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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. Wait, Dean Cain is Vandal Savage? Somehow that works.
  2. Call that a Banhammer? THIS is a Banhammer.
  3. I loved it. Vampire Joker was awesome, especially at the blood bank when he's scrabbling around sucking the red stuff off the floor. Its not a good film overall but it has enough moments that its remains fun to watch.
  4. No don't get me wrong, Batman himself can be absolutly hilarious. The problem is that I hate it when he's played lighter. He should be funny only occasionally and it should slightly freak people out when he is. Plus theres always the dry humour he shares with Alfred, thats perfectly fine.
  5. I was looking forward to Origins more than the actual show itself. A good origin can launch an amazing character and a whole bunch of this sort of thing could be very interesting, especially if some of thier stories were getting thier own glimpses into the larger overall plot.
  6. Well this is an unrequired regression of the character. Its interesting that they'll be mixing it up with a lot of DC heroes (and using modern and old designs) but I'm pretty down on this. Of course its offset slightly by the anime movie and the Dark Knight.
  7. When the show originally aired it had high ratings, every episode had high numbers in the ratings, but many die hard comic book fans didn't like the liberties the writers and producers were taking with the characters(most notably Dinah Lance, who isn't The Black Canary here, but her daughter). Some of the producers and writers were on the same team as Smallville, so there were subtle references to "stranger things with meteors" I don't see why the Black Canary thing would be an issue aside from her age. The current Black Canary is the daughter of the original and they are both called Dinah Lance.
  8. I'm not getting this. I regret buying Infinite Crisis and I see no indication that this will be any less confusng a clusterfuck. edit- I mean, who gives a shit about the old and now should be defunct Legion? They've been replaced already! Is a cancelled and long-dead series really enough to draw people in to read this shit? I was fed up of it during the Lightning Saga. The only thing thats even slightly interesting here is the Raven/Luthor/Green Lantern deal at the top, and even thats not making me buy this. I'll get everything I need in the regular Lantern title when the Blackest Night comes around. Could an event seem more irrelevant than Final Crisis right now?
  9. Wasn't this REALLY bad? I think I tried to watch it and just completly abandoned it a few episodes in, which is astonishing considering I was on a really big Birds of Prey kick at the time collecting all the trades. Plus I have a usually high tolerance for bad TV. I watched every episode of season 2 of Dark Angel. I watched all 4 of the Robocop: Prime Directives TV movies back to back. I enjoyed the pilot episode of Bionic Woman. I was very interested in the Earth-2/Batman Returns origin of Huntress, that was a cunning little addition.
  10. Fuck anyone who thinks its cool to hate on Lazenby. I'm not a fan of the man himself, but On Her Majestys Secret Service was an awesome film, much better than most other Bond films. Lazenby was a big part of all that, plus Diana Rigg FTW.
  11. Best comic of the week? Power Pack #1! "Hulk's self-worth shattered." :laugh:
  12. Hey, there was a comic of Spider-man 2.
  13. There are a few thing that creep into my lexicon now and then. The problem is that I'm so easily influenced that you can really tell what TV or flms I've been watching by how I talk. I thought I'd gone as far as I could into adopted speaking styles with crazy valley-speak back when Buffy was on but then the second I saw Firefly I was using the awesome Southern/Whedon dialect everywhere. I even learned to swear in Chinese. I thought I'd kicked the habit but recent;y I rewatched the whole of Firefly and then saw Big Fish for good measure. I'm going to be talking strange for weeks, using phrasing like "a whole mess of..." or "I can't rightly...". I suspect that reading Preacher from start to end isn't going to help.
  14. I'm glad you've gone back to take a look at DMZ, its a personal favorite. I think that your concerns about Matty's reasons for being there will be addressed as he walks the line between staying alive and independant and getting good stories, although future editions arn't exactly message free. Sometimes I think that cartoon film generals run every aspect of the USA side. Wood's work tends to be at the very edge of cool, combining youth culture with stories that bring the central character into adulthood by forcing them to define themselves under adverse circumstances. Northlanders is a rare change, the lead already being a pre-formed badass, although that didn't stop him sporting a little hipster chin-beard initially. Supermarket, Couscous Express & Pounded all follow this fairly simple formula. It might sound dull but the rest of the surroundings and the characters themselves are so well filled out that each story still feels very individual. When I tire of Superhero stuff Wood's work is a nice break, especially Local. These little self-contained stories that form a bigger character arc are the perfect way to break up what can become a monotonous series of capes and cowls doing the big heroics. Plus Megan is breaking the Wood formula by constantly running from her problems.
  15. Throw your hoof into the ring.
  16. Stavros


    That would be even awesomer if it wasn't so fucking bright.
  17. Non-Python its Fear and Loathing, but throw in Holy Grail and theres only one way I can go.
  18. Stavros

    New Avengers #39

    Evidence against- The name of the guy writing the comic is Bendis, not Russo. Nah, seriously it could be that but I think thats almost a parody of a comic-book storyline. Thats like including the retcon 10 years in advance. I don't see them going in that direction.
  19. From what I gather, Storm isn't in this issue. Each month an issue of Black Panther is reviewed, the guys talk about how good it is, but I can't force myself to try it. Maybe now that he's away from the FF and back in the Marvel Universe I'll give it a shot... but I don't know. The thing is that I know Storm will show up if I start getting it so why bother? I've picked up Black Panther on and off as long as Ive been buying comics but its never been a long-run thing for me. I've got a lot of the Kasper Cole version issues from back when T'Challa abandoned his role a few years back, as well as the first 6 issues of the relaunch.
  20. I'm a long time fan going back to when James Robinson was writing the JSA when they restarted. Or at least, I've read those trades. I'm always going to be invested in the welfare of classic characters like the original Flash & GA as well as the updated Mr Terrific & Mr Midnite. I was a little intimidated by the sheer number of new people Johns was bringing in and I think that the series occasionally loses focus due to this but the one thing thats absolutly golden in this right now is KC Supes. Actually with the way they are bringing in all the new heroes that are the product of legacies it almost feels more like the X-men, with the experianced guys leading and running the mansion whilst the new guys kick around and learn the ropes. Its so much more natural a way to bring new heroes into the DCU than just sticking them somewhere no-one is going to read them. I just wish some of the existing roster got a little more time. You could really have two JSA team books if you wanted but unlike the X-men the JSA arn't going to stick all the newbies in one team and send them out to fight dangerous killers unsupervised. The way its done just makes sense.
  21. Good stuff this week. It reinforced why I'm dropping New Warriors & definitly pushed me towards dropping Mighty Avengers, at least until I think something worthwhile is going to occur or Bendis decides to go back to being himself and also gets some art that isn't rushed. I dropped Black Panther a while back but I'm interested again now. If it wern't for my anti-Storm bias I's probably pick this issue up.
  22. I was pleasently surprised when I first picked up this run, as 'Pool is shown as utterly nuts and yet brutally effective. I'm a huge fan of Cable & Deadpool but that series has been quite hit and miss from beginning to end if I'm honest (Cable stuff was a miss, Deadpool was a hit). What I like here is that Deadpool is depicted as insane in a very violent and realistic world. He's great in C&DP when he's spoofing marvel icons (Jean Grey Costume) but it never feels like it has consequences or larger implications. 'Pool shown here is a much more brutal proposition and after 50 issues of him leaping around like a ninja and dancing around the big storylines I'm ready for a new take. Plus when he and Cable finally reunite its going to be really interesting given the old homo-erotic vibe between the two.
  23. Of all the surprise villian dealies we've seen I think that Kevin Smith's run on DD is one of my favorites. Its a big turning point in the characters history as well, it really sets up the later Bendis run that redefined the modern character. Its pretty much the same thing Smith did for Green Arrow. You know whats blowing me away right now? Justice Society. The Kingdom Come Superman combined with the sprawling cast and old favorites is really working to make this my standout book at the moment. The Supermen vs Hercules scene in the last issue was flat-out AWESOME. Oddly enough of all the books I got last week the one I liked most was the one I expected to like least. Deadpool in Wolverine Origins is great at the moment, he's like one of the few people who can go toe to toe with Wolverine and be competitive. Next week should be better- All Star Superman, Ultimate Spider-man, Daredevil and both Avengers. Hard to go wrong there.
  24. Stavros

    Confession Time

    I've been told I look like him by several different people. One person even mistook me for him. We're from the same area. So now beyond hating myself every time I look in the mirror I have to watch my back for Stavros! Send me pix pls.