The minor annoyances thread


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Pretty much building up over the past few weeks, and I feel like pretty soon, I'll have to make a "Suavestar's big sixth month fucking vent" just before Christmas, as this shit just keeps going.


Last week, my classes were cancelled due to the snow, and the fact that no trains were travelling to the area (To give you an idea, I study in Ayr, but live in Glasgow, which is an hours train journey each way) so, even if classes were on, I couldn't make it. Two out of three of my lecturers e-mailed to say "Classes cancelled/postponed due to weather" one didn't, so I e-mailed him to ask, and also send in a proposal I had done. No response.

I'd missed the classes the week before due to being ill, so I would miss two weeks of classes at this point, term wise.

The snow mostly cleared for travel at the weekend, and now more fucking snows came in and caused the trains to be all fucked again. One lecturer who's class I have tomorrow say that her class was cancelled, she's the head of the course, so I also asked if my other class that day was still on. As the weather was still pretty bad. She said e-mail that lecturer and ask. The same lecturer who didn't respond to my last e-mail.

I e-mailed him, and no bloody response. The weather looks to be shit to travel by train tomorrow, which means I'll miss the class, which means I miss another week of class.

Fucking hell, I just want to know what's going on, and if possible, take five minutes to send a mass e-mail saying class is on or cancelled or fucking something. Seeing as the other campuses have said whether they are open or not. And it is a fucking cunt to travel an hour each way just to be told class is cancelled or to be stuck in fucking Ayr.

Sorry for the long rant.

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No, I'm not going to price match a Black Friday Ad on December 9th. Yes, my mother and father were not acquainted when I was conceived. Yes, I am a fucking homo. Thanks, clearly meth-ed out old lady. You seem to have something on your only tooth.

Right there with you. Last year I got that treatment for not price-matching ebay. Now, my store doesn't price-match at all, but ebay? I forget which, but it was for a used game system for $50.

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I've had a fun day:

Went to get my train, missed it by thirty seconds, and had to wait at the station for half an hour for the next one. Go to the platform for the next train, and it isn't there, and an announcement comes on, at the time the train was supposed to leave saying the train was cancelled. But the next train, which is half an hour later, was already in the station.

Then I get in and found out I horribly failed my radio production module. Then, my train home got cancelled, leaving me stranded in another station for forty minutes waiting for a train that would take me over an hour to get home, as due to a track failure, the train had to stop at every station it passed.

I just can't wait for this day to just end.

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I punctured my bike tyre again today. I ran over a little metal spike that got lodged inside and let all the air out. So I walked all the way back to my house, got changed, and drove to work. I wouldn’t even bring it up if it was a one time thing, but this is the fourth time I’ve had to deal with a tyre puncture in the past couple of months (on two different bikes) and I’ve had to change one of my car’s tyres too, because it had a giant screw lodged in it.

I’m tired of changing tyres all the freakin time.

And on an entirely different note, I still have no idea what to do with my life. I feel like I’ve been stuck in a rut my entire adult life. I just don’t know what to do with myself. I’m tired of being around people who seem genuinely interested in the work they’re doing and not being able to match their enthusiasm. There are goals that I want to achieve that I’m actively working towards. I’m working out like crazy, drawing all the time, meeting new friends and trying new things. But I want to set my sights on something bigger. I’d like to go back to school at some point, but I still have no idea what I want to do.

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Dear older people returning to college,

I admire what you're doing. It's not easy to readjust to school after taking the time to get a job. That said, please take the time to learn to use a computer. It's easy and it'll save you lots of time in the long run. My 70-ish grandma knows how to use one and even made a joke about "haz-ing a cheezeburger" when I was home for Thanksgiving. Also, if you're going to refuse to learn, please don't waste 15 minutes of my time trying to place an order over the phone and making me describe every item because you also don't want to drive to the store. It's annoying, especially when you make me repeat myself 6 times because you grandchildren won't shut up.

Love, Luck, and Lollypops,


PS: Don't make me ring up every item then ask me to take an item off so you can see what it would cost then. Just don't.

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Dear older people returning to college,

I admire what you're doing. It's not easy to readjust to school after taking the time to get a job. That said, please take the time to learn to use a computer. It's easy and it'll save you lots of time in the long run.

I deal with this every damn day!

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I had a woman return three Wiis, because she bought three more last night because there was a gift card offer. ...And she is going to return those three because there is a better offer in Minnesota. And since they have internal memory, and have left the store, all six Wiis have to be destroyed. And she had the fucking nerve to bitch about the gift card difference, despite the fact that it's due to a state law.

She asked "How long has this been going on?"

My reply?: "I dunno, how long has Minnesota been a state, probably since then."

And she says that she "Called the channel four news, to tell them about the price difference."

I replied: "Well, they have nothing to do with the state law, perhaps you could try your state senator. Since, you know, democracy."

...Oh, and two of them were the special edition 25th anniversary red ones. I was moments from killing this shrew.

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Here's a one-star review of the DVD Doctor Who: The Beginning, which collects "An Unearthy Child," "The Daleks," and "The Edge of Destruction."

This is not your modern Doctor Who

By J. Vasen (Montgomery IL)

As a 5 star fan of the 21st century version of Doctor Who, I found this entire package a waste of time. To me Doctor Who is intended to be witty and energetic, and brilliant.

The Doctor Who portrayed in this package is the total opposite. No one in this cast is witty. The plots are boring and the Doctor is annoying. I think he was meant to be. The crew survives in spite of themselves in these three stories and certainly not because of anything the Doctor does.

Even the 1950's series Superman has better plots even though each story here takes several episodes.

Not remembering a lot about the episodes I watched as a teen, I was disappointed by this package. I was pleased to see in another package that the third Doctor is starting to be more like the modern one, and even the first Doctor as shown in the story The Three Doctors is an improved character.

I was happy to see the historical feature on the DVD set. And some of the comedy skits are entertaining.


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