The Blackest Night


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I like Sinestro when he's, y'know, actually being Sinister. All this "well, he's a murderous dictator, but he's really not all that bad" crap is really annoying me.

On the plus side, in the latest GLC issue, I really liked Guy being shown as a great leader. And apparently he's a Star Trek fan? W00T!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, then. This is basically the entire issue:

-Hal says he's afraid of one thing: getting close to people, because everyone will eventually die.

-Sinestro goes mad with power, saying such things as "I am bonded with the light of life itself. I am SINESTRO--SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE!" Everyone else rolls their eyes.

-Sinestro and Nekron do battle. Sinestro "kills" Nekron, but Nekron re-forms himself, revealing that he is not a singular entity, and therefore cannot be destroyed.

-Hal notes that Sinestro is fueling his White power (that sounds weird...) with his ego, rather than his will to survive, and is therefore losing control of the Trespasser (White) entity.

-Larfleeze gets annoyed at Luthor's mad greed-rantings, and knocks him out.

-Black Lantern J'onn shows up

-The Green/Yellow/Red/Indigo/Violet/Blue Lantern Corps, the JLA, the Teen Titans, etc., show up.

-All the lanterns fire at Nekron. It doesn't work.

-Deadman shows up and says that he's figured out that Black Hand is the tether keeping Nekron in this plane of existence. If they can revive Black Hand somehow, Nekron will go back to the realm of the unliving.

-Nekron literally tears Sinestro away from Trespasser (thereby making Sinestro revert back to being a regular old non-deity Korugarian), whilst giving a speech about the power of death.

-Hal gives a speech about how the power of life is stronger than death. "I may have some kind of morbid connection to Nekron, but I have a stronger connection to life." He also says that the people who had returned from death may have done so because Nekron opened the doorway, but they were still the ones who made the choice to return. "We ALL chose life when given the chance."

-Hal flies into Trespasser, and causes the superheroes who had died and come back (Superman, Wonder Woman, Barry, Bart, Superboy, Donna Troy, Green Arrow, Ice, and Hal himself) to convert into White Lanterns. "If anyone's a part of a White Lantern Corps, it's us!"

-The White Lanterns command the Trespasser entity to revive Black Hand. "William Hand of Earth. LIVE." The White Lanterns' uniforms and powers immediately fade thereafter.

-William Hand is now alive again. He vomits up a white lantern ring that flies through Nekron and the Black Power Battery causing the Black Battery to explode and reviving the Anti-Monitor. (Also presumably deactivating the Black Lanterns?)

-Nekron sends the now-freed Anti-Monitor back to the Antimatter Universe before he can do anything stupid. (thank you, Nekron.)

-Hand vomits up twelve more rings, which and resurrect twelve dead individuals (but don't turn them into White Lanterns):

-Maxwell Lord - Who uses his mental powers to escape

-Osiris - Who almost no one recognizes

-Professor Zoom

-Hawk (Hank Hall)

-Jade - Who ecstatically kisses Kyle, much to the awkward surprise of Kyle and Soranik.

-Captain Boomerang

-Ronnie Raymond

-J'onn J'onzz - Who has a snazzy new outfit


-Hawkgirl - Who has been resurrected as Shiera, not Kendra, and has all her memories of her past lives

-Deadman - Who is actually rather confused and unsatisfied with the fact that he's not a ghost anymore

-Mera's love for Arthur overrides her Red Lantern ring, causing her heart to stop beating. Carol uses Arthur's love for Mera to get her heart beating again, while Saint Walker purifies her blood. She's alive again. Yay.

-Barry and Hal notice that Ralph and Sue Dibny are still dead. Barry wonders why.

-The Indigo Tribe takes Black Hand back to their planet, where they're apparently holding him against his will and forcibly brainwashing him into becoming an Indigo Lantern.

-The next day, Barry and Hal talk about the nature of life and death. Hal says that without Nekron pulling the strings, "dead is dead from here on out." Also (for various reasons), they figure that Tim Drake was right, and that Bruce Wayne is still alive out there somewhere. Barry is still wondering why some people came back, but not others.

-Unbeknownst to the heroes, somewhere in the U.S. lies a single white lantern battery, smoldering in a crater like a fallen meteor.

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That does sound fucking awesome, and with everything else I am hearing about the GL issues, Johns is pretty much setting up another two years worth of storylines.

Not really Blackest Night related, but they better explain how the fuck Tim knows about Bruce being alive and have a proper explanation, and not any "I had a hunch" shite.

Still, this does sound awesome, and I can't wait for the HC in the summer.

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I'm not happy with the resurrection choices, Digger and Zoom seem like a cheap way for Johns to have Barry's Rogues in Barry's book, Jade and Max Lord were better dead, where in the fuck are Vic Sage and Ted Kord, etc. I'm not happy with Hal still being the one to save the day, even though it looked like it would be Sinestro. What happens when Hand dies like all people eventually do? Some basic things that irk me, but it's a fine ending.

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Technically, Hal wasn't the one to save the day. He was the one who saved the other not-exactly-dead hero Black Lanterns, but it was a team effort. Besides, having Sinestro somehow harness the power of all that is good and holy makes zero sense.

I think some of the resurrection choices are weird, but I'm thinking that they'll explain that in Brightest Day.

Overall, Blackest Night was pretty great primarily as a super-intense horrific thrillride, with some really great revelations about the nature of life and death in the DCU.

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Blackest Night and Green Lantern during the event were my first bits of prolonged exposure to GL in comic continuity, and I for one am glad it was. True, I've been told I should have read Rebirth and the Sinestro Corps Wars first but I did not and while I'm sure I will someday I thoroughly enjoyed the series and understood most everything thrown at me. Although I'm sad to see the Blackest Night end it was a wonderful story and real makes up for the head-scratcher that was Final Crisis. I'm sure we can expect great things from Brightest Day, even though I personally have to wait for the Trades of that series. Damn, lack of money. <_<

All in all, I'd say hardy thank you is in order to Johns and to Reis for such fun in the last year.


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