close to the end.

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Supposedly, academia is a tried-and-true safe haven during poor economic times, like now, the "Great Recession."

Well, it's not.

My husband just lost his job working for Columbia College Chicago, where we both graduated from. He was a TA/equipment "cage" worker. The lay-off was department-wide; all student and non-full-time workers have be axed, as of July 1, with no word on whether or not fall semester will bring back the jobs. My husband's been busy looking for a second job because we're moving soon, and I don't have time in my schedule to take on much more than my work with Mike and grad school (and tutoring, as I've recently started doing again).

I'm pissed and I'm scared. How will we afford our new place and everything else? What about my job (or even Mike's, for that matter)? We're in a different part of the school, but the Film department is the biggest department with the most money and if they're this bad off, what' the future look like for the rest of us?

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I don't think anywhere's safe.

The profs at my 40k-a-year university took a salary freeze this year, and they're not getting compensated for stuff like tutorials/individualized learning, which the university is really advertising. AND they're still raising tuition.

'm sorry your husband lost his job, Nicolette.

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Someone went through my checkout line yesterday and bought a 23-dollar salmon filet with a food stamp card. I can understand the sentiment to help low- and no-income families, but is a $23 slab of fish really an essential?

Yeah, it's not ideal, but what food stamp recipients buy with their aid isn't really any of your fucking business.

"But I'm a taxpayer," huh? Fuck that.

No, a twenty-three dollar salmon fillet is not an essential, but if your state government isn't going to put a restriction on what recipients can and can't buy (I'm talking foodstuffs here--they already can't buy soap and tp, other "essentials"), it is not your place to pass judgment.

Meanwhile, amendment to my last vent: My husband lost his job TODAY, NOT JULY 1.

Guess what I'm doing, James? That's right, printing out a copy of the Illinois LINK (re: food stamps) application--and on my workplace's dime, no less!


/end rant

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Well, it turned out to not have been as horrible as I thought it was going to be. Yeah, I lost a significant amount of data, but not anything I consider incredibly important (all that stuff's been backed up in several places), just mildly inconvenient.

'm sorry that they laid your husband off today, Nicolette.

James, I understand where you're coming from there, but I'd like to give 'em the benefit of the doubt and think it was for a family birthday or something. If you see them getting it on a regular basis, then I think there should be a healthy amount of skepticism there.

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Nicolette, I know this may not mean much, but I am so sorry about your husband losing his job.

I have to be thankful that I have no "Life" expenses at the moment on my bitching plate(A home to pay a mortgage/rent for, regular food to buy electric bills to pay) and my problems are my own doing yet I still bitch(Quite heavily) about them. Seeing shit like that happen to other people really lets me know how bad things are all round.

I just went for a course interview that was a fucking trainwreck, first the guy told me that places on my first choice HND were gone, and that I could go to HNC with a "Possibility" of HND and get a HNC. Plus I think the interview went quite bad and I just felt like I was just going down in flames, thankfully, my first choice in a second year of my old course is secure.

Sorry, that's nothing compared to yours Nicolette, again, I am so sorry about your husband losing his job.

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