The minor annoyances thread


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Body, I love you and all, but how about we never ever again repeat the sequences of alternating Food Poisoning In One Hour Or Less experiences and screaming nightmares I've had since about... 2 this morning? And seriously, just let me sleep another two solid hours so I can have something resembling actual sleep so I can function today.

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My town just elected it's new mayor, in an election between a college professor who is, dare I say, over qualified and a guy without a high school degree who said: "We don't need people with college degrees." This town elected the latter.

Oy vey.

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My town just elected it's new mayor, in an election between a college professor who is, dare I say, over qualified and a guy without a high school degree who said: "We don't need people with college degrees." This town elected the latter.

Oy vey.

Its true that people need to diversify their aims when looking to get into the workforce, but that guy sounds like a tool.

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My town just elected it's new mayor, in an election between a college professor who is, dare I say, over qualified and a guy without a high school degree who said: "We don't need people with college degrees." This town elected the latter.

Oy vey.

Its true that people need to diversify their aims when looking to get into the workforce, but that guy sounds like a tool.

It really comes down to the fact that this school is filled with tools from the North Shore of Chicago (rich, spoiled brats) and the surrounding town is filled with rural and blue collar workers. The town fucking hates the college, and I can hardly blame them.

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Depends whether you think your states social and public services are worth paying for as they stand. I've been single and playing taxes for eight years and I have yet to resent it, although I'm keeping careful track of my earnings as a student because I've gotta file a self-employment tax form later in the year. I'm borderline on whether I'm going to have to pay tax on my earnings or not.

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Alabama doesn't know how to spend the money they get, so I don't think it's worth it. Tennessee is right above us and has no income tax, but their services and roads are far better than ours. Of course, Alabama also refuses to allow a Lottery or gambling.

It's the fact that I've lived here a decade, and always owe money that makes me mad.

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I have till the 3rd of May to finish my journalism project. I made the pages on publisher, and then found a couple grammatical errors after I got them printed. :doh:

Also, if anyone is willing to talk to me about the following subjects on Skype:

Horror remakes.

Studying abroad.

The state of TNA wrestling, and how Monday Night Wars 2 will not happen.

Learning the art of stand up comedy.

The art of writing.

Please PM me with your Skype info and which parts you'd be available to be interviewed about.

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Yesterday while on my lunch break at work, I go to the bathroom. Great start to the story, eh? So while I am in a stall an old man walks into the bathroom and tries to open the door to my stall. He then keeps asking if I work here. After I say nothing he leaves. Weird, but whatever, and I forgot about it.

Until today when I was at work. This old man actually filed a complaint about it. His complaint was that the guy with long hair refused to give him a price check. So I have to explain to my new district manager, who just happened to be there, why I did not in fact help this guy. Explaining that I was sitting on a toilet took much longer than it should have. I was then told to not let it happen again. I then asked if I am expected to help a customer when I am on lunch & sitting on a toliet? She FINALLY understood what happened and then apologized for what happened.

Now, why am I annoyed? When you submit a complaint; you might get a direct, personal response. This guy did not like the fact that employees are not expected to help while in the bathroom. He sent off another email, and now the regional manager wants to talk to me tomorrow.

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Man imagine the awesome things you could have said to the guy Prof.

"Dude, unless it's a price check on toilet paper, I'm not your man at the moment"

"Who, does, number, 2, work, for"

"Buddy, leave me alone otherwise I ain't washing my hands after this, and not before I give you your change either"

"JESUS CHRIST, can't a guy jerk off at work in peace anymore"

etc, etc

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Two weeks today my project is due.

I am so fucking screwed. :cry:

Dude, I know a guy who left his journalism interview article too late and fictionalised the whole thing, he had to leave the contact details blank, he's almost for sure not getting a grade for it. You can't be less on top of things than he was. For starters you're at least aware that you need to do the work.

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