Every comic you've read in 2009


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Dark Avengers #6 - I might be able to write the same review for just about every issue of this series. For the moment, at least, more Osborn means more entertainment and this issue provides yet another playground for his personality to fool around with. Of course, the green-shaded voices that keep filling his head are cause for concern, but for now I'll give Bendis the benefit of the doubt. He hasn't gone completely over the top with Norman yet, and the scene he delivers with the fearless leader and Namor this month is good enough to momentarily erase any worries about the future. Deodato could stand to make Norman a bit less of a Tommy Lee Jones clone, but otherwise his artwork is showing continued signs of improvement. He's a bit different than what I'm used to in a high-profile Marvel book, but this is anything but your typical team of superheroes.


Daredevil #119 - Feels like the calm before the storm - there's a lot of talk, double-crossing and maneuvering this month, without a lot of action. Every issue of Brubaker's run has seemed like it's moving to a completely different tempo, which may make for good reading in the trades but it's a bit disorienting when you're following month-to-month. If anything, he knows how to keep me guessing - I haven't known where this arc has been going from word one, and I'm pleased to report that hasn't changed this month. Bru keeps surprising me with the duality of his characters, which means there are very few truly good or evil men and women in this series. Matt's made some serious mistakes recently, and rather than confront them he's chosen to sink back into his work as Daredevil and neglect his personal life. The Kingpin has been through the wringer since his disappearance, and while he's clearly not the same man who took charge of the city years ago, that isn't stopping him from giving the old business another serious shot. Eventually something's got to give, but we've all spent so much time getting to know these individuals that it's going to make quite a thud when one of them falls. It gets pretty dry in parts, but otherwise this is some really complex, fascinating work.


The Dark Knight Strikes Again #2 - Even worse than the first issue. How long did Miller spend on this? One long weekend sounds about right... there's so little effort involved with these illustrations that they almost transcend their own genre and become great comedy. Maybe more disappointing than Frank Miller's own failures in this series are those of his wife and collaborator, Lynn Varley. Throughout the first Dark Knight, she was an easily-overlooked but essential part of the team. Her colors brought just as much to the scene as Miller's pencils, inks and storytelling, and in an era before computerized colors, she really helped the series to stand out. None of its competitors looked anything like it. Now, a decade and a half later, she's trying her hand at the magic computer box with embarrassing results. Easily fascinated by gradients, Varley pays more attention to blur filters and awkward, pixelated special effects than she does to coloring inside the lines or adding anything to the visuals. Her failures just throw one more shovelful of dirt on the unmarked grave of this awful mini-series. No matter where I look, there's something to furrow my brow and frown about.


The Dark Knight Strikes Again #3 - I'm a little confused about why this is even classified as a Batman book, since the caped crusader quite clearly plays second fiddle to Superman in ever single issue. Even the lead villains, Luthor and Brainiac, are shamelessly pillaged from Clark's Rogues Gallery. Despite being little more than an afterthought in issues 1 and 2, the imposter Joker finally shows his hand with about ten pages left in the third chapter, climaxing in Bruce's one true moment to himself and a surprise revelation that should probably carry more weight than it does. Miller's artwork remains crazily inconsistent in this issue, with some pages showing actual promise and others displaying the same callous lack of interest that damned his first two showings. His writing does show a slight improvement, but Lynn Varley's colors don't enjoy the same fate. This sequel is a disappointment from start to finish, uncomfortable at its best and insulting at its worst. Did I really drop close to thirty bucks on this when it first came out? What a shame...


Batman and Robin #2 - I wasn't so sure about the direction proposed by the first issue, but should've known better. Morrison and Quitely hit the ground running this month and never look over their shoulders. This issue moves quickly, asks more questions than it answers and shows off the inherent difficulties in Dick and Damian's relationship. It's an uncertain time in both characters' lives, and they each seem to feel that the other is holding them back from realizing their own true potential. I didn't really care for the freakshow villainy squad last month, but they're beginning to grow on me, particularly as more of their odd eccentricities are revealed. I love the tiny, campy little nods to the old TV series that Quitely has been working into his artwork so far. The string of S's left behind in the smokey trail of that departing rocket, the "smash" spelt out by the cracks in the wall after a scuffle, they're subtle enough to blend in, but not so much that they go unnoticed. This is starting to be just as much fun as All-Star Superman.


Comics: 104, TPB: 7, Graphic Novel: 5

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Captain America Reborn #1...

Steve Rogers has "become unstuck in time"?!!?!?! What in the holy fuck is that shit!!?? Did someone just get around to watching this season of "Lost" on DVR?!

Sharon is his "constant"!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!

Thank you.

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And that makes it better how? So he's stealing a very specific plot point from two works instead of one? Ok, well that explains everything away.

Actually, by that logic, Lost stole from Slaughterhouse-Five as well. And from what I've heard, so has Quantum Leap. So that makes two television series and one comic book that have stolen from Slaughterhouse-Five.

Oh, and after a bit of Googling, Star Trek: TNG and Babylon 5 also stole from Slaughterhouse-Five.

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Sudden Gravity (A Tale of the Panopticon)-this week's DM

Green Lantern Corps Through the Ages-Bought this because it was in my pull box on my last visit to the lame local as I've switched to DCBS for all new monthlies (plus GL stuff). Too expensive and not worth it for the reprints. The story from the recent GL #3 where he charges from the Manhunter's head but the cream of the crop is when (a reprint of GL Emerald Twilight #4 (?) I think) Kilowogg calls Hal a "poo-butt." My kids call each other "poo-butt." The difference is, I would never tell Kilowogg to "stop using bathroom language." 4/10

Green Lantern #42-Best GL in a few months. I don't really like the Orange Lantern but there were some great moments: Hal grabs the

orange lantern and changes

, the lilttle epilogue with the two lanters on the same mission and the vision that Hal sees for one panel.That cemented my continuous love for this book. Not digging John Stewart's story and I can't stand Barrows' art. But that isn't all the way through anyway. 7/10


Comic books: 156

Trade paperbacks: 9

Graphic novels: 1

Jan 01-Apr 21=105 comics, 4 TPBs...Joker's Asylum: Two-Face, Joker's Asylum: Poison Ivy, Joker's Asylum: Scarecrow, Joker's Asylum: Penguin, Joker's Asylum: Joker, Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #1, Vigilante #1, Fantastic Four #558-564, Harbinger: The Beginning, Simon Dark #10-17, Captain Britain and MI-13 #8-10, The Darkness #8-10, The Darkness: Lodbrok's Hand Oneshot, The Darkness #75, Battle for the Cowl: Underground, Battle for the Cowl: Arkham Asylum, Green Lantern #40, New Avengers #47, Mighty Avengers #20, Iron Man: The End, The End League #4-6, Kick-Ass #5, JSA: All-Stars, Battle for the Cowl: Network, Battle for the Cowl #3, Age of Desire, Poe #1, Jack Kirby's The Demon, Green Lantern #41, Battle for the Cowl #3, Battle for the Cowl Gotham Gazette Batman Lives, Batman #687, Green Lantern Corps #37, Monsters on the Prowl #20, DC Comics Classic Library Roots of the Swamp Thing

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Wednesday Comics #1 - I loved this. I walked into the LCS on Wednesday and grinned as soon as I saw it. Love the oversized pages and the newspaper feel. As far as the stories, many more winners than losers:

:yes: :yes: : Batman, Kamandi, Superman, Deadman, Green Lantern, Metamorpho, Metal Men, Flash Comics, The Demon and Catwoman

:yes: : Strange Adventures, Supergirl, Sgt. Rock, Hawkman

:no: : Teen Titans, Wonder Woman

Worth the $3.99 and the most fun I've had reading comics in a long time. I hope this is a success for DC so we can get a volume 2 next year.


Comic Books: 87

TPBs: 16

HCs: 1

Graphic Novels: 2

Adventure Comics #0, Age of The Sentry #5-6, Agents of Atlas #1-6, Aliens/Predator FCBD 2009, Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer, Animal Man Volume 1-3 TPB, Astounding Wolf-Man #10-13; 15-16, Athena Voltaire & Black Coat One-Shot, Atomic Robo Dogs of War #5, Batman #684-686, Batman: The Black Casebook TPB, Batman and Robin #1, Batman: The Brave and The Bold #1-5, Captain America #47-48 The Complete Persepolis, The Contingent #3, Criminal Vol. 2-3 TPB, The Darkness Accursed Vol. 1 TPB, Dark Horse FCBD 2009, Detective Comics #853, Doctor Who: The Whispering Gallery, Fantastic Four #1-5, Final Crisis Secret Files, Final Crisis #6-7, Four Eyes #2-3, Fred Hembeck Destroys The Marvel Universe, The Goon #31-32, Green Lantern #36-38, Guardians of The Galaxy #8-12, Incognito #1, Invincible #57, Irredeemable #1-2, JLA: Earth-2, Justice Society of America #22, Kick-Ass #5-6, Marvel Adventures: Iron Man Vol. 1-3 Digests, Nova #20-25, Planetary #1, Red 5 FCBD 2009, Ruins, Savage Dragon #148, Seaguy: The Slaves of Mickey Eye #1-3, Secret Invasion: War of Kings, Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 1-4 TPB, Super Friends #11, Superman and Batman: World's Funnest, Superman Beyond #2, Tales to Astonish #27, 35-38, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, Thor Vol. 2 HC, Vimanarama TPB, War of Kings: Darkhawk #1, Wednesday Comics #1, Wolverine: Origin of An X-Man FCBD, X-Force #11

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Freddy VS Jason VS Ash 2 #1

Wow, I only got this cause I wanted to see if it was good.

It wasn't.

This is a trade waiter for anyone wondering, it was just so dull, and had nothing going on, the story is just statrting, and it does look interesting with a nod to NOES part4, and

the government wants Freddy to work for them, which is like a plot to a Halloween movie.

they make fun of Jason X which is nice, but I don't know about this.

I'll be getting the trade, I'm not kidding myself about not doing that, but so far, this is a poor sequel to the awesome original.

Batman 687: Well, this was billed as an epilogue to BFTC, and was really just Judd Winick saying "Here's how I would have done it" which was just like BFTC, looked nice, but lacked any sort of wow factor.

This also has the same hey, don't you know he is Batman now?

Why couldn't we have had Dick actually putting the cowl on, I mean it was an ok issue, but it wasn't anything special and sure as hell wasn't worth the $3.99 it was priced at.

Batman and Robin #1. Meh.

I just felt it was a set up and contradictory to Batman(I can't show weakness infront of Damien, and in this, he acts weak, in front of Damien.) it looked nice, but again this felt like a set up aswell, and I had high hopes and I was disappointed.

Maybe when the story wraps, it'll be better, but right now, looks nice, but not all that great.

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Read some Batman-y stuff.

Batman and Son by Grant Morrison - I've always been curious about Morrison's run on Batman. So I wanted to a Borders and just sat and read this. Initially I thought, awesome, Morrison is totally doing what he did with X-men just reinventing the characters and doing some great things. Batman shooting Joker in the face, Awesome! Batman forgetting how to be Bruce Wayne, just some really intriguing character developments. Unfortunately they don't last, it wasn't batman shooting Joker it was someone dressed like Batman (one of the three ghosts), Batman forgetting how to be Bruce is dropped the moment his son is introduced. While these interesting things are gone, they are not so much as dropped but more replaced with the main plot, Batman's son, and as foreshadowing aspects to the larger picture (the three ghosts). Speaking of that petulant little child, Damian provides an interesting dichotomy between not only Batman's teachings and the league of assassins' but Robin and Damian as sons of Bruce, and Batman as a child compared to Damian's antics. Maybe if Batman's parents stayed alive, maybe Bruce would have grown up to be a spoiled little brat like Damian (with less killing). Damian is a very awesome introduction into the series and because of his presence some classic conversations are to be had and he provides some great antics. Although the conclusion to that story sucks as Talia returns.

The interlude is...creepy. The prose style only adds to the creepiness as it's not something that's expected and his descriptions are insane. No other way to put it. Morrison's take on Joker transforms the Joker into the Dark Knights Joker. It's a very heavy issue and honestly I wasn't prepared for it...so I attempted to get through it as quickly as I could. I'm thinking about picking up these trades for myself to go back and get Morrison's nuances.

The second arc focuses on the second ghost of Batman's three ghosts, a very Bane-like Batman. The second arc is less interesting than the first. It's not as exciting and it makes me realize how much I wanted to see Damian again. Batman is pushed to his limit, Bruce reconnects with love (or more likely lust), and Talia makes her return...again. The final issue in the trade deals with the apocalypse, the second coming, and Damian as the new, more brutal Batman preventing the destruction of Gotham City with his soul on the line.

Morrison has never been afraid of taking risks, some are great twists on the Batman mythos...having Batman deal with all his history attacking him at once, including a child, some are not so great, like ninja man-bats, some of the apocalyptic nature in issue #666, and the most of the second arc is forgettable. I understand that this is just a piece of Morrison's large puzzle but I right no I really don't appreciate the super-natural elements. We'll see how it all pans out.

Justice League International from Keith Giffen and J. M. Demateiss - Unfortunately it wasn't nearly as good, clever, or funny as the critical acclaim would have me expect...at least it isn't yet. Rarely did I ever laugh out loud during this book and frankly it's still stuck in a fairly typical superhero story genre and it rarely ever breaks out of that. The few times it does, you can see some great machinations at work. The constant bickering between Green Lantern Guy Gardner and Batman is one of the highlights of this book and actually comes to a head in a chuckle-inducing climax. Unfortunately I thought the aftermath of that rivalry was very wearisome. Guy Gardner is a highlight character of this book and he's a constant thorn in the rest of the Justice League's side due to his less than thrilling personality. In other words, he's a dick and his antics provide the most fun in this book. 7.5/10 full review--- http://thegeekdive.blogspot.com/2009/07/tp...ernational.html


Comic books: 9

Trade paperbacks: 54

Daredevil by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson Volumes 1, 2, and 3; The Authority by Ellis/Hitch/Millar/Quietly Volumes 1 (Relentless) and 2 (Under New Management) and 3 (Transfer of Power); Batman: Year One; Batman: The Long Halloween; Planetary vol 1 (All Over the World and Other Stories), vol. 2 (The Fourth Man), and vol. 3 (Leaving the 20th Century), Planetary Crossing Worlds (The Crossover specials); Planetary 19-26; Batman: The Man Who Laughs; Frank Miller's Daredevil: The Man Without Fear; RONIN; JOKER; Deadpool #1; Punisher Max vol. 1-4; Penance: Relentless; Thunderbolts by Warren Ellis vol 1-2; Thunderbolts: Secret Invasion, Astonishing X-men Hardcovers volume 1 and 2, Daredevil: Born Again, Y: The Last Man vol. 1-10, The incredible Hulk: Tempest Fugit, Marvels, Daredevil: Redemption, Daredevil: Yellow, Hard-boiled, Hulk: Dogs of War, Spider-man: India, R.I.P.D., Daredevil: Love Labors Lost, District X vol. 1, Walking Dead vol. 1-5, Deadpool vol. 1: Secret Invasion, Superman: Red Son, Batman and Son, Justice League International vol. 1

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Zot! 1987 - 1991: The Complete Black and White Collection TPB By Scott McCloud - I read all 576 pages of this today and walked away turning them over in my mind for the rest of the day. The basic premise is boy (Zot) hailing from a near-utopian Earth from another dimension where it's 1965, but the technology is light years ahead, meets girl (Jenny) from our Earth. The collection is split into two parts. The first, entitled Heroes and Villains, features issues that go back and forth between Zot's Earth and our Earth, featuring a number of bizarre and interesting super villains, and expand the supporting cast. The second part, entitled Earth Stories, sees a radical change in the title as Zot is stranded on our Earth and the focus changes to one issue looks at the various cast members. Central to all of the issues is the growing relationship between Zot and Jenny. The first part was solid, excellently combining the drama found on our Earth with the quirkiness of Zot's Earth. When the title switched to the "Earth Stories," it became brilliant. The character pieces were fascinating, tackling serious issues in a way that didn't seem cliche' or forced. I bought this on a whim off of Amazon Marketplace because I found it at a great discount and ended up blown away. I think this might make my all time favorites list.


Comic Books: 86

TPBs: 17

HCs: 1

Graphic Novels: 2

Adventure Comics #0, Age of The Sentry #5-6, Agents of Atlas #1-6, Aliens/Predator FCBD 2009, Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer, Animal Man Volume 1-3 TPB, Astounding Wolf-Man #10-13; 15-16, Athena Voltaire & Black Coat One-Shot, Atomic Robo Dogs of War #5, Batman #684-686, Batman: The Black Casebook TPB, Batman and Robin #1, Batman: The Brave and The Bold #1-5, Captain America #47-48 The Complete Persepolis, The Contingent #3, Criminal Vol. 2-3 TPB, The Darkness Accursed Vol. 1 TPB, Dark Horse FCBD 2009, Detective Comics #853, Doctor Who: The Whispering Gallery, Fantastic Four #1-5, Final Crisis Secret Files, Final Crisis #6-7, Four Eyes #2-3, Fred Hembeck Destroys The Marvel Universe, The Goon #31-32, Green Lantern #36-38, Guardians of The Galaxy #8-12, Incognito #1, Invincible #57, Irredeemable #1-2, JLA: Earth-2, Justice Society of America #22, Kick-Ass #5-6, Marvel Adventures: Iron Man Vol. 1-3 Digests, Nova #20-25, Planetary #1, Red 5 FCBD 2009, Ruins, Savage Dragon #148, Seaguy: The Slaves of Mickey Eye #1-3, Secret Invasion: War of Kings, Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 1-4 TPB, Super Friends #11, Superman and Batman: World's Funnest, Superman Beyond #2, Tales to Astonish #27, 35-38, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, Thor Vol. 2 HC, Vimanarama TPB, War of Kings: Darkhawk #1, Wolverine: Origin of An X-Man FCBD, X-Force #11, Zot! 1987 - 1991: The Complete Black and White Collection TPB

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Zot! 1987 - 1991: The Complete Black and White Collection TPB By Scott McCloud - I read all 576 pages of this today and walked away turning them over in my mind for the rest of the day. The basic premise is boy (Zot) hailing from a near-utopian Earth from another dimension where it's 1965, but the technology is light years ahead, meets girl (Jenny) from our Earth. The collection is split into two parts. The first, entitled Heroes and Villains, features issues that go back and forth between Zot's Earth and our Earth, featuring a number of bizarre and interesting super villains, and expand the supporting cast. The second part, entitled Earth Stories, sees a radical change in the title as Zot is stranded on our Earth and the focus changes to one issue looks at the various cast members. Central to all of the issues is the growing relationship between Zot and Jenny. The first part was solid, excellently combining the drama found on our Earth with the quirkiness of Zot's Earth. When the title switched to the "Earth Stories," it became brilliant. The character pieces were fascinating, tackling serious issues in a way that didn't seem cliche' or forced. I bought this on a whim off of Amazon Marketplace because I found it at a great discount and ended up blown away. I think this might make my all time favorites list.

I picked this up in a second hand bookstore a few days ago. I only know of Scott McCloud from Understanding Comics, but a brief glace through the book made me really excited. I’ll probably tackle the whole thing next weekend.

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Green Lantern Corps #38 and Invincible Iron Man #15 - Thoughts in this week's IIWY?


Comic Books: 88

TPBs: 17

HCs: 1

Graphic Novels: 2

Adventure Comics #0, Age of The Sentry #5-6, Agents of Atlas #1-6, Aliens/Predator FCBD 2009, Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer, Animal Man Volume 1-3 TPB, Astounding Wolf-Man #10-13; 15-16, Athena Voltaire & Black Coat One-Shot, Atomic Robo Dogs of War #5, Batman #684-686, Batman: The Black Casebook TPB, Batman and Robin #1, Batman: The Brave and The Bold #1-5, Captain America #47-48 The Complete Persepolis, The Contingent #3, Criminal Vol. 2-3 TPB, The Darkness Accursed Vol. 1 TPB, Dark Horse FCBD 2009, Detective Comics #853, Doctor Who: The Whispering Gallery, Fantastic Four #1-5, Final Crisis Secret Files, Final Crisis #6-7, Four Eyes #2-3, Fred Hembeck Destroys The Marvel Universe, The Goon #31-32, Green Lantern #36-38, Green Lantern Corps #38, Guardians of The Galaxy #8-12, Incognito #1, Invincible #57, Invincible Iron Man #15, Irredeemable #1-2, JLA: Earth-2, Justice Society of America #22, Kick-Ass #5-6, Marvel Adventures: Iron Man Vol. 1-3 Digests, Nova #20-25, Planetary #1, Red 5 FCBD 2009, Ruins, Savage Dragon #148, Seaguy: The Slaves of Mickey Eye #1-3, Secret Invasion: War of Kings, Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 1-4 TPB, Super Friends #11, Superman and Batman: World's Funnest, Superman Beyond #2, Tales to Astonish #27, 35-38, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, Thor Vol. 2 HC, Vimanarama TPB, War of Kings: Darkhawk #1, Wolverine: Origin of An X-Man FCBD, X-Force #11, Zot! 1987 - 1991: The Complete Black and White Collection TPB

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Batman and Robin #1-Fuckign awesome. Better than I expected even. It was fun, violent and action-packed with GREAT character moments. Add to that that it set up an intriguing and crazy new villain. I am fucking sold! Best single issue I've read in some time. 10/10


Comic books: 157

Trade paperbacks: 9

Graphic novels: 1

Jan 01-Apr 21=105 comics, 4 TPBs...Joker's Asylum: Two-Face, Joker's Asylum: Poison Ivy, Joker's Asylum: Scarecrow, Joker's Asylum: Penguin, Joker's Asylum: Joker, Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #1, Vigilante #1, Fantastic Four #558-564, Harbinger: The Beginning, Simon Dark #10-17, Captain Britain and MI-13 #8-10, The Darkness #8-10, The Darkness: Lodbrok's Hand Oneshot, The Darkness #75, Battle for the Cowl: Underground, Battle for the Cowl: Arkham Asylum, Green Lantern #40, New Avengers #47, Mighty Avengers #20, Iron Man: The End, The End League #4-6, Kick-Ass #5, JSA: All-Stars, Battle for the Cowl: Network, Battle for the Cowl #3, Age of Desire, Poe #1, Jack Kirby's The Demon, Green Lantern #41, Battle for the Cowl #3, Battle for the Cowl Gotham Gazette Batman Lives, Batman #687, Green Lantern Corps #37, Monsters on the Prowl #20, DC Comics Classic Library Roots of the Swamp Thing, Sudden Gravity (a Tale of the Panopticon), Green Lantern Corps Through the Ages, Green Lantern #42, Batman and Robin #1

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Young Allies #1-This is the first of the 70th nniversary specials I've read and this one starts off as kind of a mediocre story set in WW2 with Bucky Toro and the Young Allies but quickly gets into the modern Marvel world and tells a poignant but a little cliched story. I cried on the last page. Read this one if you wnat to see Bucky as Cap pour a little out for his homies. 8/10


Comic books: 158

Trade paperbacks: 9

Graphic novels: 1

Jan 01-Apr 21=105 comics, 4 TPBs...Joker's Asylum: Two-Face, Joker's Asylum: Poison Ivy, Joker's Asylum: Scarecrow, Joker's Asylum: Penguin, Joker's Asylum: Joker, Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #1, Vigilante #1, Fantastic Four #558-564, Harbinger: The Beginning, Simon Dark #10-17, Captain Britain and MI-13 #8-10, The Darkness #8-10, The Darkness: Lodbrok's Hand Oneshot, The Darkness #75, Battle for the Cowl: Underground, Battle for the Cowl: Arkham Asylum, Green Lantern #40, New Avengers #47, Mighty Avengers #20, Iron Man: The End, The End League #4-6, Kick-Ass #5, JSA: All-Stars, Battle for the Cowl: Network, Battle for the Cowl #3, Age of Desire, Poe #1, Jack Kirby's The Demon, Green Lantern #41, Battle for the Cowl #3, Battle for the Cowl Gotham Gazette Batman Lives, Batman #687, Green Lantern Corps #37, Monsters on the Prowl #20, DC Comics Classic Library Roots of the Swamp Thing, Sudden Gravity (a Tale of the Panopticon), Green Lantern Corps Through the Ages, Green Lantern #42, Batman and Robin #1, Young Allies #1

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Batman & Robin #2

I've given my thoughts about this issue somewhere else on the forums: 9/10.

Blackest Night #1

Check out the Blackest Night thread to read my opinion: 5/10.

Earth-2.net: The Show 320

Captain Britain and MI13: Hell Comes to Birmingham

X-Men Noir

Terror, Inc.

Earth-2.net: The Show 326

Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader

Spider-Man Torment

X-Men: First Class


Comic books: 11

Trade paperbacks: 44

Graphic novels: 1

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Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1 and Superman / Batman #62 - Thoughts in this week's IIWY?

Gantz Vol. 1 - Well that was...um...rather messed up to put it lightly. The basic premise is that this orb called Gantz takes a group of people at the moment of their deaths and gives them new lives hunting aliens for its...amusement I assume. There's a lot of body parts exploding, more so than any comic I think I've read. There's also quite a bit of trademark fan service. If this and MPD Psycho are any indication, mature readers manga makes Vertigo look like Johnny DC. It was a quick read and it felt like not a lot happened, even though the story was moving forward. I think the reason for its quickness is that 50% of the word ballons were breathing sounds. Overall, it was okay. There are other manga I want to read over this one, but I'll probably check out volume 2 eventually.

MPD Psycho Volume. 1 - One of the personalities of a police detective with mpd kills the person responsible for dismembering the detective's girlfriend and the detective is sent to prison for professional negligence. Upon his release, another personality has become the dominant one and becomes a partner in a private criminal research lab. There's an ongoing mystery to be weaved throughout the series and the uncertainty of how many personalities the main character has gives the book an unpredictability factor. The murders are both creative and horrific. I'll be picking this up on a regular basis and can't wait to read the next one.


Comic Books: 90

TPBs: 17

HCs: 1

Graphic Novels: 2

Manga: 2

Adventure Comics #0, Age of The Sentry #5-6, Agents of Atlas #1-6, Aliens/Predator FCBD 2009, Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer, Animal Man Volume 1-3 TPB, Astounding Wolf-Man #10-13; 15-16, Athena Voltaire & Black Coat One-Shot, Atomic Robo Dogs of War #5, Batman #684-686, Batman: The Black Casebook TPB, Batman and Robin #1, Batman: The Brave and The Bold #1-5, Captain America #47-48 The Complete Persepolis, The Contingent #3, Criminal Vol. 2-3 TPB, The Darkness Accursed Vol. 1 TPB, Dark Horse FCBD 2009,Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1, Detective Comics #853, Doctor Who: The Whispering Gallery, Fantastic Four #1-5, Final Crisis Secret Files, Final Crisis #6-7, Four Eyes #2-3, Fred Hembeck Destroys The Marvel Universe, Gantz Vol. 1, The Goon #31-32, Green Lantern #36-38, Green Lantern Corps #38, Guardians of The Galaxy #8-12, Incognito #1, Invincible #57, Invincible Iron Man #15, Irredeemable #1-2, JLA: Earth-2, Justice Society of America #22, Kick-Ass #5-6, Marvel Adventures: Iron Man Vol. 1-3 Digests, MPD Psycho Vol. 1, Nova #20-25, Planetary #1, Red 5 FCBD 2009, Ruins, Savage Dragon #148, Seaguy: The Slaves of Mickey Eye #1-3, Secret Invasion: War of Kings, Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 1-4 TPB, Super Friends #11, Superman / Batman #62, Superman and Batman: World's Funnest, Superman Beyond #2, Tales to Astonish #27, 35-38, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, Thor Vol. 2 HC, Vimanarama TPB, War of Kings: Darkhawk #1, Wolverine: Origin of An X-Man FCBD, X-Force #11, Zot! 1987 - 1991: The Complete Black and White Collection TPB

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