The minor annoyances thread


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Long train journey home, I put my bag in the chair next to me as I talk to a friend on the other side. Several woman get on and take up all the seats at the other side. Two stations later another woman gets on, and I move my bag to let her sit in the seat. The woman who was already sitting shouts very loudly that I should have the courtesy to move my bag for her.

What a fucking cow. Had this woman asked me to move my bag, I would have, and I did move it. Even though she didn't say "Could you move your bag?" she just stood there, it wasn't even her, it was the woman who was sitting down already who bothers me for saying "They should move their stuff"

Also, she loudly revealed the end of a film for the whole carriage.

What annoys me, is if you want a seat and someone has a bag on it, you just ask them to move it, then they do and everything is fine. You do not have a loud rant about it to someone else when the person is still there.

Public transport is shit.

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Found a lead for a great job at Global TV Winnipeg, my former instructor (who still some clout in this city in the industry) personally reccomended me to the new director at Global. We've been exchanging emails but he has told me it may take a while to get the hiring process going as the station is doing a TON of prepwork for the upcoming province-wide mayoral/municipal elections.

I've been unemployed for over a month now. Each day is a big deal to me now.

Also, need to get off my ass and figure out who to vote for for mayor.

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So, stupidity reveals that you shouldn't turn your headphones up to max to hear on an airplane, otherwise they end up blowing out later. And you'll have to buy new ones...

...I do that every other day. My earphones have never blown out.

My Macbook doesn't like wiggling headphones sometimes, and chooses to use the speakers instead. Do you have this problem? The only pair that this doesn't happen with is my original iPod earbuds.

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I hate layaway. I get the fact that it is getting people in the store in record numbers. I believe we are already at 85% of what we did the entirety of last year and we still have 2+ months to go. However, we are quickly running out of room to put everything. This is about to get ugly real fast and I will be the one in charge of fixing it. Gah. We should charge more than $5.

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On a related note, university tech guys are surly and pedantic.

Yes! Last week one of the IT guys came into my lab to look at something, and he fixed it pretty quickly. So I thanked him. To that, he rolled his eyes and said, "You're lucky it was an easy fix!" And without another word he stormed out.

Had this been the first time he treated me and my staff this poorly, I might have blown it off, but every single time he's in here he acts like we're bothering him.

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On a related note, university tech guys are surly and pedantic.

Yes! Last week one of the IT guys came into my lab to look at something, and he fixed it pretty quickly. So I thanked him. To that, he rolled his eyes and said, "You're lucky it was an easy fix!" And without another word he stormed out.

Had this been the first time he treated me and my staff this poorly, I might have blown it off, but every single time he's in here he acts like we're bothering him.

Not trying to justify his rudeness, but it is annoying to be called in for things we think are easy.IT Guys can be ass holes sometimes. What was he doing?

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If his job is that he's an IT guy and most things aren't "easy" to him, then he sucks at his job.

Being inconvenienced by the request to do what you're paid for isn't an excuse.

Well there's "go get new batteries stupid", or "Main Server crashed, need to reinstall server 2003". Both are easy, but the second took alot more time (In my case at least).

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So, I've been between cars for about 8 years so I usually have to walk everywhere. I like it except for days like today where I get stuck in a torrential downpour with no coat since it was warm and only starting when I left. So, now I have work for five hours in my partially wet back-up clothes, my boxers are pretty well soaked, and did I forget to mention I apparently was out during a tornado warning?

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To the guy on the 8:07 train to Central, who got on in front of me and decided to stand at the door, not allowing me to get on the train, and the dickheads who when I tried to get past to take a space in the middle of the train, standing, which you all left empty, and almost ripped my fucking arm off from the shoulder.

Go fuck yourselves.

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