The minor annoyances thread


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Feeling pretty much dead today. Worked all weekend helping set-up/take down five separate stages for the harbour festival, and then used my meagre time off yesterday to go to my other job and design a building from the ground up and then filled it with garage equipment, which I also designed from the ground up. 13 hour day off the back of a late night saturday. No fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My dissertation is due in two weeks time. As I was hired by the people who I did my placement module with, I haven't had much time to squeeze in writing my thesis. I'm applying for an extension and my supervisor and boss are both going to put in good words for me, and I had the good fortune of passing one of the professors who decides these things and explained my circumstances in passing. As such, I'm quietly confident that I'll get my extension.


If I'm unsuccessful, which I'd only learn about 5 days before the original deadline, I am pretty much fucked. I didn't get much done before I started work and I've had genuine reasons for not working for this last weekend and the one ahead of me. The only way I could finish it is fake some kind of exotic illness and turn in some rushed, sloppy embarrassment of a thesis which might affect whether I achieve the MA that I spent 18 months saving up for. And even that would mean losing out on earnings, which I'm in need of, as well as negatively influencing on references from my employers etc etc. It doesn't help that I'm leaving Newcastle the day before my original deadline for Reading festival (and I'm not going to even open the can of worms of whether my eBay seller will get me the ticket in time), which was meant to be the symbolic mark to the end of my MA.

This may well not happen as long as I secure an extension, but I'm on edge right now. Not enough to vent, but it's an underlying tension.

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My friend had to buy Pride and Prejudice for English today, and the only copy she found at the bookstore was the "young adult" edition. What does that mean? Twilight. Seriously. The cover used the same Twilight font and black background with weird red flowers in the front. The back promised special "Extras inside!" including a section comparing Twilight and Pride and Prejudice. There was also a similar edition of Wuthering Heights, promised to be "Bella and Edward's favorite book!" I mean, that's just wrong. My friends and I all died a little inside when we saw that.

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Yeah, I saw that Wuthering Heights edition a year or so ago and wanted to vomit.

They've also done it with Romeo & Julie: "The original forbidden love..."

I mean, sure, great, it might get Twilight fans to read something other than the crap Stephenie Meyer crapped onto the page, but wrapping classics in a Twilight-inspired cover is just... wrong. Oh so fucking wrong.

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