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Everything posted by S-T

  1. I had the same thought. SDvR 2006 was the best of the series in my always humble opinion, but as the game has focused more and more on presentation the gameplay suffered. The load times in 2007 were awful, 2008 was a disaster, and while 2009 was an improvement over the previous year it is still a step down from earlier games. Honestly, I started to get bored reading about creating your own interview segments and so forth. Actually doing it doesn't seem like much fun at all. Not saying that the idea doesn't have merit - a backstage attack making a champion weak for the night's title match could be a fun addition to GM mode - but a lot can be left to the imagination while leaving actual development time to work on the gameplay.
  2. S-T

    Random wrestling thoughts

    Christian should have been Jericho's partner. After Jericho's rant on Edge and Edge's face-turn in that interview, having Jericho pick Edge's storyline brother would have been awesome. It would have added spice to the inevitable Edge/Jericho feud. Plus, Jericho & Christian have history as a tag team.
  3. Yay. So let's take away the entire "fantasy" cartoon feel of the original film and make it gritty and realistic. Yay. What's interesting about the first film is that if you take away the F-Bombs, the movie would probably be PG-13 today. The film is far less violent than most PG-13 films today.
  4. S-T

    Poor Cyclops

    Cyclops doesn't have a family tree, he has a family bush.
  5. I just picked up the collection. Hawkeye was awesome, but the series itself was a big letdown after 1 and 2. We know what is going on with Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch without smacking us in the face with it and making them into inbred redneck hilljacks. There was no need to redesign Thor, the Ultrons and their motivation came out of nowhere with not nearly enough buildup, and the cliffhanger ending made no sense.
  6. G.I. Joe - Cobra Strike. Atari 2600. That was so much fun.
  7. S-T

    Random wrestling thoughts

    The storyline is entertaining, but if I were running WWE, with all the problems WWE has had with substance abuse, the last thing I would be doing is making a "straight edge" wrestler a heel because he is "straight edge". I think WWE is just asking for image problems here. The misogyny doesn't help the image, either.
  8. S-T

    Random wrestling thoughts

    CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy feud: Am I the only one who thinks it is foolish that the guy who doesn't use alcohol or drugs is the heel, and the guy who has been suspended more than once for substance abuse if the face? Especially in light of the drug issues surrounding WWE since the steroid trials of the early 1990's, the embarassment of having to strip Rob Van Dam of the WWE championship in 2006 because he was caught with marijuana, Eddie Guerrero's death (which heavily influenced the Wellness Policy) an so forth?
  9. S-T

    Random wrestling thoughts

    And yet she's still thin, especially in comparison to the average body type. It is just incredibly misogynistic to the point that it is nauseating. I'm not saying she shouldn't have been released, especially if (as mentioned earlier) she was not rehabbing her injury as she was instructed. In any employment, insubordination brings disciplinary action. But to say she is "overweight" or that she has gained a "ton" of weight is a misogynistic double standard. Will Mark Henry be required to lose weight? Or Jim Ross?
  10. S-T


    Who thought putting Hillary Clinton in a skimpy outfit was a good idea? At least they didn't use Janet Reno.
  11. Dread, if Marvel prints that story, we will all blame you for giving them the idea.
  12. S-T

    Random wrestling thoughts

    I like what they did with CM Punk and Jeff Hardy on Smackdown.
  13. It would have been better had they told it "as it was meant to be told" the first time. :laugh: IIRC, one of the things people complained about with the Clone Saga is that the Spider-Man they had been reading for the last 20 years was not the real deal. (Before they switched it back, anyway.) But that at least doesn't radically change continuity and undo one of the biggest swerves the comic industry has ever seen, that being the unmasking of Peter Parker. It doesn't undo 20 years of Spider-Man being marred by editorial fiat. With the Clona Saga, all the history was still there. "One More Day" will be remembered as one of the worst storylines in comic history.
  14. I was told they got it from "corporate." Given how things can slip through the cracks with large corporations, it wouldn't surprise me. But somehow I doubt it. Even if the store got cheated, they messed up a second time because the discs are kept in a large drawer, and the boxes on the shelf. They had to pull the disc and put it in the box, and didn't see the big "RP" on the disc. I didn't notice it until I get home. It doesn't matter. Mistakes get made. No harm done.
  15. I was prepared to spend a few hours gaming last night, after I went to the store and bought a used game yesterday. I'm going to take it back and get a refund, and I haven't even bothered playing it. The game is a "demo disc." Um, I want the full game, please. D'oh! Mistakes happen. I do want my money back though. :laugh:
  16. S-T


    Oops. Posted in the wrong thread. I can't seem to delete. Mods, feel free.
  17. S-T


    It actually makes some theological sense for Mephisto to want to destroy Spider-Man's marriage instead of taking his soul, when you take into account the statement in the book about the marriage being "made holy in the eyes of He who I hate most." Marriage on earth is a picture of Christ's union with the Church, so it could be argued that Mephisto was symbolically separating Christ from His bride. I highly doubt Marvel got deep enough into the theological doctrine behind marriage to care much though.
  18. S-T


    And the VHS tapes, and the YouTube clips, and the DVD's, and the... ah, I give up. It is magic, but how powerful is Mephisto? He could take down the Beyonder, if "One More Day" is any indication.
  19. S-T

    God of War 3

    Wasn't it $600 when it was released? That's what I was referring to. I could have been more clear. It's still lame. :laugh: I mean, the PS3 needs an "exclusive" game that will make people want that system, but it could have been done differently.
  20. S-T

    God of War 3

    I'm still irked by the ending to part II. In order to see how this ends, you have to spend $600 on a PS3 and buy the GOW 3. Lame.
  21. Indeed. You could explain that a massive cover-up is the reason no one knows the Aliens exist, and have it take place 100 years after the last one or something so it still has the feel of the original. You could also explain that everyone thought the Aliens were completely wiped out, but there is one left. There's no reason for a reboot.
  22. 1. Saw takes itself way too seriously. 2. I have no idea how you make a video game out of this movie without it being horrid. 3. I have never stabbed anyone with a rusty nail. The allegation in the first movie is false.
  23. S-T

    Random wrestling thoughts

    Kennedy's head may have gotten a little too big. He has the potential to main event Wrestlemania, but he has to work safe. Nearly injuring the top heel in WWE is a surefire ticket to unemployment. It wasn't quite as embarrassing as Jackie Gayda over-selling a shot from a puff of air a few years back, but the effect on the business is much worse. He was awesome as a heel a few years ago. Hopefully he will get his act together and be back in a few months.
  24. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/51171.html Do you agree or disagree? I agree that Goldeneye had to be #1, but The Warriors should have been on the list. Rockstar took a 26 year old movie, and introduced it to a whole new generation with an awesome game. They even expanded on the story and made the movie more enjoyable.