The Blackest Night


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Is that Parallax

Yes. He's meant to come back in issue 50. I'm wondering if that's the Anti-Monitor in the background.

I'm thinking Spectre personally.

Either that, or Nekron, though the anti-monitor would kick ass.

I've now read all the crises and I still don't think the Moniter is a good villain. He's just so bland in terms of his character. He's a name because of what he is, not who he is.

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Is that Parallax

Yes. He's meant to come back in issue 50. I'm wondering if that's the Anti-Monitor in the background.

I'm thinking Spectre personally.

Either that, or Nekron, though the anti-monitor would kick ass.

I've now read all the crises and I still don't think the Moniter is a good villain. He's just so bland in terms of his character. He's a name because of what he is, not who he is.

But, he was awesome in Sinestro Corps war. Anyway, I like the idea he is a big psychotic killer who just does it, because it is who he is. But if it's the Spectre, that would explain why Hal is Parralx again.

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Is that Parallax

Yes. He's meant to come back in issue 50. I'm wondering if that's the Anti-Monitor in the background.

I'm thinking Spectre personally.

Either that, or Nekron, though the anti-monitor would kick ass.

I've now read all the crises and I still don't think the Moniter is a good villain. He's just so bland in terms of his character. He's a name because of what he is, not who he is.

But, he was awesome in Sinestro Corps war. Anyway, I like the idea he is a big psychotic killer who just does it, because it is who he is. But if it's the Spectre, that would explain why Hal is Parralx again.

Was he awesome in that? I just read it and thought, why is he wearing the outfit of his minion. Sinestro, Prime and Cyborg-Superman were heavily featured, but the Anti-moniter was just wallpaper in the background. i just don't get the appeal. Compare him to Luthor, Joker, Darkseid or Deathstroke and he seems bland. Then again, I think Ras Al Ghul is severely overrated, so maybe its just personal taste.

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Is that Parallax

Yes. He's meant to come back in issue 50. I'm wondering if that's the Anti-Monitor in the background.

I'm thinking Spectre personally.

Either that, or Nekron, though the anti-monitor would kick ass.

I've now read all the crises and I still don't think the Moniter is a good villain. He's just so bland in terms of his character. He's a name because of what he is, not who he is.

But, he was awesome in Sinestro Corps war. Anyway, I like the idea he is a big psychotic killer who just does it, because it is who he is. But if it's the Spectre, that would explain why Hal is Parralx again.

Was he awesome in that? I just read it and thought, why is he wearing the outfit of his minion. Sinestro, Prime and Cyborg-Superman were heavily featured, but the Anti-moniter was just wallpaper in the background. i just don't get the appeal. Compare him to Luthor, Joker, Darkseid or Deathstroke and he seems bland. Then again, I think Ras Al Ghul is severely overrated, so maybe its just personal taste.

It may have just been the idea of Sinestro getting AM for his group. Which makes me wonder, why if he was the leader was it called the Sinestro Corps and not the Anti-Monitor corps? I agree Darkseid is more awesome as a real villian, but it's nice to have the Anti-Monitor show up every twenty years to try and destroy the world. But I still stand by an Anti-Monitor black lantern.

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Kind of have to be an old school GA fan to like either I suppose. I am an old school fan who doesn't like the new stuff and I like 'em just fine.

I get the second one is sort of a reference to the Denny O'Neil/Neal Adams stuff. I just don't think they look like that good, and won't get me to pick the issue up from the shelf. But that's just me.

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Green Arrow #30 cover and variant:


I don't really care for either.

I completely loved the first one at first, but then I paid closer attention and started to realize why people might not like it. For both covers, a couple things pop off too much and though they have a certain two styles and ideas to get people to take these books off a shelf, but those styles and ideas aren't actually working here.

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Well, I picked up issue 50 of Green Lantern, expecting something special and unexpected to happen, well, I was disappointed.

We find out the Spectre is afraid of Parallax, so Hal gathers all four green lantern rings from Guy, John, Kyle and himself, and gets taken over by the spectre again. Also, it was the spectre on the cover I posted a few days ago.

Fast read, and didn't feel like $3.99 worth of comic to me, it was alright, but it just felt like a regular comic.

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Is it a great cover? Definitely. Am I excited that

once again the Anti-Monitor is going to be branded with somebody's ring instead of fucking shit up on his own? That the place he's appearing, not to slam the book by any means, makes him look like an afterthought

? Not really.

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I think that GLC has been the most consistent DC book of the past two years and I'll fight anyone who disagrees. If it brings the book prominence then so be it.

Anti-Monitor's a pussy anyway.

Des, don't click this.

I agree.

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